Atnaujinta: 2024.11.24 11:03 (GMT+2)
Uhispank, Income Statement, Consolidated 9 months 12 months 9 months
Unaudited (EEK million) 1999 1998 1998
Interest income 957.0 1,377.1 952.6
Interest expenses -535.6 -727.5 -509.7
Net interest income 421.4 649.6 442.9
Fees and commissions received 220.2 271.2 186.8
Fees and commissions paid -67.7 -116.7 -80.3
Net income from fees and commissions 152.5 154.5 106.5
Income from securities
and currency dealing profits 112.3 -168.5 -95.9
Other operating income 49.1 58.4 73.2
TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 735.3 694.0 526.7
Personnel expenses -211.9 -232.2 -151.6
Other administrative expenses -175.9 -218.1 -184.4
Value adjustments of tangible and
intangible assets and depreciation -187.9 -134.3 -67.6
Other operating expenses -48.8 -37.1 -20.5
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES -624.5 -621.7 -424.1
OPERATING PROFIT 110.8 72.3 102.6
Income from affiliates and
adjustments of long term investments 8.7 8.2 0.0
Value adjustments of advances and
off-balance sheet items -43.1 -474.5 -84.5
Extraordinary items 0.1 0.0 0.0
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 76.5 -394.0 18.1
Income tax -1.2 -2.0 -12.0
Minorities profit -0.2 12.6 -0.9
NET PROFIT 75.1 -383.4 5.2