Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 02:10 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: About merger with Domina Hotel e Comproprieta Alberghiere Spa

2000.03.15, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


After exploring the details of the merger proposal made by the
syndicate of shareholders of Domina Hotel e Comproprieta
Alberghiere Spa (hereinafter: Domina), hearing the expert opinions
and additional negotiations regarding the exchange of shares, the
Management Board of Pro Kapital decided on 13.03.2000 to advise the
company's Supervisory Board to support the merger.

After hearing the Management Board's report, the Supervisory Board
of Pro Kapital approved the merger proposal and authorized the
Management Board to convene the general meeting of Pro Kapital
shareholders on 11.04.2000 to decide among other agenda items also
about the merger of Domina and Pro Kapital.

Below are listed the main arguments supporting the merger,
according to the evaluations of the Management Board of Pro
1) consolidated company will have a larger asset and income base,
which is more independent of economic development of Baltic
countries. Such company is of greater interest for investors who
prefer companies operating in more stable economic environment;
2) consolidation will almost double the company's market value, to
attract the interest of institutional investors,
3) circle of shareholders of the consolidated company will expand
by approximately two-hundred shareholders, thus changing the
current shareholders' structure to positively influence the
liquidity of the company's shares;
4) according to the analysis and forecasts made by Domina group,
the company can generate significant positive cash flow from
business activities, which can be used to finance the large-scale
investment projects of Pro Kapital;
5) Domina group has long-term and reliable relations with Italian
financial institutions, enabling to Pro Kapital an access to
financial resources at lower interest rate;
6)Domina group will bring to Pro Kapital know-how on development
and management of high-level hotel projects.

Pro Kapital used Deloitte & Touche and Italian auditors Cee
Revisione e Certificazione Srl as counselors to thoroughly evaluate
the merger proposal and Domina group. CRC used financial reports
audited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers to evaluate Domina. Preatoni Pank
was used as a counselor on behalf of Pro Kapital.

The parties used the following end-1999 information on two
companies to determine the exchange rate of shares:
- book value of shares: EEK 24 for Pro Kapital, EEK 8 for Domina;
- Pro Kapital shares traded on the stock exchange at EEK 41;
- share price based on fair value of net assets: EEK 52 for Pro
Kapital, EEK 13 for Domina.

According to the transaction counselors, the most conservative way
is to ground the evaluation of the company on market value of Pro
Kapital's shares and book value of Domina's shares. As of today,
the executives of both companies and Domina's shareholders'
syndicate have approved the exchange rate, according to which one
share in Pro Kapital will be exchanged for five shares in Domina.

Based on the advise of transaction counselors, Pro Kapital will
acquire shares in Domina in return for non-monetary payment in the
form of ordinary shares of Pro Kapital to be issued. The exchange
rate will be one Pro Kapital shares per five Domina shares.

According to the Management Board's proposal, the transaction
schedule will be as follows: on 11.04.2000 the general meeting of
Pro Kapital shareholders will make a decision on merger. In case
the general meeting approves the transaction, 14,400,000 new shares
will be issued, to be subscribed for by Domina shareholders before
the end of May. First consolidated financial reports for the new
group as of end-June 2000, and published via the Tallinn Stock
Exchange information system within two months after the end of the
first half year.

The Management Board also proposed to change the structure of Pro
Kapital group. At the same time with the issue of shares directed
to Domina shareholders, the company will begin restructuring of Pro
Kapital in Estonia and form a new company Pro Kapital Eesti AS. All
assets and subsidiaries located in Estonia will be transferred to
the new company in the form of non-monetary payment. Pro Kapital
Group will thus become a holding company owning subsidiary concerns
in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Italy.

Ilona Saari
Pro Kapital
+372 614 4920

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