Atnaujinta: 2024.07.01 09:59 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Changes in Hansapank’s Management Board

1998.11.20, Hansapank, TLN


At the meeting of the Council of AS Hansapank on Thursday,
November 19, 1998, Jüri Mõis submitted an application to resign
from the position of Chairman of the Board from January 1,
1999. Mõis is going to resign at an agreement with the majority
shareholders of Hansabank and will continue as Chairman until
the end of the current year, having the full trust and support
of the Council.

The Council made a proposal to Indrek Neivelt, the present CEO
of Hansabank Estonia to take over the position of Chairman of
the Board of AS Hansapank from January 1, 1999. Indrek Neivelt
accepted the offer and the Council will make the respective
decision at the next scheduled meeting on December 17.

At the opinion of the Council, the strategic plan to develop
Hansabank Group into the leading financial organisation of the
Baltics has been successfully carried out under the leadership
of Jüri Mõis, a strong strategic co-operation partner Swedbank
has been included, and the recent share issue and international
syndicate loan will guarantee the bank the capitalisation that
is necessary for further development.

According to Jüri Mõis, Chairman of the Board of Hansabank,
this year marks the beginning of a new stage in the history of
Hansabank: “ After the recent successful share issue and the
solving of financing issues, Hansabank has reached a completely
new development phase. My resignation will open up new career
opportunities for capable and well educated top managers, who
can start the new development phase of the bank as a team with
good prospects in the longer term.” Mõis added that like with
top sportsmen, it is also important for the top manager of an
organisation to leave while at the peak of his career.

Chairman of the Council of Hansabank Hannes Tamjärv said that
Mõis is the most efficient CEO he knows. According to Tamjärv a
significant part of the organisation is a direct achievement of
Jüri Mõis. At the same time he is such a capable leader that
even after his resignation, the system he has created will
continue to operate smoothly.

According to Hannes Tamjärv, replacing the Chairman of the
Board will not induce other changes in the bank’s top
management or in the bank’s business strategy. Hansabank Group
will continue operating as a strong universal bank in Estonia;
the priorities in the near future will be to implement
Hansabank’s trade-mark more strongly at the Latvian banking
market, to start offering banking services in Lithuania, and to
develop co-operation relations with Swedbank.

Vice Chairman of the Council of Hansabank Anders Sahlén said
that Swedbank fully appreciated what Jüri Mõis had achieved in
making Hansabank the leading bank in the Eastern Europe
starting almost from nothing some years ago. “Whilst Swedbank
has full trust in Jüri Mõis, as a major shareholder and
strategic partner we had to determine that a new Chairman
should take over in order to achieve the common goals of
Hansabank and Swedbank in the Baltic region, “ Sahlén added.

Additional information:

Hannes Tamjärv, Chairman of the Council, Hansapank, tel +372 6
131 321
Anders Sahlén, Vice-Chairman of the Council, Hansapank, tel +46
8 585 935 90
Jüri Mõis, Chairman of the Board, Hansapank, tel +372 6 131 320
Kristi Liiva, Head of Public Relations, Hansapank, tel +372 6
133 714


Mart Toevere
Tel. +372 6131 569

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