Atnaujinta: 2024.07.01 14:01 (GMT+3)

Ühispank: Commentary on the financial results 03/99

1999.04.15, Eesti Ühispank, TLN

Comments on the financial results of Eesti Ühispank, March 1999

At the end of March 1999 the total assets of Eesti Ühispank amounted
to EEK 14.8 billion, having increased by EEK 1.3 billion, i.e. 9.4%
from the beginning of the year. The first quarter profit of the Bank
was EEK 20 million, including the EEK 9.9 million earned in March.

The balance sheet increase during the first quarter is due to the
approximately one billion kroon, i.e. 13.6% growth in client
deposits. In March the client deposits grew by EEK 97 million or
1.2%. The biggest increase was in private corporate deposits, which
grew by EEK 225 million, i.e. by 11.4% in March. On the other hand,
the central government deposits declined most, by EEK 74 million or
4.3%. Since the beginning of the year total corporate deposits have
grown by EEK 199 million, i.e. by 5.7%, and the deposits of private
individuals by EEK 71 million or 3.8%. The ongoing deposit growth and
the substantially fallen price of funding indicate that the Estonian
economy is reviving.

Changes in the Bank's other liabilities are related to the
refinancing of current funds. As in March Eesti Ühispank had to
repay EEK 360 million, the syndication organised by Fuji Bank, the
funds of credit institutions decreased. The funds generated in March
by the 50-million Euro bond issue of Eesti Ühispank were mainly
deposited as term deposits in other banks. In consequence Eesti
Ühispank's liquidity has grown significantly, proven also by the 75%
growth in the amount of money and deposits during the first quarter
of 1999. At the same time the loan portfolio remained practically
unchanged. Therefore the share of net loan portfolio in total assets
has fallen below 50 %.

In March the profit Eesti Ühispank amounted to EEK 9.9 million; the
profit for the whole accounting period reached the total of EEK 20
million (EEK 81.3 million during the first quarter of 1998).

The Bank's income structure was the following:
66.5% net interest income;
16.7% net commissions and fees;
12.7% financial income;
4.1% other income.

At the end of March Eesti Ühispank had the capital adequacy ratio of

Ülo Suurkask
Vice President
Phone: (372) 6 656 350

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