Atnaujinta: 2024.07.06 14:12 (GMT+3)

Kalev: Company's strategic development plan 2000 - 2002

2000.06.22, Kalev, TLN


On 21.06.2000 the development council presented AS Kalev efficiency-
aimed strategic development plan.

The company's development council presented Kalev's strategic
development plan for years 2000 - 2002 and a new management by
objectives -based structure. The council also presented the company's
new budget for the current year, which reflects over EEK 10 million
decrease in expenses in H2.

The results of development council's work show possibilities to
enhance the company's efficiency, through results-based reallocation
of resources, and also through direct cut in costs (over EEK 10
million) on the account of production, administrative, personnel and
unreasonable marketing expenses. Personnel expenses will be reduced
through consolidation of overlapping functions and application of
principles of management by objectives (MBO), whereby the number of
company's employees will be reduced by about 25%. However, the main
effect of strategy-related efficiency will show in the economic and
financial indicators in a longer perspective.

The general purpose of the strategic development plan is to bring the
company to profit through enhancing the organization's efficiency.
The key-points of the development plan are:

1) Transition to result-oriented management, operating under the
principles of profit centers. Based on these principles the company
will establish a production team, sales team, a separate resource
team and support functions. The structure will be re-organized after
the company's collective vacation in July. In accordance with the
principles of management by objectives, the company will continue to
develop the corporate motivation system, and to gather and develop
the intellectual capital in the company.

2) Marketing and trademark-oriented development. Expansion of product
line through acquisition of sufficient market share with profitable
brands. Kalev as a confectionery with long-term traditions will
surely achieve a leading role in the Estonian market in all sweets
groups. The development plan sets priority on the domestic market and
Latvian and Lithuanian markets. According to possibilities the
company also plans to operate on other markets; however, no
respective marketing activities are planned.

3) Efficient management of resources and cash flow. Kalev may compete
on the European confectionery market by indicators of application of
efficient production. Organization must focus on creation of value in
production as well as management of its assets.

Directions of strategic development are based on the company's
current situation and key activities analysis, as surveyed by the
development council. In the next stage the profit centers will work
out in co-operation with the development council the strategies for
structural units, which are then to be added to the company's
activity plans after approval.
The company's general strategic development plan with budget changes
was presented for approval to AS Kalev Supervisory Board.

AS Kalev development council was established by the company's
Supervisory Board in February this year; the development council's
activities were launched this March, due to changes in the company's
executive management. The goal is to develop efficiency-aimed
strategic development plan in accordance with the changed economic
environment. The development council consists of several Estonian and
foreign experts, and company's own employees.

Kristina Seimann
PR manager
+372 62 83 858

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