Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 10:09 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Target company's opinion on the take-over bid

2000.09.13, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


The present opinion is composed pursuant to chapter 6.1. of the
Take-over bid rules of Tallinn Stock Exchange.

AS Eesti Ühispank (hereinafter' the Target Company') is of the
opinion that:

1. The members of the supervisory board and the management board of
the Target Company do not have any contracts or other connections
with the offeror, save the Supervisory Board members Mats Kjaer,
Magnus Carlsson and Petteri Karttunen are employed by the commercial
undertakings belonging to the group of the offeror;

2. The members of the supervisory board and the management board of
the Target Company were not elected or appointed by the offeror or
upon the offeror's proposition, save Mats Kjaer, Magnus Carlsson and
Petteri Karttunen were elected the members of the supervisory board
of the Target Company upon the offeror's proposition, and Johan Lindh
was elected the member of the management board of the Target Company
upon the offeror's proposition;

3. The members of the supervisory board and the management board of
the Target Company do not have any conflict of interests in
connection with the take-over bid and therefore no methods for
minimising possible risks resulting from the conflict of interests
were needed to apply.

4. The influence of the take-over bid on the activities of the Target
Company is beneficial since according to the offeror, the Target
Company needs additional investments for further optimum development,
the support and financing of which Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
(hereinafter SEB) is able to offer. Belonging to one owner along with
the other SEB's Baltic subsidiaries Vilniaus Banka and Unibanka
creates the possibility that all three Baltic banks are integrated
into one Baltic group. They would create an organisation with
aggregate assets amounting to SEK 25 billion and a market share of
the Baltic States total of 28 per cent in deposits and 35 per cent in
loans, placing the group clearly ahead of its competitors. Such a
unified organisation would have 194 branch offices serving 759,000
retail customers and 114,000 corporate customers. SEB has confirmed
that it recognises the importance of retaining the local identity,
focus and market specialisation of the Target Company. Since the
acquisition of the holding in the Target Company in November 1998,
the employees of the Target Company have benefited from the fact that
the Target Company belongs to SEB Group by having access to wide
range of professional training in a variety of fields. SEB has
confirmed that it does not anticipate any changes in the employment
relationships with the management or the employees in connection with
the take-over bid;

5. The independent members of the supervisory board, as defined in
article 5.7. of Listing Requirements for Securities of the Rules of
Tallinn Stock Exchange, Mart Avarmaa, Koit Uus, Andres Lipstok, Aadu
Luukas and Tord Olofsson consider the terms of the take-over bid to
be fair and reasonable and consequently recommend that the
shareholders should accept it. Pursuant to the reasoning of item 4
above, the members of the supervisory board are of the opinion that
the take-over is beneficial both to the interests of the Target
Company as well as to its employees;

6. The members of the supervisory board and the management board
intend to accept the take-over bid;

7. There are no agreements between the Target Company and the members
of the supervisory board or the management board with the condition
that the contract ends or the payment of compensation is made to the
members of the supervisory board or the management board in case the
take-over bid is made for securities of the Target Company.

Eesti Ühispank

Ain Hanschmidt
Chairman of Management Board

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting department
6 656 390

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