Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 06:25 (GMT+2)
AS Pennu Computer Technology Group (PCTG) transferred its computer
production facilities from Keila's factory to the location of AS PCT
Arvutid. In addition to sale of computers, AS PCT Arvutid will now also
be engaged in production of computers. The number of workers in Keila
factory was reduced from nine to two. Two employees will continue to work
in AS PCT Arvutid as production specialists, and also a few of the current
employees of AS PCT Arvutid will be engaged in production of computers.
Transfer of production facilities and reduction of number of employees
will help AS PCTG to reduce the expenditures on salaries, rent and
logistics. Newly-structured AS PCTG can produce 500 computers per
month, which is in compliance with the current market demand.
Production of computers is currently one of the principle areas of business
of AS PCTG. However, as the company was recently restructured into
internet-based information technology company, the importance of computer
production is declining.
Arho Anttila
Chairman of the Management Board
Tel: +372 60 53 760