Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 00:02 (GMT+3)

Reval HG: Annual general meeting of shareholders

1999.03.30, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN


The Management Board of Reval Hotel Group hereby announces that the
annual general meeting of the shareholders of Hotelligrupi AS
(Commercial Register code 10041810, address Tallinn) will be convened
on Friday, April 30, 1999, at 16.00, in the conference center of Hotel
Central (Tallinn), Forum hall, address Narva road 7, Tallinn. The
agenda of the AGM will be the following:

1. Approval of 1998 annual report and profit distribution.

Starting from 16.04.99, the 1998 annual report is available for
introduction during the workdays, 9.00 - 16.00, in the office of Reval
Hotelligrupi AS, in Tallinn, Narva road 30.

2. Appointment of auditor

3. Amendments to the Articles of Association
3.1. To change the article 4.1. of the Articles of Association, and
approve it in the following wording:

4.1. Share capital
The company’s minimum share capital is 40 884 420 (forty million eight
hundred and eighty-four thousand twenty) kroons, and maximum capital is
163 537 680 (one hundred and sixty-three million five hundred and
thirty-seven thousand six hundred eighty) kroons. The company’s share
capital can be increased or reduced within the limits of minimum and
maximum share capital without amending the present Articles of
Association (hereinafter the Articles).

3.2. To change the article 4.2.4. of the Articles of Association, and
approve it in the following wording:

4.2.4. The Supervisory Board of the company has a right to increase the
share capital within three years from the approval of the amendments to
the present Articles of Association in the order provided by law.

3.3. To change the numeration of the article 5.8 of the Articles of
Association, and approve article 5.8. in the following wording:

5.8. Disposal of shares
5.8.1. The share is freely disposable.

3.4. To concord article 7.2.9. of the Articles of Association with the
new wording of § 299 section 1 of the Commercial Code, and approve it
in the following wording:

7.2.9. The General Meeting has made a resolution, when more than half
of the votes represented on the General Meeting are affirmative, except
for deciding on the articles 7.2.7.(1), 7.2.7.(2), 7.2.7.(7), 7.2.7.(9)
of the Articles of Association, when minimum of 2/3 of the affirmative
votes represented on the General Meeting is needed, and in other cases
provided by law.

3.5. To change the article 7.4.1. of the Articles of Association, and
approve it in the following wording:

7.4.1. The Management Board is the managing body of the company, which
represents and manages the company. The Management Board is eligible to
conclude transactions determined in the Articles of Association only
with the approval of the Supervisory Board. The company’s Management
Board consists of 4 to 6 members, according to the decision of the
Supervisory Board.

4. Authorization to the Supervisory Board to increase the share capital

Based on the article 4.2.4. of the Articles of Association of Reval
Hotelligrupi AS, to authorize the Supervisory Board of Reval
Hotelligrupi AS to increase the share capital of Reval Hotelligrupi AS.

Within the limits of its competence, the Supervisory Board is obligated
to make the decision regarding the number of shares to be issued and
share premium Nõukogu by August 31, 1999, at the latest. The issue
price of the shares to be issued (i.e. nominal value and share premium)
cannot be below the average closing price of the Reval Hotelligrupp AS
shares on the Tallinn Stock Exchange of thirty (30) stock exchange days
prior to the date of the Supervisory Board’s respective decision.

Upon registration, the shareholder or the representative needs to
present an identification document. The legal representative of a legal
person shareholder needs to present a copy of the Commercial Register
card; the representative also needs to present a proxy along with the
copy of the Commercial Register card. The registration for the AGM
starts on April 30, 1999, at 15.30.

The shareholders’ voting rights on the AGM are determined according to
the standings of the shareholders’ register as of April 30, 1999, 8:00

Andres Liinat
Chairman of the Management Board
Tel +372 627 4444

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