Atnaujinta: 2024.07.04 21:57 (GMT+3)

Fakto: consolidated balance sheet as of 31.12.99

2000.02.29, Fakto, TLN


Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK

Assets AS Fakto Group
Current assets 31.12.99 31.12.98 31.12.99 31.12.98

Cash and bank 230 179 8 713 4 975

Customer receivables
Accounts receivable 6 663 3 328 13 144 19 051
Allowance for doubtful accounts (less) -467 -368 -1 024 -1 813
Total customer receivables 6 196 2 960 12 119 17 238

Other receivables
Receivables from subsidiaries and parent co 6 492 6 742 0 0
Other current receivables 3 072 6 199 8 876 8 282
Total other receivables 9 564 12 941 8 876 8 282

Accrued income
Calculated interests 0 114 46 112
Total accrued income 0 114 46 112

Prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable tax receivables
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 411 458 2 887 3 369
Prepaid expenses 398 156 351 434
Total prepaid expenses and prepaid/
refundable tax receivables 809 614 3 238 3 804
Raw materials 12 8 12 8
Work-in-progress 165 386 165 386
Merchandise purchased for resale 5 508 5 814 22 472 30 045
Prepayments to suppliers 32 0 295 294
Total inventories 5 718 6 208 22 944 30 733

Total current assets 22 516 23 016 55 937 65 145

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Shares in subsidiaries 9 336 11 583 0 0
Goodwill 918 1 297 918 1 297
Stock and shares in associated companies 0 400 0 400
Other non-current receivables 4 000 0 4 562 7 519
Total long-term financial assets 14 254 13 281 5 479 9 216

Tangible assets
Land and building (acquisition cost) 47 404 47 404 72 408 72 074
Plant and equipment (acquisition cost) 7 829 7 957 16 201 14 151
Other equipment and fixtures 2 310 2 171 6 625 5 998
Accumulated depreciation (less) -19 169 -15 845 -25 241 -19 761
Total tangible assets 38 374 41 687 69 992 72 462

Intangible assets
Purchased patents, licenses, trademarks, etc 199 124 557 246
Total intangible assets 199 124 557 246

Total non-current assets 52 826 55 092 76 028 81 925

Total assets 75 341 78 108 131 965 147 070

Liabilities and owners' equity
AS Fakto Group
Current liabilities

Short-term borrowings
Current period repayment of long-term debt 2 200 2 192 2 200 5 309
Short-term loans from financial institution 4 981 3 418 7 669 3 418
Debentures 44 407 4 297 4 151
Total short-term borrowings 7 225 6 018 14 166 12 878

Customer prepayments 1 798 775 2 701 1 791

Supplier payables 14 980 16 965 34 585 44 990

Tax liabilities 1 981 2 583 4 006 4 465

Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 1 322 1 378 2 573 2 706
Interest payable 6 32 2 826 2 009
Other accrued expenses 167 246 1 316 279
Total accrued expenses 1 496 1 656 6 716 4 994

Total current liabilities 27 480 27 996 62 173 69 119

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings
Non-convertible long-term debt 40 163 40 340
Bank loans 13 200 11 644 25 823 27 067
Other long-term borrowings from financial i 0 0 6 106 8 465
Total long-term borrowings 13 240 11 806 31 968 35 872

Other long-term debt obligations
Deferred income tax liability 0 2 255 0 2 294
Total other long-term debt 0 2 255 0 2 294

Total non-current liabilities 13 240 14 061 31 968 38 167

Total liabilities 40 720 42 057 94 141 107 286

Minority interest 0 0 3 202 3 733

Owners' equity
Share capital in nominal value 16 501 16 501 16 501 16 501
Capital surplus 7 307 7 307 7 307 7 307
Restricted reserves 767 502 767 502
Retained earnings 9 167 6 452 9 167 6 452
Profit/loss for the financial year 881 5 290 881 5 290
Total owners' equity 34 622 36 051 34 622 36 051

Total liabilities and owners' equity 75 341 78 108 131 965 147 070

Toivo Urva
Chairman of Management Board
+372 6 389 222

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