Atnaujinta: 2024.07.01 12:07 (GMT+3)

Forekspank: Commentary to financial results 09/98

1998.12.02, , TLN


As at 30.11.98, the balance sheet volume of Eesti Forekspank
group was 1.98 billion EEK, and the 9 months loss was 98.8
million EEK. The profit of the Eesti Forekspank group before
the losses from the securities investments and investments to
Russia was 13.4 million EEK. Among the larger subsidiaries, AS
Foreks Liising earned 6.6 million EEK and AS Foreks Varahaldus
75.6 thousand EEK profit, and the losses of AS Foreks Arendus
and AS Foreksi Väärtpaberid were 1.1 million EEK and 261
thousand EEK, respectively.

Considering a significant share of non-residents in the total
volume of deposits, the general worsening of an economic
climate in Estonia, Russia, and other countries has influenced
the volume of the group’s deposits. During the 9 months of
current year, the group’s balance sheet volume has decreased by
563.5 million EEK. The group’s interest-bearing foreign capital
was at the end of September 1.51 billion EEK, decreasing in 9
months by 502.0 million EEK (25.0%). The clients’ deposits
amounted at the end of September 943.5 million EEK, or 62.6% of
the interest-bearing foreign capital, decreasing by 579.9
million EEK (38.1%) in 9 months. At the end of September, the
volumes of the clients’ demand and term deposits were
respectively 604,2 and 339,3 million EEK. During the period,
the demand deposits decreased by 591.6 million EEK (49.5%), and
term deposits increased by 11.7 million EEK (3.6%). In 9
months, in the section of foreign capital, the loans from banks
have increased by 31.7 million EEK (8.6%), and government loan
funds by 79.2 million EEK (10.3 times). At the end of
September, the loans from other banks totaled 401.3 million
EEK, or 26.6% of the interest-bearing liabilities.

The group’s share capital and capital surplus increased due to
the share issuance in August by 12,5 million EEK (30,4%) and
47,5 million EEK (263,5%). At the end of September, the total
owners’ equity of a group was 136.5 million EEK, or 6.9% of the
group’s assets.

Among the assets, the demand and term deposits in other banks
decreased by 498.7 million EEK (80.5%), current securities
investments by 25.5 million EEK (14.5%), net loan portfolio by
39,6 million EEK (3.9%), and other assets by 52.9 million EEK
(34.2%). The increase in the non-current securities investments
on the balance sheet as at the end of September was due to the
purchase of the Eesti Investeerimispank shares in the value of
113,88 million EEK, which were resold to the Bank of Estonia in
October 1998. The loan provisions for doubtful loans amounted
4.1% of the gross loan portfolio at the end of September.

During the first 9 months of 1998, Eesti Forekspank group had
86.3 million EEK loss from the securities investments, whereas
starting from September, the investments in the Russian and
Ukrainian securities are considered to have a zero-value on the
balance sheet. In the securities loss section, the unrealized
share amounted 43.4 million EEK, and realized share 42.9 million

The 9 months 1998 total income of Eesti Forekspank group was
167.4 million EEK, of which the gross interest income after
loan provisions was 45,0% (at the same period year ago 22,4%),
commissions and fees received 29,9% (21,2%), income from the
currency exchange operations 14,6% (16,6%) and other income
10,5% (12,7%). Compared with the last year’s 9 months, the
gross interest income after the loan provisions increased by
20,1 million EEK (36,4%), whereas the interest income increased
by 69,6 million EEK (70,5%) and interest expenses increased by
30,5 million EEK (86,3%) from the last year. At the same time,
the loan provisions increased 3,3 times, being 27,1 million EEK
at the end of September.

The commissions and fees received decreased by 2.2 million EEK
(4.1%), income from the currency exchange operations by 16.7
million EEK (40.6%), and other income by 13.8 million EEK
(43.8%). The non-interest income decreased a total of 99.3
million EEK (51.9%).

The non-interest expenses of a group amounted 155.4 million
EEK. Compared with the last year, the expenses have increased
by 44.3 million EEK, or 39.9%. Of the non-interest expenses,
the administrative expenses increased by 4.5 million EEK, or
10.1 % compared with the same period last year. At the same
time, other expenses increased by 18.0 million EEK, or 10.3

In the 9 months standings of the current year, among the non-
interest expenses, the personnel expenses counted for 30,3% (in
1997, 32,7%), administrative expenses 25,4% (39,6%),
commissions and fees paid 6,2% (11,7%), other expenses 12,8%
(1,7%), and revaluation of assets and general provisions 25,3%

The 9 months return on owners’ equity of Eesti Forekspank group
was –123%, and return on assets –8,0%.

Budget and Planning Department
Optiva Pank (AS Eesti Forekspank / AS Eesti Investeerimispank)
Tel. +372 6 302 103

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