Atnaujinta: 2024.11.23 16:39 (GMT+2)
The annual general meeting of Tallinn Stock Exchange shareholders
took place on Monday, 14.06.99.
The AGM approved the activities of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and
adopted the 1998 financial reports, management report, auditor’s
report and profit distribution proposal. According to the profit
distribution proposal, net profit of EEK 1,210,354 earned in 1998
financial year shall be distributed as follows:
- To transfer 5% of net profit, or EEK 60,517, to the account of
mandatory reserves;
- To transfer EEK 902,800 of net profit, i.e. fines paid to the TSE,
to the account of TSE guarantee fund;
- To transfer the remaining portion of the net profit of 1998, i.e.
EEK 247,037, to the account of retained earnings.
The AGM approved amendments to the TSE Articles of Association. The
new version of the TSE Articles of Association will be available on
the TSE Internet homepage at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
The AGM elected Toomas Tsopp (Director of Capital Markets Division of
Eesti Ühispank) and Priit Põldoja (Director of Hansabank Markets) the
new members of the TSE Supervisory Board.
The shareholders re-appointed the current member of the Supervisory
Board Peeter Saks (Chairman of the Management Board of Talinvest
Suprema Securities) for the coming three years.
The AGM satisfied the resignation application of the current member
of the Supervisory Board Margus Schults (Vice-President of Eesti
The shareholders elected the following people to the TSE Court of
Arbitration for the coming two-year period:
Raino Paron attorney-at-law, law office Raidla & Partners
Sten Luiga attorney-at-law, law office Tark & Co
Joel Aasmäe Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann
Võteli Maran Optiva Pank
The Tallinn Stock Exchange Court of Arbitration consists of eight
members. The other four members of the Court of Arbitration,
appointed to the Supervisory Board by the Securities Inspectorate:
Urmas Peiker Securities Inspectorate
Veiko-Joel Kokk Hansa Aktivate Juhtimise AS
Taivo Kivistik Hansatee Grupp AS
Liivia Toomik Eesti Ühispank AS
The annual general meeting of shareholders appointed Urmas Kaarlep of
PriceWaterhouseCoopers to audit the company's financial statements in