Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 22:01 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: commentary to preliminary full year results of 1999

2000.02.28, Eesti Telekom, TLN



· Revenue up 16 % to 3,595 mln kroons (US$ 245 mln) - 1998: 3 099 mln
· EBITDA up 21 % to 1,840 mln kroons (US$ 125 mln) - 1998: 1 526 mln
· EBITDA margin 51 % up from 49%
· Net profit 580 mln kroons (US$ 39 mln) - 1998: 318 mln kroons
· Earnings per share up 10 % to 4.78 kroons (US$ 0.33) - 1998: 4.33
· EPS, excluding extraordinary expense, up 27% to 5.48 kroons

Commenting on the results the Chairman, Toomas Sõmera, said:

“1999 was another year of growth for Estonian Telecom. However, the period
of expansion in voice traffic telecommunication areas within the Estonian
market is about to end. Efficiency, entering new business areas and co-
operation inside the Group, aimed at better service for our customers are
priorities for us in the year 2000.”

For further information please contact:

Raul Kalev
Investor Relations / Estonian Telecom + 372 646 0220

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager / Estonian Telecom + 372 627 2460

Tim Thompson / Nicola Cronk
Buchanan Communications 0171 466 5000


1999 was another year of growth for Estonian Telecom. Even under conditions
of economic slowdown, the company increased its revenue by 16%. The leap in
use of mobile communications and dial-up services that took place in the
Estonian market during 1999 proved an essential contribution to these
results . However, we recognise that the period of expansion in voice
traffic telecommunication areas in our domestic market is about to end.
Efficiency and entering into new business areas are our main priorities for
year 2000.


Total revenue of the Group in 1999 increased by 16 % to 3,595 mln kroons
(1998: 3,099). Both fixed line operator Estonian Telephone Company and
mobile operator Estonian Mobile Telephone Company contributed to the strong

The total revenue of Estonian Telephone Group amounted to 2,457 mln
kroons. The company started to offer free dial-up Internet service in
October 1999. By the end of the year, about 25 000 clients were using the
service, about a 40% market share by number of clients. Share of dial-up
minutes into total number of local call minutes raised to 30%, contributing
to the growth of the total operating revenue of the company and
compensating the loss of traffic caused by the heightened use of mobile
phones for voice transmission, rather than fixed lines.

Total revenue of Estonian Mobile Telephone Group amounted to 1,615 mln
kroons. Share of mobile revenue into total revenue of the Group has
remained on 44% level. The growth was generated by multiple factors: (i)
number of clients increased by 61% during 1999, amounting to 243.9 thousand
by the end of the year; (ii) the number of call minutes used by clients
increased; (iii) in addition to traditional voice transmission, new
services gained popularity: revenue generated from SMS-services grew by
109% in 1999. However, as 2 out of 3 of the new customers have chosen pre-
paid service, the revenue per customer has fallen. Monthly ARPU in 1999
(yearly average) was 573 kroons compared to 779 kroons in 1998.

Operating Expenses

Total operating expenses of Estonian Telecom Group amounted to 1,755 mln
kroons (1998: 1,573 mln kroons). The Group has kept the increase in
operating expenses lower than the revenue growth. Several activities are
also planned for the year 2000 aimed at continued improved efficiency
within the Group.

Total operating expenses of Estonian Telephone Group in 1999 was 1,402 mln
kroons. The company reduced its headcount from 3228 at the end of 1998 to
2,771 by the end of 1999. The number of main lines per employee increased
from 153 to 184 during 1999. A further review of staffing levels will be
continued in 2000.

Total operating expenses of Estonian Mobile Telephone Group were 792 mln
kroons (1998: 707 mln kroons). The number of employees increased by 17
(8%), compared to the number of clients, an increase of 61%.

A Central Treasury department was established at Group level at the
beginning of the year to centralise liquidity management functions within
the group. Several other Group level functions will be transferred to
Estonian Telecom during the year, with the purpose of increasing cost-
efficiency. Co-operation between divisions of the two operating
subsidiaries is increasing, avoiding duplicated activities as well as
focusing on working out complex, integrated solutions for our customers.
Outsourcing possibilities have been considered in areas which are not core
businesses of the Group.

Depreciation and Amortisation

In 1999, depreciation and amortisation increased by 163 mln kroons (23%)
compared to 1998 and amounted to 884 mln kroons.

Depreciation of Estonian Telephone Group amounted to 656 mln kroons (growth
of 18.4%). 48 mln of this was revaluation of real estate objects.

Depreciation of Estonian Mobile Telephone Group in 1999 was 228 mln kroons,
a 34% increase on 1998. This was caused by extensive capital expenditure
made in earlier years.


A new Income Tax Law became effective in Estonia from January 1, 2000.
Instead of the taxation of corporate income, the Law foresees taxation of
dividend distributions, fringe benefits, representation costs and other
disbursements that may be treated as concealed profit distributions.
Resulting from the change in taxation, the concept of tax base of assets
and liabilities looses its economic essence. No deferred tax assets, nor
deferred tax liabilities, meaning of IAS 12 Income Tax, can arise. Decrease
in deferred income tax liabilities by 68 mln kroons, resulting from the new
Tax Law, has been recorded as an income tax revenue in the profit and loss
statement, in accordance with IAS 12.60. Decrease in deferred income tax
assets by 84 mln kroons has been recorded as an income tax expenses,
excluding 29 mln kroons which were transferred to accumulated profits of
the previous periods already. Balance of the accumulated profits in 1999
balance was reduced by the amount.

As on December 31, 1999, Estonian Telephone Company had an income tax
receivable in amount of 85 mln kroons. In accordance with the previous Law,
it could have been balanced with income tax accounted on profit of the
following periods. As Estonian Telecom is the 100% owner of the shares of
Estonian Telephone Company, no income tax liability will arise in the
coming periods on dividends paid by the subsidiary company and no offset of
the kind is possible under the new Income Tax Law. The item has been
recorded as an extraordinary expense in financial statements of 1999.


Net profit of Estonian Telecom Group amounted to 580 mln kroons.
Restructuring of the Group that took place in the 1st half of 1999 makes it
impossible to compare net profits of the period with the result of 1998,
318 mln kroons.

Estonian Estonian Estonian
Telecom Telephone Mobile
Company Telephone
Profit after 663 142 533
tax, mEEK*)
margin, % 18.5 5.8 33.0
growth, % 3.6 -46.4 36.7
EBIT, mEEK 955 398 595
margin, % 26.6 16.2 36.8
growth, % 18.8 13.7 19.4
EBITDA, mEEK 1,840 1,054 823
margin, % 51.2 42.9 51.0
growth, % 20.6 16.6 23.1
*) Before minority interest

Adoption of the new Income Tax Law in Estonia had positive impact worth of
68 mln kroons for Estonian Mobile Telephone Company profitability and
negative impact worth of 168 mln kroons to Estonian Telephone Company

Earnings per share of Estonian Telecom Group in 1999 increased 10% to 4.78
kroons (4.33 kroons in 1998). Earnings per share excluding extraordinary
expense was 5.48 kroons which gives growth by 27%.


More than 1 billion kroons was invested by Estonian Telecom Group in 1999.

Estonian Telephone Company invested 714 mln kroons in 1999. The majority
of the investments was made into network development. During 1999 49
thousand new digital lines were installed and the number of analogue lines
fell by 29 thousand. By the end of 1999, the number of main lines had grown
to 510 thousand. 35.4 lines for every 100 inhabitants. Digitalisation rate
in December 1999 was 55.7%. By the end of the year 39 thousand applicants
were on the waiting list for a fixed connection. By the end of 2000,
Estonian Telephone Company intends to achieve 100% digitalisation in

70% ownership in AS Telefonipood was acquired by Estonian Telephone
company. AS Telefonipood operates one of the largest telephone-shop chains
in Estonia, also selling mobile phones and contracts with EMT.

In total, 322 mln kroons were invested by Estonian Mobile Telephone Company
in 1999. During the year the number of radio channels in GSM network of the
company increased about 34.2%. At the same time, number of base stations in
GSM network increased by 28.7%. Radio link trunk transmission network
Tallinn-Tartu was completed and taken into operation. Major attention
during 1999 was paid to quality of the network coverage in rural and urban
areas and to the development of additional services. In 1999 the coverage
of GSM network by territory was increased from 95% to 98%.

To maintain the leading position as innovative operator, IN system
implementation was completed and VPN (Virtual Private Network) service was
taken into trial use by two major banks of Estonia. Also, preparations to
start with WAP and positioning services were started. Both services should
be launched in the first half of year 2000.

Interest bearing loans and borrowings

On April 12, 1999 Estonian Mobile Telephone Company raised an unsecured
advance of DEM 7 mln from existing credit facility with the interest rate
3.16%. Repayment of the loan was made on November 29, 1999, at the
termination date of the Credit Facility Agreement.

Net gearing of Estonian Telecom Group by the end of 1999 was 3.8%

Changes in Share Capital

In February 1999, the initial public offering of the Company was completed,
during which the Estonian State sold 49% of the company’s shares to local
and international investors. Estonian Telecom became listed on both Tallinn
and London Stock Exchanges.

The Restructuring Agreement, concluded in December 1998 between the
Estonian Government, Telia AB and Sonera Holding B.V, stated the share
capital of Estonian Telecom was to be raised to EEK 1,373,832,780. The
Payment Settlement Agreement was signed on March 24, 1999 and 63,883,178
new shares were issued, The shares were exchanged for all the shares of
Estonian Mobile Telephone Company and Estonian Telephone Company owned by
Telia, Sonera and Baltic Tele AB.

Sale of the remaining shares of the government

On February 11, 2000, Memorandum of Economic Policies was signed by the
government that has to be approved by International Monetary Fund. The
government, among other things, promises to decide by September 30, 2000 on
a timetable for the sale of its remaining interest in Estonian Telecom.

Telecommunications Law

The new Telecommunications Law was approved by the Parliament on February
9, 2000.


1. Consolidated financial statements for 1999 are in accordance with the
International Accounting Standards (IAS).
2. Calculations concerning revenue and expenses of International
transactions have been changed in the consolidated accounts. Until 1999,
net results of quarterly international settlements were shown. Starting
from 1999, gross method based on the amounts of minutes outgoing from
Estonia and incoming into Estonia international calls is in use. Respective
changes have been made into the statements of 1998 to make them comparable:
net sales and operating expenses on materials, consumables, supplies and
services were increased by 171,217 th. Estonian kroons.

Raul Kalev
6 460 220

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