Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 18:04 (GMT+3)


2005.05.02, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN


Financial year 2005, 3 months

1. Preface

AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat is the largest meat processing company in
the Baltics. As of 31 March 2005 Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group had
1,191 employees (1,248 employees as of 31 March 2004).
The parent company is located and registered in Estonia, County of
Lääne-Virumaa, Sõmeru , Roodevälja Village.

The Group companies as at 31 March 2005:
Country Participation Participation
of location 31.03.05 31.12.04
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
(the parent company) Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 99,05% 98.75%
AS Ekseko’s subsidiaries:
OÜ Kurika Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 93.82% 93,82%
AS Rigas Miesnieks subsidiaries:
AS Tallat Latvia 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos maisto mesos produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos maisto mesos produktai subsidiary:
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai subsidiaries:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Prekyba Lithuania 100% 100%

2. The overall economic environment and its effect on the company

The beginning of 2005 did not mark any significant changes for the
company since the last year. Compared to the same period a year ago,
company’s turnover increased 19.5%. The growth in turnover was mainly
based on the growth of retail volumes due to an increase in private
consumption seen in all of the Baltic States, but especially in

The costs of the company’s raw materials, pork and beef, were
significantly higher than those for the same period last year. While
the price rise for pork was moderate, the average price of beef is
nearly twice as high as in the comparable period. There were two main
reasons for the costlier beef. Firstly, the state subsidies are paid
seasonally in the first quarter to beef farmers, which temporarily
complicated cattle supply and raised the purchase costs. Secondly,
while the consumption of beef has grown, production volumes have
remained on the previous level in Estonia, which in turn increases
competition in purchasing livestock. The European Union generally is
able to produce about 85% of the beef consumed. The same trend is
also developing in the Baltic States, where local production is not
able to cover consumption. The increased cost of raw material also
has an important input in the growth of the company’s turnover. At
higher pork prices, the role of Ekseko within the Rakvere Group in
forming turnover and profits will grow.

The accelerating consolidation of retail chains across the Baltics
affects greatly the company’s activities. The share of commercial
chains in the company’s turnover is constantly on the rise, and the
demands of commerce are also growing rapidly. In addition to the
monetary of sales promotions and discounts, there is also increasing
demand for reliability and flexibility of company’s operations.

In the first quarter, cooperation between the Rakvere Group companies
and AS Tallegg continued. In Latvia and Lithuania Tallegg’s products
are currently being sold by the Rakvere Group’s companies. In the
interests of higher manufacturing efficiency, the production of some
goods and groups of goods has been consolidated into one company. In
Estonia, Tallegg’s management has been consolidated with the
management of Rakvere Lihakombinaat and Ekseko. The companies’
merchandise and raw material logistics are in the process of being

3. Sales and profit

The net sales of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group in the first 3 months of
2005 totaled in 325,8 million kroons or 20 821 th. euros (272,7
million kroons or 17 428 th. euros in 2004). The sales volume was
11 th. tons (including by-products) in the Baltic States. This
constitutes a 10,1 % volume increase compared to last year. The net
profit of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group was 17,1 million kroons or
1 096 th. euros (in 2004 14,1 million kroons or 902 th. euros).

Main financial indicators of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group, millions
of kroons (th. euros)

3months 2005 3months 2004 12months 2004

Net sales 325,8 (20 821) 272,7 (17 428) 1 267,3 (80 995)
Operating expenses 307,9 (19 676) 256,8 (16 411) 1 164,0 (74 394)
Operating profit 17,9 (1 145) 15,9 (1 017) 103,3 (6 601)
Net profit 17,1 (1 096) 14,1 (902) 97,2 (6 211)

Investments 36,4 (2 325) 38,5 (2 459) 140,5 (8 979)

4. Prospects for the future

According to company’s management estimate, the consumption of meat
products will continue growing, concentrating mainly in bigger retail
chains. Growth of consumption will give the company a good
opportunity to grow its production volumes and turnover. The
approaching grilling season, the success of which depends above all
on weather conditions, has an important role to play in shaping the
year’s economic results.

The cost of raw material is projected to remain at a slightly higher
level than last year. Considering the growing influence of retail
sector, the price of meat products will rise slowly. In such a
situation, the company’s turnover will likely grow faster than the
company’s profitability. Despite the rising costs of raw materials
and the constant increase of competition, the growth of sales based
on private consumption gives the company a possibility to develop
business as planned. According to company’s management estimate
integrated preliminary production and processing, along with constant
effort to boost company’s internal efficiency will ensure the success
of the Rakvere Group in subsequent periods as well.

in Thousands of kroons in Thousands of euros
ASSETS 31.3.2005 31.12.2004 31.3.2005 31.12.2004

Current assets
Cash and bank 48 953 29 280 3 129 1 871
Trade receivables 107 303 121 028 6 858 7 735
Tax receivables 6 753 5 252 432 336
Other short-term receivables 43 889 37 423 2 805 2 392
Inventories 119 970 120 158 7 667 7 680
Biological assets 86 359 83 654 5 519 5 346
Total current assets 413 227 396 795 26 410 25 360

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables 34 689 35 272 2 217 2 254
Tangible fixed assets 513 020 492 859 32 788 31 499
Intangible assets 3 789 3 893 242 249
Total non-current assets 551 498 532 024 35 247 34 002

TOTAL ASSETS: 964 725 928 819 61 657 59 362


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 69 235 61 295 4 425 3 917
Supplier payables 87 689 92 554 5 604 5 915
Tax payables 14 852 14 487 949 926
Other current liabilities 79 688 63 623 5 093 4 066
Total current liabilities 251 464 231 959 16 071 14 824

Non-current liabilities
Deffered tax 630 628 40 40
Non-curent loans and
lease payable 103 516 103 704 6 616 6 628
Pension liabilities 775 773 50 49
Total non-current
liabilities 104 921 105 105 6 706 6 717
Total liabilities 356 385 337 064 22 777 21 541

Equity attributable the Company's equity holders
Share capital 377 217 377 217 24 109 24 109
Mandatory legal reserve 11 726 11 726 749 749
Retained earnings 217 610 200 462 13 908 12 812
Unrealised translation
differences -976 -1 008 -62 -64
Total equity attributable the
Company's equity holders 605 577 588 397 38 704 37 606
Minority interest 2 763 3 358 176 215
Total equity 608 340 591 755 38 880 37 821

AND EQUITY: 964 725 928 819 61 657 59 362

in Thousands of kroons in Thousands of euros
Revenue 3 months 05 3 months 04 3 months 05 3 months 04

Net sales 325 785 272 695 20 821 17 428
Other revenue 1 333 1 842 85 118
Total revenue 327 118 274 537 20 906 17 546

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods 1 922 6 943 123 444
Change in fair value of
biological assets 2 705 8 205 173 524
Materials, consumables
and supplies -223 994 -182 838 -14 315 -11 685
Other operating expenses -38 520 -38 562 -2 462 -2 465
Personnel expenses -34 722 -37 924 -2 219 -2 424
Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -15 357 -13 644 -982 -872
Other expenses -1 240 -799 -79 -51

Operating profit 17 912 15 918 1 145 1 017

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange gain/loss 128 31 8 2
Interest and other
financial income 968 528 62 33
Interest and other
financial expenses -1 929 -2 428 -123 -155
Total financial
income/expenses -833 -1 869 -53 -120

Net profit for the period 17 079 14 049 1 092 897
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the
Company 17 148 14 126 1 096 903
Minority interest -69 -77 -4 -6
Net profit 17 079 14 049 1 092 897

Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders
of Company: eek per share eur per share
0,45 0,37 0,029 0,024

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