Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 14:07 (GMT+3)

Pro Kapital: New profit forecast

2000.10.16, Pro Kapital Grupp, TLN


Today the Management Board of Pro Kapital Group decided to revise the
group's this year's profit forecast, and increase it from EEK 40 mln
to EEK 120 mln.

Increase in the profit forecast was due to AS Pro Kapital Eesti
Management Board's decision to sell 50% of Kristiine Kaubanduskeskus
shares during the current year. The forecast was based on presumption
that the aforementioned public offering will be successful. The
profit forecast is also higher by the profit amount forecasted by
the Domina subsidiary concern.

However, the group's net result will be negatively affected lower-
than-forecasted sales results of Estonian and Latvian subsidiary
concerns, expenses related with purchase of Domina HCA subsidiary
concern and anticipated loss of the Lithuanian subsidiary concern.
The forecasts were made with an assumption that the first sales
contracts on Vilnius-located premises are made in year 2000. Income
from sale and rental of premises will highly likely be postponed to
the next year due to the decision to open a residence-type hotel.
Adjustment of the building to conditions set by Domina Management,
which will operate the hotel under Domina Luxury Apartments
trademark, requires additional investments.

The previously published profit forecast of AS Pro Kapital Grupp did
not contain the amortization of goodwill from purchase of shares in
AS Rotermanni Kvartal and AS Tondi Kvartal, as the need for such was
not clear at the time when the profit forecast was made. The goodwill
in consolidated financial reports proceeds from differences in the
acquisition price and the companies' net assets amounts. The
difference proceeds from the balance sheet values of the acquired
companies, which are in accordance with their sales price under
principle of conservatism. AS Pro Kapital Grupp acquired the
companies on presumption that the estates owned by these companies
will be developed and sold within the period of ten years.
Amortization of goodwill will impact the group's results negatively
also during the next four years.

The consolidated profit forecast for year 2000, in net amount of EEK
40 mln, was approved by the Management Board on 02.02.2000. the
forecast was made based on the company's real estate portfolio,
amount of estates to be sold and stage of development activities in
Latvia and Lithuania.

Ilona Saari
Member of Board, PK Group
+372 614 4924

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