Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 05:09 (GMT+2)
in EEK
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance
1.1. Gross premiums written 61,049,330 64,030,926
1.2. Outward reinsurance premiums 8,024,817 5,467,587
1.3. Change in the gross provision for unearned premiums -979,277 -1,108,733
1.4. Reinsurer’s share in change in the gross provision for unearned -16,673 -615,848
1 Total 52,028,563 56,838,758
2.Other technical income, net of reinsurance
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance
3.1. Total claims 34,117,706 28,630,616
incl. 3.1.1. Claims paid 35,373,387 27,597,429
3.1.2. Claims handling expenses 3,947,155 2,929,368
3.1.3. Amounts received from subrogation and sales of salvaged asset -5,202,836 -1,896,181
3.2. Reinsurer’s share in total claims 5,724,647 2,036,002
3.3. Change in the provision for claims -15,901,065 -13,649,924
3.4. Reinsurer’s share in change in the provision for claims 15,399,813 5,178,382
3. Total 28,894,311 35,066,156
Change in other technical provisions, net of reinsurance
4.1. Gross amount
4.2. Reinsurer's share
4. Total
5. Bonuses, net of reinsurance
Net operating expenses
6.1. Acquisition costs 15,503,557 17,302,373
6.2. Change in deferred acquisitions costs 546,146 -1,076,832
6.3. Adminstrative expenses 8,935,600 9,012,335
6.4. Reinsurance communication and profit participation 1,964,245 1,216,474
6.5. Change in deferred reinsurance communications -237,638 12,848
6. Total 22,166,404 26,162,218
7. Other technical changes, net of reinsurance 3,011,096 2,968,323
8. Change in balancing provisions
9. RESULT OF TECHNICAL ACCOUNT -2,043,248 -7,357,939
1. Technical result -2,043,248 -7,357,939
Investment income
2.1. Income from subsidiaries and affiliates
2.2. Income from land and buildings
2.3. Income from other investments 1,748,046 2,187,712
2.4. Value adjustments 3,769,878
2.5. Gains on the realization of investments
2. Total 5,517,924 2,187,712
Investment expenses
3.1. Investment expenses 52,915 78,798
3.2. Expenses related to subsdiaries and associated companies
3.3. Value adjustments 3,520,000
3.4. Losses on the realization of investments 684,052 917,108
3. Total 4,256,967 995,906
4. Other revenue 458,127 2,217,279
5. Other expenses 993,862 2,477,980
6. Extraordinary income
7. Extraordinary expenses
8. Income tax 501,835 767,365
9. Net profit/loss for the financial year -1,819,861 -7,194,199
Alexander Zaporozhtsev
ASA Kindlustus AS
Head of Financial Department
Tel. + 372 2 42 52 98