Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 20:13 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Commentary to financial results, H1 2000

2000.08.15, Fakto, TLN


AS Fakto and its subsidiaries form a group, the main fields of
activity of which are sale of vehicles, car accessories and car
parts, and car maintenance and repair works.

AS Fakto group consists of the following companies:
AS Fakto holding Address
AS Fakto Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN
AS Nissan Balti 65% Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN
AS Itaalia Auto 100% Tammsaare tee 53, TALLINN
OÜ Nempe 100% Osmussaare tee 10, TALLINN

The group's companies have concentrated on sale and maintenance of
cars of Nissan and Fiat group (Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia).

In H1 2000 the companies of AS Fakto group sold a total of 661 new
Nissan, Fiat and Alfa Romeo cars (202 more than in H1 1999).

Sale of new cars by companies:

2000 1999 Change (%)
Nissan Balti 590 390 200 51.28%
incl. AS Fakto 284 231 53 22.94%
AS Itaalia Auto 71 69 2 2.90%
Total 661 459 202 44.01%

In H1 2000 the company's net sales totaled EEK 188.9 million (EEK
48.7 million or 34.7% y-o-y growth).
Net sales by fields of activity:

2000 1999 Change (%)
Vehicles 153,404,228 105,450,399 47,953,829 45.48%
Services 6,265,382 6,166,939 98,442 1.60%
Car parts 23,817,659 24,601,362 -783,703 -3,19%
Garage equipment 2,569,008 2,496,512 72,496 2.90%
Car rental services 232,877 205,480 27,397 13.33%
Other sales 2,659,295 1,338,835 1,320,460 98.63%
Total 188,948,448 140,259,528 48,688,920 34.71%

Net sales by companies:
Fakto N-Balti It.Auto Nempe Group
Vehicles 70,149 126,313 15,376 0 153,404
Services 5,685 0 1,551 144 6,265
Car parts 10,961 14,280 4,702 2,808 23,818
Car rental services 52 1 0 942 233
Garage equipment 2,575 0 0 0 2,569
Other sales 2,915 1,350 97 140 2,659
Total 92,337 141,944 21,726 4,034 188,948

Change in net sales on annual basis, by companies:
Fakto N-Balti It.Auto Nempe Group
Vehicles 11,736 46,411 1,289 0 47,954
Services 121 0 318 21 98
Car parts -1,007 -678 495 49 -784
Car rental services -40 -12 0 131 27
Garage equipment 79 0 0 0 72
Other sales -44 1,008 36 51 1,320
Total 10,845 46,730 2,137 252 48,689
Change(%) 3.31% 49.08% 10.91% 6.67% 34.71%

Data in the above table includes intra-group net sales figure.

Sale of vehicles

Initial registration of vehicles at ARK (vehicle registration center)
in H1 2000:

2000 1999 Change %
Total cars registered 10,149 13,720 -3,571 -26.0%
incl. new cars 4,590 3,404 1,186 34.8%

The above table indicates that even the initial registration of new
cars has increased y-o-y by 34.8%, the total initial registration of
vehicles at ARK has dropped by 26%. Decrease in imports of used
vehicles (initial registration) might be due to sufficient supply of
3-4 years old cars on the Estonian car market (mainly cars that were
bought as brand new 3-4 years ago, and that are now being replaced).

Registration of new cars at ARK (vehicle registration center) in H1
2000, by models:

Model 2000 share 1999 share 1998 share 1997 share
Toyota 473 10.31% 311 9.14% 501 10.84% 411 0.68%
Peugeot 439 9.56% 239 7.02% 202 4.37% 140 3.64%
Volkswagen 414 9.02% 348 10.22% 471 10.19% 237 6.16%
Nissan 347 7.56% 225 6.61% 357 7.72% 277 7.20%
Mazda 340 7.41% 225 6.61% 302 6.53% 297 7.72%
Opel 263 5.73% 104 3.06% 283 6.12% 248 6.45%
Honda 256 5.58% 286 8.40% 434 9.39% 471 12.24%
Seat 206 4.49% 61 1.79% 25 0.54% 13 0.34%
Lada 198 4.31% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Suzuki 159 3.46% 266 7.81% 140 3.03% 177 4.60%
Other 1,495 32.6% 1,339 39.3% 1,907 41.3% 1,576 41.0%
Total 4,590 3,404 4,622 3,847
group 402 8.76% 274 8.05% 479 10.36% 425 11.05%

The market share on cars sold by companies in Fakto group has grown
by 0.71% since H1 1999.

Services and sale of car parts.

In H1 2000 the consolidated net turnover from sale of services stood
at EEK 6.3 million, which is EEK 98 thousand more than during the
same period last year.
Sale of services by companies in H1 2000:
2000 1999 Change %
AS Fakto 5,157,648 5,091,307 66,341 1.0%
AS Itaalia Auto 1,547,028 1,230,920 316,108 25.8%
OÜ Nempe 137,461 116,226 21,235 18.7%
Concern 6,265,382 6,166,939 98,442 1.0%

The group's net turnover from sale of services and car parts
decreased by EEK 685 thousand y-o-y, incl. EEK 781 thousand drop in
turnover from sale of car parts.

Sale of car parts by companies:

2000 1999 Change %
AS Fakto 10,871,870 11,894,040 -1,022,170 -8.59%
AS Nissan Balti 10,540,100 11,264,732 -724,632 -6.43%
AS Itaalia Auto 4,603,040 3,943,982 659,059 16.71%
OÜ Nempe 2,332,353 2,411,797 -79,444 -3.29%
Concern 28,347,363 29,514,551 -1,167,188 -3.95%

Other activities

Other activities include income from sales of car rental services,
garage equipment, income from rent of premises and income from other
sales that are not related with the company's main activity fields.
In H1 the income from sales of other services totaled EEK 5.5
million, i.e. EEK 1.4 million more than in H1 1999.

Operating costs

Operating costs grew by EEK 1,519,802 compared with H1 1999.
Changes by expense accounts:
2000 1999 Change
Personnel expenses 14,759,276 14,119,372 639,905
Other operating expenses 10,240,858 8,466,537 1,774,321
Depreciation 3,012,539 3,483,830 -471,291
Total operating expenses 13,257,554 11,737,752 1,519,802

On the operating expenses account, the volume of other operating
expenses has increased the most, mainly due to increased advertising
The advertising expenses have mainly increased on the account of this
spring's car fair "Motorex 2000", where all companies of the group
participated this year.

Commentary to balance sheet.

As at 30.06.2000 the group balance sheet volume stood at EEK 142,241
thousand (EEK 9.3 million growth in 6 months).
No substantial changes have taken place in the structure of AS Fakto
balance sheet since 31.12.99. The balance sheet growth was mainly due
to increase in supplier payables (EEK 13.4 million), since the volume
of inventories is higher due to increased sales. In addition to
higher inventories to support the sales, substantial changes were
also made in AS Itaalia Auto order of supply. As of the current year
the company maintains its inventories in Estonia, as a result of
which the volume of inventories on the balance sheets assets account
and payables to suppliers on liabilities accounts have grown. Effect
of Itaalia Auto results on increased liabilities is EEK 5.1 million.
On the current assets account the customer receivables (EEK 8.5
million) and inventories (EEK 5.6 million) grew the most. On the non-
current assets account the other long-term payables have decreased by
EEK 2 million (on OÜ Nempe balance sheet: receivables from clients
related with rental of cars based on finance and operating lease).

Owners equity is lower by EEK 2 million due to payment of dividends,
income tax paid on dividends and loss posted in year 2000.

In H1 2000 earnings per share stood at -1.09 EEK.

Toivo Urva
Management Board chairman
+372 63 89 222

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