Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 00:02 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Notes to the 1998 financial statements (1)

1999.03.24, Sampo Pank, TLN


The management of financial risks in Optiva Bank is performed by the Assets and Liabilities
Management Committee (ALCO), Credit Committees and the Investment Committee.
Market Risk
Market risks arise from changes in interest rates, exchange rates and prices of financial
assets. The Optiva Bank’s Financial Policy Statement clarifies that different market risks,
including interest rate, foreign exchange and counterparty risk are strictly followed and
controlled in its everyday activities. In Optiva Bank the market risk limits are determined by
ALCO in the frame of limits set by the Financial Policy Statement approved by Supervisory
Board. These risks are monitored and managed by ALM Department (Asset and Liabilities
Management Department) in cooperation with Financial Markets Department and regularly
reported to ALCO and Supervisory Board.
Foreign Exchange Risk
With the aim to keep the risk profile low, Optiva Bank holds minimum (reasonable) level of
foreign exchange positions necessary to offer services to clients. Bank does not actively take
foreign exchange positions. In addition to the regulation of open foreign currency positions
established by the Bank of Estonia, the Bank’s Financial Policy establishes maximum open
foreign currency position limits, which are more conservative and at least quarterly overviewed.
All foreign currency positions are continuously followed and marked to market. Open foreign
currency positions are hedged primarily by swap and forward deals.
Interest Rate Risk
Exposures to fluctuations on interest rates are mainly caused by the imbalances in the interest
rate structure of assets and liabilities and their off-balance sheet equivalents.
Optiva Bank uses gap methodology for measuring and monitoring the interest rate risk. The
interest rate exposure is defined as the potential loss according to yield curve parallel shift by 100
basis points. Interest rate risk limit is approved by the Supervisory Board. The overall limit is set
by a certain per cent of the budgeted interest income of the year. Interest rate risk is minimised
by increasing the structural conformity of assets and liabilities. Open interest rate positions are
covered according to the ALCO vision of future trends in the market. To manage interest rate
exposures the Bank is using different derivative instruments like exchange traded futures and
options or interest rate swaps.
Equity Trading
The Bank’s equity investments are divided into two portfolios: Equity Trading and Equity
Investment Portfolio.
The size of the Equity Trading Portfolio is held on the reasonable level to provide equity trading
services to the customers of the Bank. The size of the Equity Trading Portfolio is set by ALCO.
The structure of the Portfolio is set by The Investment Committee, monitored by ALM department
and periodically reported to ALCO. The Trading Portfolio is marked to market.
The size of the Equity Investment Portfolio is approved by the Supervisory Board. The Investment
Committee approves every investment decision, monitors the Portfolio and reports periodically to
ALCO and Supervisory Board.
Liquidity risk
The liquidity risk emerges in certain market situations when it is impossible to finance assets or
fulfil contractual obligations at appropriate prices. Optiva Bank's liquidity management is
designed to ensure the availability of adequate funds to enable the Bank to fulfil its obligations to
customers and counterparts. The daily liquidity risk is managed and monitored by Optiva Bank’s
Financial Markets Department and ALM Department. The Bank’s liquidity position is reported to
ALCO. Based on the reports ALCO is making the decisions concerning the liquidity targets
of the Bank.
Credit Risk
Credit risk reflects the risk where a counterparty fails to perform on an obligation to the Bank. The
activities of the Bank generate credit risk through various instruments regardless whether these
are in the balance sheet or not. All such exposures are monitored and controlled through a
framework of limits defined by the relevant Credit Committee and through the portfolio
diversification defined by Investment Committee or relevant Credit Committee. Due to different
risk levels, different limits are applied for debt instruments and equity investments during everyday
Before granting a loan, the bank carries out a thorough analysis of the loan applicant’s economic
activity and financial performance, as a result of which the applicant is allocated in a certain risk
category. The Bank regularly monitors the financial performance of the loan clients. According to
the further information the risk category is changed or left unchanged.
The system of the credit risk assessment enables the Bank to monitor, control and analyse
qualities and risks in the loan portfolio and to find the right proportion of loan cost and credit risk,
i.e. to determine the right loan price. Preconditions of a quality loan portfolio are fixed and well-
considered requirements that the Bank imposes on the borrowers, and the diversity of loan
portfolio both by client groups and economic sectors.
The assessment and everyday monitoring of the clients’ credit risk is performed by the Corporate,
Business Banking and Personal Banking Division. The overall control and quality monitoring of
Bank’s loan portfolio is performed by ALM Department. The credit risk of other banks is
assessed and monitored by ALM Department on daily basis, based on limits approved by the
Supervisory Board.
Operations Risk
Operations risk is formed by the factors, which may bring along suspension of the Bank's
operations. Strict procedure rules have been established to employees and dual information
systems are used to guarantee the performance of electronic operations. For hedging the
operations risk, the Bank has concluded an insurance policy with Industrial Insurance Ltd.
Legal Risk
Legal risk is a risk arising from inadequacy and ineffectiveness of concluded agreements. For
management of the risk, the validity of concluded agreements is checked regularly. Assessment
of legal risk is performed by the Legal Department. Every major division in Optiva Bank
employs at least one lawyer in its everyday activities.

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