Atnaujinta: 2024.07.07 16:09 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Hansa Capital's financial results, 9 m 2000

2000.10.20, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights
9 m 2000 1999 9 m 1999
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 10 993,2 8 067,3 7 353,2
Financial Investments 9 215,2 6 973,6 6 352,9
Leasing 7 791,1 5 917,5 5 469,9
Factoring 952,0 598,1 395,4
Loans 318,8 371,5 397,0
Assignment 66,1 64,4 69,5
Consumer Factoring 87,1 22,1 21,0
Provisions -326,6 -267,5 -270,1
Debt capital 9 452,6 7 037,1 6 410,0
Equity 722,1 398,6 345,7
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 338,6 417,7 311,5
Net commission income 111,5 73,4 53,9
Other operating income (net) 45,1 64,8 30,7
Total operating income 495,2 555,9 396,1
Net profit 313,2 217,8 162,7
NIM 4,8% 5,8% 5,9%
ROA 4,5% 3,0% 3,1%
ROE 27,6% 23,5% 26,0%
Interest yield on average assets 10,9% 11,7% 11,7%
Average cost of interest-bearing 7,1% 6,7% 6,5%
Number or employees 388 321 306

Hansa Capital Group’ s net profit for the first nine months of 2000
was 313.2 million kroons. As of September 30, the Group’s total assets
amounted to 10,993.2 million kroons. The Group’s net profit after
deducting Hansabank Group’s general expenses, i.e. HC Group’s economic
profit, was 272.7 million kroons in the first nine months of 2000
(75.1 million kroons in the first quarter, 93.5 million kroonsin the
second quarter and 104.1 million kroons in the third quarter). The
Group’s financial results were influenced by revival in the economy
and growth in loan demand, which resulted in the growth of total
assets by 2,925.9 million kroons or 36.3% during the first nine months
of 2000.
The main source of growth were leasing and factoring receivables,
which increased in all three Baltic states. The Group’s financial
investments increased by 2,241.6 million kroons (32,1%) during the
first three quarters of 2000 totalling 9,215.2 million kroons at the
end of September. Of the total growth 59.7% originated from Estonia,
23.3% from Latvia and 18.2% from Lithuania.
The growth of leasing portfolio remained relatively modest in the
first quarter, reaching only 6.0%. The second and third quarters
however witnessed a notable leap, and, as a result, leasing portfolio
increased by 31.7% compared to the beginning of the year and amounted
to 7,791.1 million kroons at the end of September. Supported by
improvement in economic environment and declining interest rates, new
business volume in the first nine months of the year was all-time
record for the Group (an increase of 2.3 times compared to the same
period of the previous year).
Total leasing new business volume in the first nine months of 2000 was
4,253.1 million kroons (third quarter’s new business volume being
1,719.1 million), whereas 64.8% of new business came from Estonia,
16.8% from Latvia and 18.4% from Lithuania.
As at the end of September, the largest credited sector was transport
(22.1%), followed by business services (16.8%), and industry (15.5%).
Compared to the beginning of the year, the share of the transport
sector has declined on the account of other sectors. The leasing
portfolio distribution by assets was as follows: passenger cars –
26.1%, real estate – 23.2%, commercial vehicles – 22.0%, equipment –
19.5%, and other assets – 9.2%.
Group’s Estonian leasing market share by total portfolio has increased
to 69% by the end of September (compared to 62% at the beginning of
the year. The Group’s Latvian and Lithuanian estimated market shares
have not changed considerably compared to the beginning of the year
(being 35% and 37% respectively).
The Group’s factoring portfolio increased by 353.9 million kroons,
i.e. by 59.2% to 952.0 million kroons in the first nine months of
2000. At the same time factoring turnover totalled 4,070.6 million
kroons, an increase of 2.4 times compared to the same period of the
previous year.
The Group’s consumer factoring portfolio increased by 65.0 million
kroons in the first nine months of the year, assignment portfolio
increased by 1.8 million, and loan portfolio decreased by 52.7
The Group’s interest-bearing liabilities increased by 2,415.6 million
to 9,452.6 million kroons as at the end of September. The largest
share of liabilities (94.2%) was formed by loans.
In July, share capital of AS Hansa Capital was increased through stock
dividend issue by 80.0 million kroons to 120.0 million kroons on the
account of retained earnings.
The Group’s total revenue increased by 24.4% (annualised) compared to
the previous year, amounting to 495.2 million kroons (excluding the
nonrecurring income – 25.1 million kroons income tax refund received
in the previous year). The revenue distribution for the first nine
months of the year was the following: 68.4% net interest income,
22.5% net fee income, and 9.1% other income.
Provisions charged to income amounted to 53.8 million kroons in the
first nine months of 2000 (72.7 million kroons in the first nine
months of 1999). At the same time actual write-offs amounted to 39.5
million kroons and recoveries were 20,4 million kroons.
The Group’s operating expenses increased by 26.8% (annualised)
compared to the previous year, amounting to 133.6 million kroons. The
largest share of operating expenses (76.0 million kroons) was formed
by personnel expenses.
The Group’s cost-income ratio after provisions for the first nine
months of 2000 was 31,6%, the ratio has decreased by 4.8% compared to
the previous year.
In addition to above-mentioned factors, the Group’s result was
affected by regained pre-paid dividend income tax in total amount of
22.3 million kroons, which is shown as an extraordinary income in the
income statement.
The Group’s net interest margin was 4.8%, return on assets 4.5% and
return on operating equity 27.6% in the first nine months of 2000.

Additional information
Lauri Reinberg
Financial Analyst
Tel. +372 6131 767

Mart Tõevere
Head of Investor Relations
+372 6131 569

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