Atnaujinta: 2024.07.01 14:02 (GMT+3)

ESS: Offering to small shareholders

1998.12.07, ESS, TLN


AS Hansapank informed the Management Board of AS ESS about its
client's proxy to make to the ESS shareholders a purchase
offering for the ESS shares. The following is a text of the
presented offering:

Tallinn, December 7, 1998


Conditions of the offering

On the mediation of Hansapank, OÜ ESS Investeering presents
hereby to the ESS shareholders the purchase offering for ESS
shares on the following conditions:

1. The offering is valid from the announcement of December 7,
1998, until January 4, 1998, at 14:00 PM.

2. OÜ ESS Investeering will purchase the AS ESS shares from the
shareholders with the price of 62.30 EEK / per share.

3. The offering is valid for all the AS ESS shares owned by small

* - own less than 5% of the company’s shares

4. The value date of the offering is 07.01.99. On the value date
of the offering, monetary transactions and transference of the
shares will take place.

5. In case the shareholder is willing to make a contract on the
conditions of the offering, the shareholder must go the
account operator bank where he/she holds the ESS shares, and
register the transaction order for the sale of the AS ESS

The transaction order must be presented to the securities
account operator bank by January 4, 1999, 14:00 PM at the
latest, including the following information:

Share __AS ESS shares
ISIN code EE3100003252
Price per share 62.30 EEK
Counterpart OÜ ESS Investeering
Counterpart’s account operator E767
Value date of transaction 7.January 1999
Transaction's settling type "DVP"

Grounds of the offering

OÜ ESS Investeering makes a share purchase offer to the small
shareholders on the above conditions, which is the second public
offering made to the small shareholders of AS ESS.

In the course of the first offering (12.-20.November 1998), AS
Hansapank made an offering on the account of a client to 95,000
AS ESS shares at the price of 62.30 EEK per share. The small
shareholders sold 39,902 shares, which is 3.44% of the company’s
share capital.

After the end of the first offering, several influential events
have taken place, which enable us to explain the reasons and
purposes of the given offering to the small shareholders. This
will provide more information to the small shareholders to decide
whether to respond to the given offering or not.

On the general meeting of the shareholders on June 22, 1998, the
AS ESS shareholders decided to issue up to 550,000 new shares to
the strategic investor. With this decision, the major
shareholders of the company expressed their willingness to
include a strong partner, who is able to support the company’s
development also in the worsened economic environment.

After the decision of the general shareholders’ meeting, the
Board and major shareholders of AS ESS held negotiations with
several security groups from Scandinavian and Western European
countries until the end of November. It became evident in the
course of the negotiations that none of the potential investors
are interested in holding minority interest in a company and
listing the shares on the Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Coming from the information obtained in the course of the
negotiations, one of the major shareholders of AS ESS announced
already in October that the company is planning to apply for
delisting its shares from the Tallinn Stock Exchange as soon as
1998. After consulting with major shareholders, the respective
application to delist AS ESS shares already from November 30,
1998, was presented by the AS ESS Management Board on November

As a result of successful negotiations, OÜ ESS Investeering made
on November 30, 1998, a contract to sell 65% of AS ESS shares to
the international security group Falck, which is registered in

Considering that the shares of Falck are listed on the Copenhagen
Stock Exchange and that the strategy of Falck does not foresee
the listing of the subsidiaries on the stock exchanges, Falck is
also not interested in listing AS ESS shares.

On December 1, 1998, after the sale of 65% of the shares to Falck
and reception of additional information, the TSE Listing
Committee decided to approve conditionally the AS ESS application
to delist the company’s shares from the Tallinn Stock Exchange.
The Listing Committee’s decision will come to force after meeting
the following conditions:
1. The majority shareholder (or shareholders) will make an at
least 3-week period offer to small shareholders with at least
equivalent conditions to those of an initial offer;
2. The shareholders’ structure will be disclosed as after the
transition of a controlling share to Falck Group.

The first condition is met with the given offering.

As of December 4, 1998, the public holds significantly less than
25% of the AS ESS shares, and the company has less than 100
shareholders. Basically non-existent trade in AS ESS shares
during the whole year of 1998 confirms that there is no
significant interest towards the ESS shares on the stock

Therefore, the small investors have no opportunity to influence
the management of a company and decision-making on the general
meetings of the shareholders, and after delisting the company’s
shares from the Tallinn Stock Exchange, the small shareholders’
possibilities to sell the shares on the stock exchange on the
satisfying conditions decrease. Also, considering the major
planned investments, the major shareholders of the company do not
guarantee the payment of the dividends.

Coming from the above-mentioned circumstances, good traditions
and the requirements of the TSE Listing Committee, OÜ ESS
Investeering finds that the conditions of the given offering are
fair to the small shareholders, enabling them to sell the shares
owned by them within 4 weeks at a fair price.

Therefore, OÜ ESS Investeering finds that with the given
offering, the major shareholders fulfill their obligations toward
the small shareholders, and they will not accept further
responsibilities to the small shareholders, except what is
determined by the law.

Also the Listing Committee of the Tallinn Stock Exchange found
that in a present justice environment, AS ESS and its major
shareholders have acted in a way which can be considered as
protective on an acceptable level toward the small shareholders’

Additional information:

Helen Poolake
Tel: +372 6 133 515

Indrek Lindsalu
PR manager
+372 6 266 700

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