Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 07:51 (GMT+2)
01.01.99 - 30.09.1999
Unconsolidated, unaudited
In thousand EEK 01.01.-30.09.99 01.01.-30.09.98
Interest income 185,582 163,138
Interest expense 110,809 62,833
Net interest income 74,773 100,305
Provisions for loan losses 16,659 17,801
Recovered loans 1,025 117
Net interest income after provisions 59,139 82,621
Other operating income
Fees and commissions income 39,360 41,704
Income from foreign exchange operations 25,433 24,381
Income from financial operations 3,233 -53,308
Income from financial investments 18,808 -37,322
Other income 1,973 1,016
Total other operating income 88,806 -23,529
Total income 147,944 59,092
Other operating expenses
Fees and commissions expense 10,322 9,515
Personnel expenses 46,379 40,346
Other administrative expenses 48,652 56,339
Other operating expenses 4,516 4,898
Assets revaluation 24 39,264
Total operating expenses 109,893 150,361
Operating profit 38,052 -91,270
Depreciation 27,751 9,792
Profit before taxes 10,300 -101,061
Income tax 0 0
Net Profit/Loss 10,300 -101,061
Piret Villman
Head of Budget and Planning Dept
+372 63 02 103