Atnaujinta: 2024.07.05 18:12 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: Resolutions of shareholders' annual general meeting

2000.04.11, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


The annual general meeting of AS Pro Kapital shareholders was held on
11.04.2000 in Ilmarise Residence, Tallinn.
Altogether 9 shareholders and their proxies attended the AGM,
representing a total of 75.4% of total votes represented by shares,
thus the AGM was competent to pass resolutions.

The AGM made the following resolutions:

1. to approve the 1999 annual report, as compiled by the Management
Board of AS Pro Kapital in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
Estonia, at net loss of EEK 1,872,788 and balance sheet size EEK
746,712,472 (as at 31.12.1999); to approve the 1999 annual report, as
compiled by the Management Board of AS Pro Kapital in accordance with
international accounting standards, at net profit of EEK 2,800,750 and
balance sheet size EEK 1,041,181,141 (as at 31.12.1999).

2. not to pay dividends, due to loss posted in 1999.

3. to appoint Villu Vaino (auditor certificate No. 404) of Deloitte &
Touche Eesti AS to audit the company's financial reports

4. to increase the company's share capital through issue of new shares
by EEK 144,000,000 to EEK 369,000,000, due to the request of the
shareholders of Domina Hotel e Comproprieta' Alberghiere S.p.A.
(address Via Andrea Maffei n.1, Italy) to subscribe for AS Pro Kapital
shares on possible issue of AS Pro Kapital share.

5. in order to increase share capital, to issue EEK 14,400,000 nominal
shares at par value of EEK 10 per share.

6. the shares to be issued will be acquired in return for non-monetary
payment, whereas each Pro Kapital share to be issued will be exchanged
for five Domina Hotel e Comproprieta' Alberghiere S.p.A. shares. The
shareholders of Domina Hotel e Comproprieta' Alberghiere S.p.A. will
make a non-monetary payment to Pro Kapital by transferring all shares
of Domina Hotel e Comproprieta' Alberghiere S.p.A. in accordance with
the aforementioned exchange rate. Non-monetary payment will be made to
Pro Kapital before submission of application to the Commercial Registry
to register the share capital increase, but not later than on

7. as the shares will be paid for in non-monetary form, the current
shareholders of Pro Kapital do not hold the pre-emptive subscription
right to shares to be issued. The subscription period will last from
01.05.2000 until 15.05.2000 at the location of Pro Kapital (Narva St.
13, Tallinn).

8. to authorize the Management Board of Pro Kapital to extend the
subscription period, or to cancel the unsubscribed shares, in
accordance with the provisions of Commercial Code.

9. to change the company's business name and to approve the company's
new business name "Pro Kapital Grupp ltd.".

10. to amend the company's Articles of Association and to approve the
new redaction of the company's Articles of Association.

11. to elect the following people to the company's Supervisory Board:
Ernesto Preatoni, domiciled in Tallinn;
Enn Roose, domiciled in Tallinn;
Vincenzo Presti, domiciled in Milano.

Andrus Laurits
CEO, Pro Kapital
+372 61 44 920

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