Atnaujinta: 2024.11.23 14:09 (GMT+2)
Financial year: 01.07-30.06
consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK
group group group
1998/99 9 months 97/98 1997/98 9 months
Net sales 113,284 181,430 160,153
Other revenue 1,535 4,290 4,665
Total revenue 114,819 185,720 164,818
Materials, consumables, supplies and services 102,995 157,765 139,894
Other operating expenses 11,467 9,544 4,099
Personnel expenses 5,694 0 4,347
incl. salary-related expenses 4,292 5,179 3,270
social security taxes 1,402 1,689 1,076
Depreciation 1,767 0 2,584
incl. depreciation and value adjustments on 1,424 1,202 2,570
non-current assets
value adjustments on current assets 343 14 14
Other expenses 2,429 3,112 2,205
Total expenses 124,353 178,505 153,128
Gross profit -9,534 7,215 11,690
Financial income 1,947 3,005 1,373
Income from subsidiaries 0
Income from associated companies 426 866 644
Foreign exchange gain 289 100 24
Other interest and financial income 1,233 2,038 706
Financial expenses 15,696 3,998 3,539
Expenses from subsidiaries 11,299 36
Expenses from associated companies 510 32
Interest expense 2,997 3,864 3,444
Foreign exchange loss 339 61 24
Other financial expenses 551 6 72
Operating profit -23,283 6,221 9,524
Profit before income tax -23,283 6,221 9,524
Income tax 434 1,756 2,323
Deferred income tax 241
Net profit for the period -23,717 4,224 7,201
Minority interest 126 14 -7
Net profit for the group -23,844 4,211 7,208