Atnaujinta: 2024.07.03 00:02 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Audited balance sheet 12/98

1999.03.24, Sampo Pank, TLN

Audited, consolidated
Ths. EEK
12/31/98 12/31/97 12/31/98 12/31/97
Cash on hand Note 3 59 678 47 418 59 678 47 418
Claims and loans 2 420 049 1 902 513 2 329 172 1 780 838
Claims and loans to the Central Bank Note 4 198 390 104 880 198 390 104 880
Claims and loans to credit institutions Note 5 147 114 508 892 147 652 514 466
Claims and loans to clients Note 6 2 302 989 1 313 576 2 216 113 1 187 618
Claims and loans to clients of credit institution 2 302 989 1 313 576 1 975 359 982 287
Claims and loans to clients of leasing enterprises 0 0 240 754 205 331
Uncollectible claims and loans Note 7 - 228 445 - 24 836 - 232 983 - 26 126
Securities 406 277 410 469 318 375 329 199
Debt securities Note 8 265 935 183 202 172 690 139 202
Shares and other securities 140 342 227 267 145 685 189 996
Shares of subsidiary undertakings Note 9 63 252 57 818 0 0
Investments in associates Note 10 1 716 1 561 1 716 1 561
Other shares Note 11 75 373 167 888 143 969 188 435
Intangible assets Note 12 139 397 5 010 140 168 6 498
Consolidated goodwill 0 0 527 85
Other intangible assets 139 397 5 010 139 641 6 413
Tangible assets Note 13 13 880 22 567 225 576 220 574
Other assets Note 14 12 517 41 871 13 955 42 382
Prepayments and accrued income Note 15 121 990 98 084 112 531 112 150
TOTAL ASSETS 3 173 787 2 527 931 3 199 454 2 539 057

Amounts owed 1 681 270 1 893 984 1 688 841 1 901 493
Amounts owed to the Central Bank 6 189 0 6 189 0
Amounts owed to credit institutions Note 16 692 461 399 069 703 856 411 271
Amounts owed to clients of credit institution Note 17 867 127 1 486 382 859 723 1 481 689
Amounts owed to government Note 18 115 493 8 533 115 493 8 533
Other amounts owed 0 0 3 580 0
Debts evidenced by certificates Note 19 816 509 36 543 817 509 34 043
Other liabilities Note 20 94 909 270 584 99 869 270 585
Accruals and deferred income Note 21 48 632 47 090 60 095 67 264
Provisions for liabilities 0 16 238 0 19 072
Deferred income tax liability Note 22 0 16 238 0 19 072
Subordinated liabilities Note 23 194 500 74 500 194 500 74 500
TOTAL LIABILITIES 2 835 820 2 338 938 2 860 813 2 366 957
MINORITY INTERESTS 0 0 2 701 2 468
Share capital Note 24 412 559 41 182 412 559 41 182
Paid-in capital over par 60 602 18 031 60 602 18 031
General banking reserve 44 811 44 811 44 811 44 811
Mandatory reserve 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118
Other reserves 547 547 547 547
Retained earnings - 184 670 80 303 - 184 670 68 497
Treasury shares 0 0 - 2 027 - 7 555
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 337 967 188 993 335 940 169 632
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 3 173 787 2 527 931 3 199 454 2 539 057

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