Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 19:07 (GMT+2)
Balance Sheet, audited
(mio of EEK)
Group: Bank:
Note 1998 1997 1998 1997
Cash on hand 450.8 248.4 317.8 248.1
Balances with the central bank 10) 1,320.0 825.1 1,296.9 825.1
Loans and advances to banks 11) 812.4 248.5 207.5 248.5
Dealing securities 12) 63.9 501.6 62.2 501.6
Loans and advances to customers 13)10,722.0 6,711.1 7,709.5 5,064.9
Less:allowance for
uncollectible loans 14) -431.9 -141.6 -353.3 -118.4
Loans, net 10,290.1 6,569.5 7,356.2 4,946.5
securities 15) 1,068.2 930.9 2,270.9 1,746.0
Investments in associates 16) 39.6 14.4 35.1 14.0
Investments in subsidiaries 17) - - 442.3 78.1
Goodwill 18) 551.8 .0 551.8 .0
Tangible fixed assets 19) 1,388.0 598.2 676.8 529.0
Other assets 20) 513.8 404.3 302.8 325.2
Total Assets 16,498.7 10,340.8 13,520.3 9,462.0
Amounts owed to credit instit. 21) 2,289.8 556.5 1,410.4 556.5
Amounts owed to customers 22) 8,205.3 5,510.1 7,219.9 5,269.5
Issued bonds 23) 2,570.6 2,880.8 1,934.2 2,302.4
Subordinated debt 24) 515.5 305.0 515.5 305.0
Total Interest
Bearing Liabilities 13,581.3 9,252.4 11,079.9 8,433.5
Other liabilities 25) 983.4 410.5 531.6 354.5
Total Liabilities 14,564.7 9,663.0 11,611.5 8,787.9
Minority interest (equity) 25.2 3.8 - -
Subscribed share capital 26) 661.5 302.7 661.5 302.7
Share premium 1,340.6 73.0 1,340.6 73.0
General banking reserve 298.5 298.5 298.5 298.5
Revaluation reserve -8.5 .0 -8.5 .0
Retained earnings -383.4 .0 -383.4 .0
Total Equity 1,908.8 674.1 1,908.8 674.1
Total Liabilities and Equity 16,498.7 10,340.8 13,520.3 9,462.0
Off-Balance Sheet Commitments 28)
Guarantees and Letters of credit 735.4 869.9 1,886.9 869.9
Binding commitments 655.0 726.7 651.0 726.7
Foreign exchange and interest
rate related contracts 2,911.6 2,808.0 2,896.5 2,808.0