Atnaujinta: 2024.07.29 14:18 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Target company's opinion on take-over bid

2000.08.03, Sampo Pank, TLN


The current opinion is compiled in accordance with the Tallinn Stock
Exchange Rules for Take-over Bids (chapter 6.1).

AS Optiva Pank (hereinafter "Target Company") is of the opinion that:

1. Members of the Target Company's Management and Supervisory Boards
do not have any contracts and other connections with the offeror;

2. Members of the Target Company's Management and Supervisory Boards
were not elected or appointed by the offeror or upon the offeror's

3. There is no conflict of interests between the members of the
Target Company's Supervisory Board and Management Board concerning
the take-over bid, thus the Target Company has had no grounds to
apply methods for minimizing possible conflicts resulting from the
conflict of interests;

4. The influence of the takeover bid on the Target Company's
activities is positive, since the Target Company will be 100% owned
by Sampo-Leonia group as a result of the take-over. This will have a
positive effect on the Target Company's international ratings and
improve substantially its financing possibilities, thus having a
positive effect on the Target Company's financial and economic
results. Sampo-Leonia group has clearly expressed its wish to expand
its activities in the Baltic countries, having currently 40% share in
the Estonian damage insurance market. The importance of personnel
increases continuously, since the company's financial and economic
results are highly dependent on the personnel resources. Being
employed by a member bank of Sampo-Leonia group provides workers the
opportunities to enhance their qualification through training and
schooling possibilities in an international banking-insurance

5. According to the opinion of the independent members of the
Supervisory Board (Andres Järving, Pirkko Juntti, Gunnar Kraft, Aare
Tark, Peter Yngwe), as stipulated in §5.7 of chapter "Listing Rules"
of Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules and Regulations, the effect of the
take-over bid on the Target Company's interests and for its employees
is positive, as the Target Company will become a member in an
international banking-insurance concern after the take-over is
completed. This enables the Target Company to benefit from offeror's
experience as banking-insurance concern and to develop cross-
marketing of banking and insurance services on the Estonian market.
On one hand it will secure the Target Company's market position; on
the other hand it will expand the Target Company's product line and
improve the quality of Target Company's products.

6. Members of the Target Company's Supervisory Board and Management
Board intend to accept the take-over bid;

7. There are no agreements between the members of Target Company's
Supervisory Board and Management Board, which end with, or the
condition of which for paying a compensation to the members of the
Supervisory or the Management Board, is making the take-over bid for
the securities of the Target Company.

AS Optiva Pank

Härmo Värk Priit Perens
Chairman of Management Board Member of Management Board

Ruth Laidvee
Market Communications Director
+372 63 02 105

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