Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 20:04 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Financial results of Hansa Capital group 09/99

1999.10.21, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights

9 m 1999 1998 9 m 1998
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 7,353.20 6,754.40 7,126.50
Financial investments 6,352.90 6,034.60 5,846.70
Leasing 5,469.90 5,350.20 5,235.00
Factoring 395.4 279.8 240.4
Loans 397 341.4 294.3
Assignement 69.5 32.3 43.2
Consumer factoring 21 30.8 33.7
Provisions -270.1 -185.6 -44.1
Debt capital 6,410.00 6,165.10 6,356.00
Equity 345.7 177.1 196.3
For the period (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 311.5 337.1 218.6
Net commission income 53.9 44.5 32.6
Other operating income (net) 30.7 15 17
Net financial income -7.1 44 22.2
Total operating income 389 440.5 290.4
Net profit 162.7 152.1 164,5
NIM 5,9% 5.80% 5.60%
ROA 3.10% 2.70% 4.20%
Interest yield on average assets 11,7% 12.10% 11.60%
Average cost of interest-bearing liabilities 6.50% 7.10% 6.80%
Number or employees 306 247 229

During the first nine months of 1999, Hansa Capital Group's total
assets increased by 8.9%, i.e. by EEK 598.8 million, to EEK 7,353.2
million as at the end of September. Group’s net income for the first
nine months amounted to EEK 162.7 million.

Group’s net income decreased by EEK 1.8 million compared with a net
income of EEK 164.5 for the same period last year. The decrease is
primarily due to significantly increased provisions and write-offs,
reflecting a downturn in the transport sector. Provisions charged to
income amounted to EEK 72.7 million in the first nine months of 1999
(compared with EEK 23.2 million for the same period last year). The
actual write-offs constituted EEK 47.5 million or 1.0% (annualised) of
average financial investments (in 1998 write-offs were 23.9 million or
0.5% of average financial investments).
Group’s leasing overdue portfolio share in total leasing portfolio has
decreased from 18.5% as at the end of June to 17.6% as at the end of
September. At the same time more than 30 days overdue portfolio share
in total leasing portfolio has decreased from 7.1% to 6.9%.
The Group's total operating revenue in the first nine months of 1999
was EEK 389.0 million. When compared to the total income for the same
period last year, the Group's income has increased by EEK 98.6
million, i.e. 34.0%. The composition of total income was the
following: 80.0% net interest income, 13.9% net fees and commissions,
–1.8% net financial income, and 7.9% net other operating income.
Net interest income for the first nine months totaled EEK 311.5
million, which exceeds the last year’s comparable result by 42.5%.
When compared to last year’s 9-month period, interest income has risen
by 37.1% and interest expenses by 32.0%.
Due to involving relatively low-cost funding, the average cost of
interest-bearing liabilities decreased from 7.1% in whole 1998 to 6.5%
in the first nine months of 1999. On the other side, interest yield on
average assets fell from last year's 12.1% to 11.7%. As a result the
Group's net interest margin (NIM) increased to 5.9% from last year’s
level at 5.8%.
Group's return on average assets has improved to 3.1% in the first
nine months of 1999, up from 2.7% for the whole of last year.
During the first nine months of 1999, Hansa Capital Group's total
assets increased by 8.9%, i.e. in absolute terms by EEK 598.8 million,
to EEK 7,353.2 million as at the end of September. The increase in
assets primarily resulted from an increase in leasing and factoring
receivables as well as in prepayments to suppliers (which will turn
into the leasing portfolio in the near future), which was partially
offset by a decrease in the consumer factoring portfolio.
Group’s financial investments increased by EEK 318.3 million, i.e.
5.3% during the period and amounted to EEK 6,352.9 at the end of
The leasing portfolio makes up the largest share of financial
investments – 86.1%. From the beginning of the year, the leasing
portfolio has increased by EEK 119.7 million, i.e. by 2.2%. At the
same time prepayments to suppliers increased by EEK 267.3 million,
i.e. by 108.9%. New lease originations amounted to EEK 1,883.8 million
in the first nine months of 1999. The most credited sector as at the
end of September was transport (32.0%), followed by industry (14.1%),
trade (12.8%) and business services (9.6%).
The factoring portfolio increased by EEK 115.6 million, i.e. 41.3%, to
EEK 395.4 million. The loan portfolio increased by EEK 55.5 million
(16.3%). Assignment receivables more than doubled, reaching EEK 69.5
million by the end of the period. The consumer factoring portfolio
decreased by 9.8 million (31.8%), amounting to EEK 21.0 million.
The fastest growth was in the Latvian financial investments portfolio
(growth 156.9 million or 19.1%), followed by the Estonian portfolio
(growth 155.7 million or 3.8%) and Lithuanian portfolio (51.7 million
or 6.8%). The Ukrainian and Russian portfolio decreased by 26.8
million (5.6%).
The Group's interest-bearing liabilities increased by EEK 244.9 (4.0%)
during the first nine months of the year and amounted to EEK 6,410.0
million by the end of the period. Loans from financial institutions
continue to form the largest part of interest-bearing liabilities
Shareholders’ equity grew by EEK 168.6 million, or 95.2%, to EEK 345.7
million during the first nine months of 1999.

Further information:
Lauri Reinberg
Financial Analyst
Phone: +372 6131 767


Mart Toevere
Tel. +372 6131 569

Income statement
(in EEK, millions) 9 m 1999 1998 9 m 1998
Interest income 617.8 677.5 450.8
Interest expenses 306.3 340.4 232.1
Net interest income 311.5 337.1 218.6
Commission income 65.1 59.8 40.2
Commission expenses 11.2 15.4 7.6
Other operating income (net) 30.7 15 17
Net financial income -7.1 44 22.2
Total operating income 389 440.5 290.4
Staff costs 47 59.6 42.2
Other administrative expenses 33.1 33.8 18.8
Depreciation 4.8 3.5 2.2
General and administrative expenses 84.9 97 63.3
Provisions for doubtful receivables 72.7 162.7 23.2
Write-offs 47.5 23.9 -2.1
Provisions for credit losses 120.2 186.6 21.1
Operating profit 183.9 156.9 206
Net income from equity investments 5.1 2.9 1.4
Non-operating income/expenses 29.5 -1.2 -3.1
Profit before income tax 218.5 158.7 204.3
Income tax 53.9 6.7 39.8
Minority interest 1.8 -0.1 0
Net profit 162.7 152.1 164.5

Balance sheet
(in EEK, millions) 30.09.99 31.12.98 30.09.98
Bank accounts 124.9 166.5 244.4
Marketable securities 45 6.4 0
Due from customers 147.6 139 131.8
Financial investments 6,352.90 6,034.60 5,846.70
Leasing 5,469.90 5,350.20 5,235.00
Factoring 395.4 279.8 240.4
Loans 397 341.4 294.3
Assignement 69.5 32.3 43.2
Consumer factoring 21 30.8 33.7
Provisions for doubtful receivables -270.1 -185.6 -44.1
Net financial investments 6,082.80 5,849.00 5,802.50
Prepayments to suppliers 512.6 245.3 572.6
Stocks for resale 132 99.1 60.6
Long-term equity investments 55.6 49.8 52.5
Tangible noncurrent assets 92.1 72.6 105.9
Intangible assets 6.5 6.3 15.8
Accrued income and prepaid expenses 134.8 117.4 138.1
Other assets 19.3 3 2.3
TOTAL ASSETS 7,353.20 6,754.40 7,126.50

Loans 5,326.10 4,653.70 4,612.60
Bonds 636 972.7 1,148.10
Bills of exchange 447.9 538.8 595.3
Liabilities to customers and suppli 430.8 257.5 334.9
Accrued expenses and prepaid revenu 152.3 136.8 182.4
Other liabilities 2.1 0.7 0.3
Deferred tax liabilities 0.4 4.2 41.5
Negative goodwill 9.2 12 15
TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,004.80 6,576.40 6,930.10
Minority interest 2.6 0.9 0
Share capital 40 40 40
Reserves 5.8 5.6 4.8
Retained earnings 312.9 150.4 163.1
Unrealised exchange difference -13 -19 -11.6
TOTAL EQUITY 345.7 177.1 196.3
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 7,353.20 6,754.40 7,126.50

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