Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 16:07 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: consolidated unaudited financial results 1999

2000.01.28, Hansapank, TLN


Hansabank’s consolidated unaudited result for the financial year of
1999 was a net profit of EEK 818.1 million. As of December 31 the
Group’s total assets amounted to EEK 34.26 billion.

Hansabank’s consolidated assets grew by 23.7% in 1999 totalling EEK
34,258.1 million at the end of the year. During the first half of the
year asset growth amounted to EEK 3.2 million, increasing to EEK 3.4
million in the second half of the year. The growth originated from the
two main sources of funding – clients’ deposits and funds from other
financial institutions. Under the Y2K project at the end of December
the bank repod part of its treasury securities, whereby the group’s
balance sheet and the volume of liquid assets increased for a three
week period by an additional EEK 0.5 billion.
Clients’ deposits increased by 34.2% in 1999, amounting to EEK 19.78
billion at the end of December. Last year deposit growth rate
outstripped the growth rate of both, loans as well as assets. Compared
to a flat loan portfolio, deposits grew by EEK 2.16 billion in the
first half of the year. In the second half, supported by resumed loan
growth, deposits increased by a further EEK 2.88 billion. As of
December 31 Hansabank’s market share by total deposits was 58.3% in
Estonia (70.3% for retail deposits) and 13.0% in Latvia. In one year
Hansabank’s market shares in Estonia and Latvia increased by 0.6% and
3%, respectively.
Total funds received from other financial institutions increased by
26.8% to EEK 5.14 billion in 1999. In January Hansabank received the
second half (DEM 75 million) of a syndicated loan signed in December
1998, and in the middle of the year Hansa Capital received a EUR 40
million syndicated loan (with Hansabank’s guarantee).
The third largest source of funding – debt securities issued to the
public – decreased by 38.2% during the year to EEK 1.27 billion.
Although Hansbank has a Eurobond programme in place, due to more
favourable conditions the group used syndicated loans and deposits as
its main funding sources in 1999. As a result the share of bonds in
total liabilities decreased from 8.9% at the end of 1998 to 4.4% at
the end of 1999.
Total liabilities increased by 25.2% during the year amounting to EEK
28.84 billion at the end of December.
During 1999 the total shareholders’ equity increased mainly on the
account of net profit and amounted to EEK 4.95 billion as of December
31. At the end of the year the group’s total capital adequacy was
20.70% (Tier I 18.80%) and for the bank it stood at 20.47% (Tier I

For the credit market 1999 was a turbulent year. In the first half of
the year loan growth amounted only to 0.2%. Supported by a decrease in
interest rates and a stabilisation in the economic environment, loan
growth picked up and in the second half reached already 15.7%. During
the whole year loan portfolio increased by 15.9% to EEK 19.46 billion.

As of December 31 Hansabank’s market share by total loans was 52.8% in
Estonia and 10.4% in Latvia. The market share has increased by 1.8% in
Estonia and by 1.9% in Latvia. As a result of a stabilisation in the
economic outlook and an improvement in asset quality the provisioning
rate in the group has decreased. At the end of December the loan loss
reserve formed 3.30% of total loan portfolio (4.41% in the beginning
of the year). In the internal structure Hansabank’s loan loss reserve
ratio to total loans decreased to 2.16% (3.79% in the beginning of the
year) and Hansabanka’s ratio decreased from 6.32% to 3.05%, while
Hansa Capital’s ratio increased from 3.69% to 3.84%. As a result of a
strong deposit growth, the loan to deposit ratio decreased from 113.9%
in the beginning of the year to 98.4% at the end of December.
Through these trends the share of liquid assets (cash and cash
reserve, dues from other banks and treasury securities) increased by
2.7% during 1999 to 29.3% of the group’s total assets at the end of
December. At the same time the net loan portfolio’s share decreased by
3.8% to 56.8%.
Group’s tangible assets totalled EEK 1.18 billion as of December 31,
which is 24.4% more than in the beginning of the year. A significant
part of the increase comes from the renovation of Liivalaia 12 head
office. Goodwill created through the merger amounted to EEK 522.8
million at the end of December.

Hansabank’s consolidated unaudited profit for 1999 was EEK 818.1
million. The results of the principal business lines were the
following: banking in Estonia EEK 552.0 million, banking in Latvia EEK
29.8 million, leasing and factoring EEK 217.6 million, insurance EEK
1.9 million and banking in Lithuania EEK –14.8 million. In addition to
the mentioned business lines, consolidated results also include other
support functions’ results and eliminations.
At the end of 1999 Hansabank significantly changed its income
statement structure. Net provisions and income from subsidiaries and
affiliated companies are excluded from revenues. Fees are recorded as
net under revenues and income from derivatives has been split in two.
Trading portfolio’s income is still recorded under trading income, but
income and expense from derivatives carried for hedging purposes are
recorded under interest income and expense, respectively. Operating
expenses now also include depreciation.

Interest income increased by 37.0% in 1999 totalling EEK 2,459.3
million. At the same time interest expense increased by 19.7% to EEK
922.7 million. As a result net interest income increased by 50.1% to
EEK 1,536.6 million. On the interest income side, interest revenue
from loans underwent significant fluctuations. As a result of a
decrease in interest rates and a 0-growth in loan balance in the first
half of the year, the monthly average interest revenue from loans
decreased from EEK 112.3 million in the fourth quarter of 1998 to EEK
99.8 million in the third quarter of 1999. The resumed loan growth in
the second half of the year boosted also revenues, whereby in the
fourth quarter of 1999 the respective figure was already EEK 113.4

For the interest expense the main cost driver is deposits – their
volume and interest level. During last year term deposit rates were
lowered parallel to loan interest rates (12-month EEK deposit rate was
lowered from 13.0% to 5.25%). These trends are also reflected in the
monthly average deposit interest expense, which had decreased from EEK
49.2 million in the fourth quarter of 1998 to EEK 42.9 million in the
second quarter of 1999. Starting from July 1 Hansabank lowered the
interest rate for demand deposits and unified the different interest
calculation methods used previously by Hansabank and Hoiupank, whereby
the monthly average interest expense on deposits decreased to EEK 39.9
million in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, when term deposit
growth picked up and rate decrease was insignificant, interest expense
started to grow again, amounting to EEK 42.7 million per month.
Compared to 1998 the average yield of interest earning assets
decreased by 136bp to 9.78% in 1999. At the same time the cost of
interest bearing liabilities decreased by 66bp to 3,89% whereby the
spread narrowed by 70bp to 5.89%. The Group’s net interest margin on
the other hand increased by 15bp to 5.09% during the year.

Trading income for the Group totalled EEK 491.8 million in 1999. More
than half of the trading income is formed by income from currency
exchange, which grew by 29.7% in 1999 and amounted to EEK 281.4
million for the full year. The other larger item is net income from
off-balance sheet items (swaps, forwards, options), which amounted to
EEK 133.5 million. Income from securities’ trading and investment
portfolios amounted to EEK 97.1 million in 1999, compared to a loss of
EEK 190.8 million in 1998.
Fees and commissions received during the year amounted to EEK 777.8
million, exceeding previous year’s result by 52.1%. Of the total fees
27.4% (25.1% in 1998) was earned from electronic services, 23.0%
(24.4) from loan and leasing services, and 18.7% (19.4%) from
transfers. At the same time fees and commissions paid increased by
41.6% to EEK 222.2 million, falling short of the growth rate of fee
income. The largest growth on the expense side was recorded by
payments to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, which amounted to EEK 68.9
million in 1999. Another rapidly growing item is fees paid for card
services, which increased by 48.6% to EEK 53.5 million. Net service
fees increased by 56.8% in 1999 to EEK 555.7 million.
The significant increase in other income resulted from Hansa Capital’s
EEK 25.1 million income tax refund in Latvia for 1998.
In 1999 the Group’s total revenues amounted to EEK 2,759.3 million,
exceeding the last year’s result by 68.1%. The revenue distribution
for 1999 was the following: 55.7% net interest income, 20.1% net fee
income, 17.8% trading income, 2.1% income from insurance, and 4.3%
dividends and other income.

Operating expenses totalled EEK 1,627.9 million in 1999, increasing
from previous year's result by 42.2%.
The fastest growth rate was recorded by IT expenses, which increased
by 159.8% to EEK 109.1 million in 1999. The growth was brought about
by two factors: firstly, the unification of the merging banks’ IT
platforms and secondly, Y2K project.

Personnel expense, which forms one third of total expenses amounted to
EEK 577.0 million in 1999. Compared to 1998 personnel expense has
increased by 36.6%. The average number of employees was 3,252 in 1999.
The number of personnel decreased significantly in June as a result of
the sale of Eesti Kindlustus. At the end of the year Hansabank Group
employed 3,059 persons. The group’s average personnel cost per
employee was EEK 14,784 per month in 1999.
Administrative expenses increased by 15.5% to EEK 395.2 million in
1999. Other expenses increased by 74.5% to EEK 340.8 million in 1999.
This item also includes the costs associated with the launch of the
new corporate identity in the amount of EEK 12 million. Other expenses
also include goodwill amortisation in the amount of EEK 203.0 million.
Depreciation expense amounted to EEK 205.8 million in 1999, exceeding
last year’s figure by 43.9%. The rapid increase is mainly caused by IT
investments, which have a higher than average depreciation rate.

Loan and guarantee provisions have decreased by 18.8% from 1998,
amounting to EEK 482.5 million last year. Actual loan losses amounted
to EEK 562.0 million and actual recoveries were EEK 86.5 million.

The cost-income ratio for 1999 was 51.6% (excl. goodwill amortisation
and net provisions), compared to 63.5% in 1998. The operating expense
to average asset ratio decreased to 4.72% (5.02% in 1998).

Mart Tõevere
+372 6131 569

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