Atnaujinta: 2024.11.23 05:00 (GMT+2)
According to the audited data, the balance sheet volume of Optiva Pank
as of 31.12.1998 amounted to 3 173 787 thousand EEK; as of the same
date, the audited balance sheet volume of Optiva Pank group amounted to
3 199 454 thousand EEK. The audited loss of Optiva Pank in 1998 was
264 974; the audited loss of Optiva Pank group in 1998 was 253 167
thousand EEK. In the course of audit, the 1998 loss of AS Optiva Pank
increased by approximately 3% compared with the unaudited data, due to
additionally increased provisions. Provisions were increased in
accordance with the principles of conservatism.
The financial reports of Optiva Pank and the group were audited by AS
PricewaterhouseCoopers; the auditor gave an unqualified opinion to the
company’s financial reports.
The general meeting of AS Optiva Pank shareholders will take place on
April 13, 1999.
Priit Perens
Financial director
AS Optiva Pank
Tel. +372 630 2106