Atnaujinta: 2024.07.21 17:02 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Commentary to financial results, 2000

2001.03.01, TKM Grupp, TLN


Tallinna Kaubamaja AS consolidated net sales in year 2000 were
EEK 1.19 billion. The parent company’s net sales were EEK 590.6 Mio
and the group’s audited net profit was EEK 60.4 Mio.

As at 31.12.2000 Tallinna Kaubamaja group total assets stood at
EEK 686.1 Mio, having increased annually by EEK 308.9 Mio. The effect
of revaluation of fixed assets on balance sheet was EEK 169.7 Mio.
Current liabilities grew by EEK 72.4 Mio and non-current liabilities
by EEK 11 Mio. Owners’ equity account increased by EEK 223.3 Mio and
amounted to EEK 377.4 Mio at the end of the year.

In 2000 Kaubamaja group invested EEK 90.7 Mio in fixed assets.

On February 3 Tallinna Kaubamaja AS made an issue of commercial
papers. The issue volume was EEK 20 Mio, weighted average duration
270 days, interest rate 5.85% annually. The issue was redeemed during
the ongoing financial year in accordance with the schedule. The issue
was organized by Hansabank Markets.

On February 9 the Management Board chairman Mr. Peeter Tohver
submitted a resignation application in order to start working as
Management Board chairman of AS ESS. As of 04.03.2000 the company's
Management Board is chaired by Mr. Toomas Tamsar. Before Kaubamaja
Toomas Tamsar worked as CEO of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. From 1998 to 1999 Mr. Tamsar chaired the Management Board
of Norma Grupp AS, and from 1999 to 2000 the Management Board of AS
NG Investeeringud.

On February 28 an ID [ide:] floor (Youth World) with internet café
was opened at Tallinna Kaubamaja, Gonsiori 2, and sales premises were
expanded by 1,100m2 on the account of storage rooms. At the same time
the Kaubamaja youth card ( ID [ide:] card ) program was launched.

On April 20 the shareholders general meeting elected the following
people as members of the Supervisory Board of Tallinna Kaubamaja:
Jüri Käo, Andres Järving, Enn Kunila, Indrek Vanaselja, Toomas Luman
and Meelis Milder.

On April 26 the Supervisory Board elected Jüri Käo as its new

On May 23 Pirita Selver store was opened. Selver operates 1,300m2 of
sales premises, which is owned by Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS.
The sales of Pirita Selver were inhibited during the first months of
operating due to series of bomb threats. In co-operation with police
the persons responsible for bomb threats are now under arrest.

In Q2 Tallinna Kaubamaja AS made changes to the accounting
principles, according to which the company's land and buildings will
be carried at market value on the balance sheet. IAS 16 §35
requirements were followed upon revaluation.

On July 7 Tallinna Kaubamaja issued EEK 14.3 Mio worth of
discount bonds. The bonds yield 7.18% on annual basis and will be
redeemed on 07/12/2001. The issue was organized by Hansabank Markets.

On August 21 A-Selver AS made a rent agreement with Sermo
Kaubandusega for building of new Selver chain store to Tallinn
(address Tammsaare tee 60-64). The store is scheduled to be opened
in May 2001.

On September 27 Järve Selver and sports and leisure products store
Hype were opened. Hype is the group’s third strategic product next to
Kaubamaja and Selver trademarks. The stores operate on the premises
owned by AS Silikaat.

On November 6 Tallinna Kaubamaja issued EEK 22.7 Mio worth of
discount bonds. The bonds yield 6.9% on annual basis and will be
redeemed on 07/12/2001. The issue was organized by Hansabank Markets.

On December 22 Tallinna Kaubamaja AS signed a rent agreement with
Emajõe Ärikeskus for building of shopping center in the center of
Tartu. The new shopping center will have 7,600m2 of sales premises,
and the largest part of it will be operated by A-Selver AS. The
center is scheduled to be opened in November 2001.

On December 22 Tartu City Council organized a bid for sale of land
on address Tartu, Vanemuise 2 and Riia 1. Currently Tallinna
Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS owns both estates and plans to use them for
building of new department store in Tartu. The department store is
scheduled to be completed in fall 2002.

As at the end of the year Kaubamaja had more than 41 thousand regular

The average number of the employees in the group during the year was
1,135 and salary expenses totaled EEK 86.7 Mio, of which EEK 0.6 Mio
was paid to the members of Tallinna Kaubamaja Supervisory Board and
EEK 2.4 Mio to the members of Management Board. Average number of
parent company’s employees was 602 and their salary expenses totaled
EEK 52.5 Mio.

In 2000 the highest price of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS share on Tallinn
Stock Exchange was EEK 60 and lowest EEK 34.10. on the last stock
exchange day of year 2000 the closing price of Kaubamaja share was
EEK 55, having increased 72.4% during the year. The market value of
Kaubamaja as at the end of the year was EEK 373.4 Mio.

Kaubamaja’s priority was in year 2000 was development of super-
and hypermarkets chain Selver; in year 2001 Kaubamaja will also
prioritize its development in Tartu, the second largest city in
Estonia. In 2001 Kaubamaja will open two Selver stores: in May Tondi
Selver (1,500 m2 of shopping premises) and in November Emajõe Selver
in Tartu (4,600 m2 of shopping premises). Both Selver stores will
have a Drive In service, where the client can order the goods via
internet and pick them up on the way home. Both Selver stores will
operate on rented premises. In 2001 preparatory works will be
launched in Tartu for building of new Tartu Kaubamaja.

Kaubamaja also intends to continue to sponsor it’s long-term co-
operation partners Tallinn Zoo and Estonian Puppet Theater. Kaubamaja
has been the major sponsor of Estonian Puppet Theater since 1995.

Urmo Vallner
Management Board member
+372 6 400 200

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