Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 18:07 (GMT+2)
Consolidated, unaudited
in EEK
Group Group Change % Parent Parent
31.12.98 31.12.97 31.12.98 31.12.97
Current assets
1.Cash and bank 2,174,088 2,929,446 -755,358 -26 1,457,479 2,844,909
2.Marketable securities 369 294 75 26 369 294
3.Accounts receivable 17,462,445 9,723,294 7,739,151 80 14,334,327 9,693,979
4.Other receivables 475,290 735,800 -260,510 -35 1,420,664 732,250
5.Accrued income 828 1,985 -1,157 -58 828 1,548
6.Prepaid expenses 405,384 987,620 -582,236 -59 231,956 935,821
7.Inventories 29,444,146 23,533,440 5,910,706 25 26,032,658 23,486,065
Total current assets 49,962,550 37,911,879 12,050,671 32 43,478,281 37,694,866
Non-current assets
8.Financial assets 203,441 322,459 -119,018 -37 5,059,288 1,192,146
9.Tangible assets 30,804,298 33,115,709 -2,311,411 -7 30,615,030 32,556,806
10.Intangible assets 2,162,801 2,339,307 -176,506 -8 1,858,451 2,332,628
Total non-current assets 33,170,540 35,777,475 -2,606,935 -7 37,532,769 36,081,580
TOTAL ASSETS 83,133,090 73,689,354 9,443,736 13 81,011,050 73,776,446
Current liabilities
11.Debt obligations 17,572,377 10,215,357 7,357,020 72 16,772,378 10,215,357
12.Customer prepayments for goods and services 94,377 54,807 39,570 72 78,601 54,807
13.Supplier payables 4,993,003 3,226,648 1,766,355 55 4,501,748 2,895,432
14.Other payables 0 0 0 0 538,771 882,738
15.Tax liabilities 3,463,891 1,472,551 1,991,340 135 2,494,101 1,310,185
16.Accrued expenses 3,670,233 3,370,809 299,424 9 3,325,945 3,109,429
17.Other prepaid revenues 0 217,918 -217,918 -100 0 217,918
Total current liabilities 29,793,881 18,558,090 11,235,791 61 27,711,544 18,685,866
Non-current liabilities
18.Long-term obligations 15,816,473 19,216,026 -3,399,553 -18 15,816,473 19,216,026
19.Long-term provisions 41,771 0 41,771 100 0 0
Total non-current liabilities 15,858,244 19,216,026 -3,357,782 -17 15,816,473 19,216,026
Total liabilities 45,652,125 37,774,116 7,878,009 21 43,528,017 37,901,892
Owners' equity
19.Share capital nominal value 24,250,000 24,250,000 0 0 24,250,000 24,250,000
20.Capital surplus 3,774,225 3,774,225 0 0 3,774,225 3,774,225
21.Revaluation reserve 816,252 816,252 0 0 816,252 816,252
22.Other reserves 782,388 517,679 264,709 51 782,388 517,679
23.Retained earnings 6,248,868 1,262,899 4,985,969 395 6,251,689 1,268,956
24.Net profit for the year 1,609,232 5,294,183 -3,684,951 -70 1,608,479 5,247,442
Total owners' equity 37,480,965 35,915,238 1,565,727 4 37,483,033 35,874,554
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 83,133,090 73,689,354 9,443,736 13 81,011,050 73,776,446
Madis Võõras
AS Klementi
Chairman of the Management Board