Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 17:56 (GMT+3)

Norma: Consolidated balance sheet 1999

2000.02.10, Norma, TLN


in thousands kroons Group Parent Company
1999 1998 1999 1998
A s s e t s
Current assets
1. Cash and bank accounts (note 1) 91 192 66 892 89 129 64 177
2. Shares and other securities (note 2) 58 143 148 58 143 148
3. Customer receivables (note 3)
Accounts receivable 130 169 149 006 118 837 138 721
Allowance for doubtful receivables -19 690 -12 339 -14 491 -9 547
Total 110 479 136 667 104 346 129 174
4. Other receivables (note 4)
Receivables from subsidiary companies 874 21 335
Receivables from associated companies 667 912 667 912
Other short-term receivables 2 983 3 092 2 980 2 986
Total 3 650 4 004 4 521 25 233
5. Accrued income 95 0 93 0
6. Prepaid expenses
Prepaid taxes 6 694 14 741 5 666 12 340
Other prepaid expenses 466 951 337 492
Total 7 160 15 692 6 003 12 832
7. Inventories (note 5)
Raw materials 25 791 26 219 24 746 20 944
Work-in-process 12 156 11 408 8 263 7 020
Finished goods 14 335 15 143 14 335 10 434
Goods for resale 924 303 902 29
Prepayments to suppliers 1 479 3 617 1 333 2 323
Total 54 685 56 690 49 578 40 749
Total current assets 325 404 280 094 311 813 272 314
Noncurrent assets
8. Long-term financial assets (note 6)
Shares of subsidiarys 87 183 80 666
Shares of associated companies 1 679 1 774 1 680 1 774
Other shares and securities 2 27 2 27
Miscellaneous long-term receivables 1 493 2 674 1 495 2 674
Total 3 174 4 475 90 360 85 141
9. Tangible assets (note 8)
Land and buildings (gross carrying) 58 554 59 415 4 377 3 135
Plant and equipment (gross carrying) 227 511 216 812 191 001 175 002
Other equipment and fixtures 2 228 2 199 1 357 1 325
Accumulated depreciation -132 568 -113 892 -104 798 -94 451
Construction in progress 0 2 593 0 2 593
Prepayments on noncurrent physical asset 1 178 0 0 0
Total 156 902 167 128 91 937 87 605
10. Intangible assets (note 8,9)
Development costs 3 310 2 302 870 937
Total 3 310 2 302 870 937
Total noncurrent assets 163 386 173 904 183 167 173 683
Total assets 488 790 453 998 494 981 445 997

Liabilities and shareholders equity
Current liabilities
11. Short-term loans and notes
Current portion of long-term debt 26 656 16 416 26 656 16 416
12. Customer advances for goods and services 2 875 2 804 485 93
13. Supplier payables (note 10)
Accounts payables 22 282 18 500 16 435 16 596
Total 22 282 18 500 16 435 16 596
14. Payables to subsidiary/associated companies
Payables to subsidiary companies 0 0 19 176 12 551
Payables to associated companies 488 0 0 0
Total 488 0 19 177 12 551
15. Taxes payable 11 286 6 912 9 388 1 664
16. Accrued expenses
Payables to employees 12 888 9 695 10 273 7 656
Interest payable 271 439 270 439
Other accrued expenses 36 38 14 34
Total 13 195 10 172 10 557 8 129
17. Other unearned income 47 0 0 0
Total current liabilities (note 11) 76 829 54 804 82 697 55 449
18. Noncurrent liabilities
Bank loans 26 672 63 584 26 672 63 584
Payables to subsidiary and parent compan. 0 845 0 0
Provisions 0 16 793 0 9 341
Total noncurrent liabilities (note 11) 26 672 81 222 26 672 72 925
Total liabilities 103 501 136 026 109 369 128 374
Shareholders equity
19. Share capital (par value)(note 13) 132 000 132 000 132 000 132 000
20. Mandatory legal reserve 13 200 13 200 13 200 13 200
21. Other reserves 2 436 2 436 2 436 2 436
22. Retained earnings 130 063 122 758 130 386 122 409
23. Net profit (loss) for the financial year 107 588 47 578 107 588 47 578
Total owners` equity 385 288 317 972 385 611 317 623
Total liabilities and owners' equity 488 790 453 998 494 981 445 997

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