Atnaujinta: 2024.07.01 10:00 (GMT+3)

Rakvere LK: Consolidated balance sheet 12/98

1999.03.31, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Consolidated, unaudited
in EEK Group Group Parent Parent
12/31/98 12/31/97 12/31/98 12/31/97

Current assets
Cash and bank 10,184,710 7,090,006 1,670,022 667,883
Accounts receivable
Customer receivables 70,548,056 65,360,338 51,241,475 48,686,223
Allowance for doubtful accounts (less) -11,748,610 -367,829 -11,748,610 -367,829
Total accounts receivable 58,799,446 64,992,509 39,492,865 48,318,394
Other receivables
Receivables from subsidiaries and parent company 4,339 68,800,066 22,373,227
Other current receivables 183,290 1,198,199 133,290 346,574
Total other receivables 187,629 1,198,199 68,933,356 22,719,801
Accrued income
Interests 1,566,579 387,446 2,090,313
Other accrued income 612,194 21,001,867 21,001,867
Total accrued income 612,194 22,568,446 387,446 23,092,180
Prepaid expenses
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 7,625,307 8,355,127 47,507 464,774
Other prepaid expenses 2,837,321 2,319,623 1,692,166 2,276,062
Total prepaid expenses 10,462,628 10,674,750 1,739,673 2,740,836
Raw materials 62,688,772 73,959,216 44,769,112 54,266,427
Work-in-progress 35,817,182 38,028,560 313,942 982,533
Finished goods 18,927,876 18,428,536 14,543,578 12,727,193
Merchandise purchased for resale 4,577,226 3,185,771 746,219 536,167
Prepayments to suppliers 768,510 1,065,935 467,817 539,763
Total inventories 122,779,566 134,668,018 60,840,668 69,052,083
Total current assets 203,026,173 241,191,928 173,064,030 166,591,177

Non-current assets
Financial assets
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 27,932,942 106,089,469
Non-current receivables from subsidiaries 1,252,843 23,360,000
and parent company
Other shares, units and bonds 1,475,010 1,483,658 1,470,290 1,478,790
Other non-current receivables 1,335,173 1,751,108 1,287,974 1,631,532
Total financial assets 2,810,183 3,234,766 31,944,049 132,559,791
Tangible assets
Land and building (acquisition cost) 308,357,689 295,207,365 219,554,809 214,947,611
Plant and equipment (acquisition cost) 472,735,432 440,191,961 394,764,098 378,753,398
Other equipment and fixtures 56,328,307 56,879,326 27,543,259 26,723,165
Accumulated depreciation (less) -446,177,953 -383,174,043 -368,043,616 -320,770,159
Unfinished building 27,925,655 33,920,172 2,212,814 2,040,334
Prepayments for non-current assets 3,077,244 1,131,794 1,187,521 74,367
Total tangible assets 422,246,374 444,156,575 277,218,885 301,768,716
Intangible assets
Development costs 1,856,597 434,623 1,495,950 430,551
Goodwill 58,330,966
Total intangible assets 1,856,597 58,765,589 1,495,950 430,551
Total non-current assets 426,913,154 506,156,930 310,658,884 434,759,058

Total assets : 629,939,327 747,348,858 483,722,914 601,350,235

Liabilities and owners' equity Group Group Parent Parent
12/31/98 12/31/97 12/31/98 12/31/97
Current liabilities
Debt obligations
Debentures (except bank loans) 104,259,889 103,036,929 103,446,632 103,036,929
Convertible debt 1,639,763
Current period long-term debt repayment 10,057,292 16,386,384
Short-term loans from financial institutions 48,091,286 37,865,083 21,236,670 23,635,065
Total current liabilities 164,048,230 157,288,396 124,683,302 126,671,994
Customer prepayments 848,161 431,133 51,106 102,579
Supplier payables 63,187,600 86,435,248 33,720,785 45,642,410
Notes payable 11,077,638 11,077,638
Total supplier payables 63,187,600 97,512,886 33,720,785 56,720,048
Other payables
Payables to subsidiaries and parent company 2,808,541 3,564,489 899,438
Payables to associated companies 1,226,756
Total other payables 2,808,541 1,226,756 3,564,489 899,438
Tax liabilities 8,358,072 6,295,542 4,734,145 2,347,537
Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 8,574,040 8,256,014 6,066,104 5,936,848
Interests payable 2,823,857 4,457,627 2,823,857 3,004,261
Other accrued expenses 203,174 10,676 9,657 5,044
Total accrued expenses 11,601,071 12,724,317 8,899,618 8,946,153
Total current liabilities 250,851,675 275,479,030 175,653,445 195,687,749

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings
Non-convertible long-term debt 24,326,181 23,570,653 23,452,499 21,829,499
Convertible long-term debt 1,643,735
Bank loans 62,778,602 55,100,521
Total non-current liabilities 87,104,783 80,314,909 23,452,499 21,829,499
Total liabilities 337,956,458 355,793,939 199,105,944 217,517,248

Minority interest of off-group shareholders 5,119,086 9,472,185

Owners' equity
Share capital 377,217,000 377,217,000 377,217,000 377,217,000
Mandatory reserve capital 1,416,288 1,416,288
Other reserves 934,879 934,879
Retained earnings 5,199,699 5,199,699 1,999,372 5,199,699
Profit/loss for the financial year -96,015,690 -2,718,728 -96,015,690 481,409
Unrealized exchange differences -953,514 1,449,884
Total owners' equity 286,863,783 382,082,734 284,616,970 383,832,987

Total liabilities and owners' equity 629,939,327 747,348,858 483,722,914 601,350,235

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