Atnaujinta: 2024.11.25 19:28 (GMT+2)
On 21.06.2000 a business newspaper "Äripäev" published an article
"Norma will soon sell vodka" by journalist Sirje Niitra. With
regard to this article, the Management Board of Norma wishes to
inform its shareholders of the following.
The main fields of activity of AS Norma were and continue to be
production and sale of car safety systems and details, and
developmental research in the fields related with the company's main
business field.
On 19.10.1999 an agreement between AS Norma Grupp and Autoliv AB
became effective, whereby Autoliv AB bought 49.5% of AS Norma shares.
On 10.02.2000 Autoliv AB bought another 1.5% of AS Norma shares. As a
result Autoliv AB owns 51.0% shareholding in AS Norma. Autoliv AB is
the core investor of AS Norma, and since 19.10.1999 AS Norma is no
longer in the ownership of AS Norma Grupp; on 21.10.1999 AS Norma
Grupp operates under a new business name AS NG Investeeringud. Hence
AS NG Investeeringud and AS Norma are two separate and independent,
with no economic and legal connections.
AS Norma development plans do not anticipate entrance to the business
fields mentioned in 21.06.2000 article of "Äripäev".
Peep Siimon
Chairman of the Board
+372 65 00 442