Atnaujinta: 2024.11.22 18:28 (GMT+2)
The figures disclosed in the newspaper Äripäev about the level
of claims ratio of the insurance companies do not reflect the
respective figure, but the ratio of gross premiums collected to
claims paid instead. Since the figures disclosed do not show
the share of re-insurers and insurance technical provisions
(liabilities to clients), the mentioned ratios erroneously
referred to as claims ratio are not objective. On calculating
the insurance company’s net claims ratio, the figures of net
premiums and net claims must be used (with the reinsurance
amounts), since the gross figures do not reflect objectively
the amount of premiums collected by the insurance company and
claims actually incurred. The ratios used in the article are
definitely not sufficient for the claims ratio analysis and
comparison of the insurance companies. Also, the structure of
insurance portfolio was not considered. Leks Kindlustus will
disclose in March 1999 its year 1998 insurance technical
results, including the claims ratio along with the audited
balance sheet and income statement for the last year.
As a commentary to the statement of Raul Kastan (Chairman of
the Management Board of Leks Kindlustus) that without the
merger with ETAS Kindlustus, the claims ratio of Leks
Kindlustus could have been at a 10% level, we must admit that
the above statement is unprofessional and does not originate
from the Chairman of the Management Board of Leks Kindlustus.
The merger of Leks Kindlustus and ETAS Kindlustus was
definitely a right step on the way of further development and
raising the effectiveness of the insurance companies. Also the
development of the insurance company continued as forecasted -
the market share of merged Leks Kindlustus on the Estonian
damage insurance market increased from the 17% level in the
beginning of 1998 to approximately 19% at the end of 1998.
Additional information,
Rivo Saarna Aarne Orav
PR Manager Financial Director
+372 626 7281, +372 506 5768 +372 626 7204