Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 00:42 (GMT+2)
consolidated, IAS
EEK thous.
Group Estonian Telephone Co.
6 M 99 6 M 98 6 M 99 6 M 98
Net sales 1,170,354 1,023,553 1,161,555 1,015,867
Change in work-in-progress -678 -1,672 -678 -1,672
Other revenues 7,563 10,322 7,696 10,001
Total revenues 1,177,239 1,032,203 1,168,573 1,024,196
Operating expenses
Materials, consumables, supplies and services 330,726 301,473 336,365 306,129
Other operating expenses 130,594 109,209 125,041 104,878
Personnel expenses 187,053 173,314 181,722 169,115
Other expenses 13,450 10,014 13,450 9,955
Total operating expenses 661,823 594,010 656,578 590,077
Earnings before depreciation 515,416 438,193 511,995 434,119
Depreciation and value adjustments of current assets 322,830 218,130 321,574 217,115
Operating profit 192,586 220,063 190,421 217,004
Financial income
Financial income from subsidiaries and 437 0 1,445 1,239
associated companies
Financial income from other fin. investments 0 0 0 0
Foreign exchange gain 89 105 88 94
Other financial income 1,247 1,791 1,193 1,791
Total financial income 1,773 1,896 2,726 3,124
Financial expenses
Intereste expenses 28,652 30,339 28,615 30,011
Foreign exchange loss 3,368 691 3,368 683
Other financial expenses 15,171 17,634 15,171 17,634
Total financial expenses 47,191 48,664 47,154 48,328
Profit before taxes 147,168 173,295 145,993 171,800
Income tax: expense (-) / income (+) -3,003 -3,162 -2,500 -2,493
Profit after taxes 144,165 170,133 143,493 169,307
Minority interest 672 826 0 0
Net profit 143,493 169,307 143,493 169,307