Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 06:10 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: SEB to complete acquisition of Ühispank

2000.08.28, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


Swedish banking group SEB has decided to announce a cash offer to
acquire the remaining shares in Ühispank. Similar offers are planned
for the shares in Unibanka in Latvia and Vilniaus Bankas in
Lithuania. SEB's intention is to create a banking group which is the
clear market leader in the Baltic States, with a focus on Europe.

SEB intends to make a formal cash offer for the outstanding shares at
a price of EEK 38 per share in Ühispank, which represents a premium
of 41 per cent over Friday's closing price. SEB's total offer for the
three banks amounts to a new investment of EEK 3.7 billion, based
upon current exchange rates. The transaction involved in the current
offer is subject to regulatory approvals and SEB is in the process of
filing applications with the relevant Estonian and Swedish authorities.

"SEB can offer a premium at the current share price based on the
potential that we see in the full integration of Ühispank and the
other two Baltic banks into the SEB Group. At the same time, it is
difficult to envisage how further integration can be accomplished
under the current ownership structure", says Lars Thunell, President
and SEB Group Chief Executive. "This is a logical step for SEB and
definitely in line with our vision to become the leading e-centric,
customer-driven provider of financial services in Europe and our
strategic focus on growth companies and financial institutions."

It was in November 1998 that SEB took an initial strategic stake in
Ühispank, which was increased to above 50 per cent in 1999. Since
1998, SEB's participation and support has increased the financial
strength and improved the credit ratings of Ühispank. In accordance
with existing co-operation agreements, organisational structures have
been developed and SEB has provided new products, international
marketing support and staff training. Return on equity has increased
and market capitalisation has risen.

"Estonia is clearly resuming the good economic growth that they have
enjoyed since their regained independence, comments Lars Gustafsson,
Chairman of the Board of SEB Baltic Holding. The large number of
foreign investors, in particular from the Nordic area, and the
growing export potential of many local companies has increased the
demand for a pan-Baltic banking network and for cost-efficient and
reliable international banking services. The on-going negotiations
and future membership in the European Union will further increase
this demand."

SEB intends to retain Ühispank's management and local profile in
order to utilise its strong standing in the market. The full
inclusion of the bank within a larger European banking group will
enable Ühispank to provide its customers with better support for
their cross-border business, both in the Baltics and in Europe as a
whole. At the same time, it will enable Ühispank to maintain its
competitiveness in the face of strengthening international
competition, through the maximisation of business co-ordination and
the realisation of technical synergies. Furthermore SEB intends that
Ühispank's Internet banking facilities will be further developed - it
currently has 55,000 Internet customers, and an established technical

The present market capitalisation of the three Baltic banks is EEK
5.2 billion. Their total aggregate assets amount to over EEK 46
billion. With 759,000 retail and 114,000 corporate clients, the three
banks jointly have a 28 per cent market share of deposits and 35 per
cent of loans of the Baltic States total, which puts the group
clearly ahead of competitors. The banks together have 194 branch
offices and 4,115 employees.

Ühispank has total assets of EEK 14.45 billion. With 330,000 retail
customers and 37,000 corporate clients, Ühispank has a 29 per cent
market share of deposits and 31 per cent of loans in Estonia. The
number of branch offices is 72 and the bank has 1,168 employees.

The SEB Group - Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken with subsidiaries and
branches - is a financial institution focused on e-banking, savings
and growth companies. SEB is one of the largest financial groups in
Scandinavia, with SEK 918 billion in funds under management and total
assets of SEK 1,100 billion (30 June, 2000). Total result during the
first six months of 2000 was SEK 6.3 billion. The Group is today
represented in some 20 countries and has approximately 20,000

For further information, please contact:

Eero Raun
Head of PR Department, Eesti Ühispank
Tel.: +372 6655 256
Fax: +372 6655 672

Gunilla Åkerblom
Head of Communication, SEB Baltic Holding
Tel.: +46 70 5470 735

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting dept.
6 656 390

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