Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 19:00 (GMT+2)
Income Statement, audited
(Millions of EEK)
Group: Bank:
Note 1998 1997 1998 1997
Interest income 1) 1,377.1 645.9 1,108.8 582.8
Interest expenses 2) -727.5 -290.3 -637.6 -268.6
Net Interest Income 649.7 355.7 471.2 314.2
Dividends 5.1 1.0 5.1 1.0
Profit/loss from
investment securities -45.0 -10.0 -45.0 -10.0
Net commission income 154.5 104.5 124.9 87.6
fees & commisions received 3) 271.2 187.6 229.9 171.3
fees & commissions paid 4) -116.7 -83.1 -105.1 -83.7
Dealing profits/losses -128.6 157.9 -92.8 158.3
profit/loss from dealing securities -170.2 114.0 -174.3 114.3
profit/loss from dealing in FCurrency 41.6 43.8 81.5 44.0
Other operating income 58.4 36.7 21.1 27.6
Non-interest Income 44.3 290.1 13.3 264.5
Total Income 694.0 645.7 484.5 578.7
Personnel expenses 5) 232.1 144.1 182.1 135.9
Other administrative expen 6) 218.2 138.7 172.8 131.6
Value adjustments of intangible and
tangible fixed assets & depreciation 134.3 47.3 105.5 46.3
Other operating expenses 37.1 11.6 31.4 10.4
Operating Expenses 621.7 341.8 491.8 324.2
Operating Profit/Loss before
Provisions 72.3 304.0 -7.2 254.5
Value adjustments of advances and
off-balance sheet items 7) -474.5 -95.3 -332.5 -74.5
Operating Profit/Loss -402.2 208.6 -339.7 180.0
Income/loss from
subsidiaries (equity method) - - -43.8 20.6
Value-adjustments of
investments in subsidiaries 8.4 .0 .0 .0
Income/loss from associates -.3 10.5 .1 10.5
Profit / Loss before Taxes -394.0 219.2 -383.4 211.2
Income tax 8) 2.0 7.3 .0 .0
Profit / Loss after Taxes -396.0 211.8 -383.4 211.2
Minority interest (equity) -12.7 .6 - -
Profit/Loss for the Financial Year -383.4 211.2 -383.4 211.2
Transferred to general banking reserve .0 211.2 .0 211.2
Retained profit / loss .0 .0 .0 .0
Earnings/Loss per Share 9) -8.7 7.6 -8.7 7.6