Atnaujinta: 2024.11.25 00:19 (GMT+2)
year ended December 31 GROUP BANK
(EEK in millions) 1999 1998 1999 1998
Interest income 2,459.3 1,794.5 1,607.0 1,108.2
Interest expense 922.7 770.8 699.1 542.5
Interest income, net 1,536.6 1,023.7 907.9 565.7
Fees and commissions received 777.8 511.4 541.6 381.4
Fees and commissions paid 222.1 156.9 183.2 126.0
Fees and commissions, net 555.7 354.5 358.4 255.4
Net result from financial operations 600.9 127.8 419.2 69.4
Dividends 4.5 7.0 2.3 101.8
Income from insurance activities 54.2 59.4 - -
Other income 113.0 69.1 35.3 14.9
Total income 2,864.9 1,641.5 1,723.1 1,007.2
Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 576.9 422.3 336.2 245.5
Data network expenses 109.1 42.0 85.8 41.2
Administrative expenses 395.2 342.2 244.0 194.2
Other expenses 336.2 195.3 270.6 129.6
Depreciation 206.9 143.0 110.3 73.0
Total operating expenses 1,624.3 1,144.8 1,046.9 683.5
Losses on loans and guarantees 490.3 594.3 218.4 324.0
Recovered loans 89.9 49.0 70.5 16.6
Operating profit 840.2 -48.6 528.3 16.3
Extraordinary income, net -25.2
Profit/loss from associates under -2.9 -10.7 0.0 0.0
equity method
Profit before income tax 812.1 -59.3 528.3 16.3
Income tax -6.4 -6.5 -11.9 -14.8
Minority interest 3.5 7.7
Net profit for the year 815.0 -60.5 540.2 31.1
Basic earnings per share (EEK) 10.5 -1.3 6.9 0.6
Diluted earnings per share (EEK) 10.4 -1.2 6.8 0.6
Mart Tõevere
Investor relations
+372 6131 569