Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 18:01 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Hansa Capital's unaudited financial results 1999

2000.02.08, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights
1999 1998
At period end (in EEK, thousands)
Total assets 8 067 277 6 754 382
Financial Investments 6 973 595 6 034 569
Leasing 5 917 473 5 350 207
Factoring 598 107 279 795
Loans 371 528 341 425
Assignment 64 382 32 327
Consumer Factoring 22 104 30 815
Provisions -267 510 -185 569
Debt capital 7 037 070 6 165 146
Equity 398 636 177 070
At period end (in EEK, thousands)
Net interest income 417 655 353 806
Net commission income 73 400 42 969
Other operating income (net) 64 848 16 616
Net financial income -2 404 23 832
Total operating income 555 902 413 391
Net profit 217 821 152 096
NIM 5,8% 5,8%
ROA 3,0% 2,7%
Interest yield on average assets 11,7% 12,1%
Average cost of interest-bearing 6,7% 7,1%
Number or employees 321 245

During the year Hansa Capital Group's total assets grew by EEK 1,312.9
million, i.e. by 19.4% to EEK 8,067.3 million as at the end of the
The largest single item on the asset side is the leasing portfolio,
which forms EEK 5,917.5 million or 84.9% of financial investments.
From the beginning of the year, the leasing portfolio has increased by
EEK 567.3 million, i.e. by 10.6%. Factoring portfolio increased by EEK
318.3 million, i.e. by 113.8% to EEK 598.1 million. Loan portfolio
increased by EEK 30.1 million (8.8%). Assignment receivables grew by
EEK 32.1 million (99.2%), reaching EEK 64.4 million by the end of
period. Consumer factoring portfolio decreased by 8.7 million (-
28.3%), amounting to EEK 22.1 million.
Portfolio of Estonian financial investments increased by EEK 464.6
million, having reached EEK 4,615.6 million(66.2% from total) at the
end of the year; Latvian and Lithuanian volumes increased by 359.2
million (1 180.2 million, 16.9% from total) and 164.7 million (922.9
million, 13.2% from total) respectively. Leasing new sales formed
3,618.5 million what is 876.5 million (31.9%) higher than last year
respectively. During the period almost half of the new sales was made
in Latvia (627.5 million) and Lithuania (504.5 million). Based on new
sales growth Hansa Capital Group leasing market shares increased in
Latvia by 8.4% reaching 36.9%, in Lithuania respectively 1.8% and
36.2% and in Estonia market share grew 6.0% reaching 62.0%
Group's debt capital increased by EEK 1,101.9 (17.9%) during the year
and amounted to EEK 7,267.1 million by the end of the period. Loans
continue to make up the largest part of loan liabilities (85.7%);
bonds' share was 8.9% and bills of exchange’ share in loan resource
was 5.3%.
Developments and economical changes in Baltic region affected also
Hansa Capital during the year – claims in total amount of 102.2
million were written off (1998 total write-offs amounted 23.9
million). Provisions were increased by 81.9 million, reaching in total
amount of 267.5 million(3,8% from financial investments).
Group's total revenue (interest income, fees and commissions),
according to results of the year, constitutes EEK 555.9 million. When
compared to the total revenue of last year's corresponding period,
Group's revenues increased by EEK 142.5 million, i.e. 34.5%. Net
interest income formed major part in total income(75.1%), net
commission income formed 13.2% and other operating income 11.7%. Net
interest income constituted EEK 417.7 million, exceeding the last
year's corresponding period result by 18.0%.
Net income of Hansa Capital Group for the 1999 constituted EEK 217.8
million, exceeding the income earned in the last year by EEK 65.7
million (43.2%).
Total costs increased by 48.5 million (44.8%) from which personal
expenses were 42.7% (18.6 million) and other administrative expenses
respectively 45.2% (19.7 million). Cost income ratio was 36.6% which
is by 1.8% lower than in previous period (38.4%).
Group's net interest margin (NIM) was 5.8%, return on average assets
(ROA) 3.0% and return on used equity 23.5%.

Mart Tõevere
+372 6131 569

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