Atnaujinta: 2024.07.22 15:19 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: consolidated financial results , 6 m 2001

2001.08.23, Hansapank, TLN


We are proud to present you with yet another set of excellent results.
Hansapank Group achieved the highest-ever semi-annual profit of EUR
58.4 million, 73.8% increase from previous year’s same period. The
Group’s balance sheet grew by 68.7% to EUR 4.4 billion during one
year. In addition to strong organic growth, the Group also completed
the acquisition of the largest retail bank in Lithuania, Lietuvos
Taupomasis Bankas (LTB).

Indrek Neivelt
Chairman of the Board, CEO

- net profit growth 73.8%, operating profit growth 55.9%
- asset growth 68.7%
- ROE 29.0%
- EPS 1.49 euros
- EUR 4 million one-off gain from change in Hansa Capital’s
provisioning principles
- improved recovery of loan write offs
- completion of the LTB privatisation process
- largest internet bank in Estonia (255,000 customers) and in
Latvia (38,000 customers), in total 300,000 internet banking customers

All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR exchange
rate is 15.64664. The financial results of the first half 2001 have
been reviewed by the bank’s Auditors.
Starting from May 31, 2001 Hansabank’s consolidation group also
includes LTB. Hansapank and the Lithuanian State Property Fund signed
the share purchase agreement of 90.73% of LTB’s shares on April 23,
2001. Hansabank paid LTL 150 million for the mentioned shares.
Following the due diligence performed in LTB during the privatisation
process, the Group formed EUR 42.7 million of additional provisions,
including EUR 20.0 million on loans and EUR 20.1 million on real-
estate. These additional provisions are reflected in the goodwill (EUR
17.8 million as of June 30, 2001) that will be amortised on a straight-
line basis over 5 years.
The Group’s semi-annual income statement includes LTB’s June net
profit and the balance sheet LTB’s assets and liabilities. In the text
all growth ratios are on pro-forma basis, unless stated otherwise.

Hansabank Group completed the first half of 2001 with a net profit of
EUR 58.4 million, representing a 73.8% increase on the 2000 first half
result (not pro-forma). The Groups earnings per share (annualised)
increased to 1.49 euros. Hansapank Group’s return on equity was 29.0%
and return on assets was 3.6%.

Hansapank Group’s EUR 58.4 million net profit can be divided between
the five business units as follows: Hansabank Estonia EUR 22.4
million, Hansabanka EUR 3.7 million, Hansabankas and LTB EUR 0.2
million, Hansa Capital EUR 21.7 million, and Hansabank Markets EUR
12.3 million and other (operations, which are not directly linked to
any business unit) EUR -1.9 million. These results are not comparable
to the results of the respective legal entities (AS Hansapank EUR 27.0
million, a/s Hansabanka EUR 4.8 million, AB bankas Hansabankas EUR -
0.2 million, LTB EUR 1.1 million (only June result) and AS Hansa
Capital EUR 23.6 million.) Of the total result EUR 26.2 million was
earned in the first quarter and EUR 32.2 million in the second
The Group’s EVA result for the first half of the year was EUR 30.1
million, which is 43.3% more than in the respective period last year.

Improving asset quality on the one hand and growth in business volumes
on the other influenced the Group’s results. As a result of good loan
growth, interest income increased by 32.0% from last year’s first
half. The Group’s loan portfolio grew by 37.8% (excl. LTB), primarily
in Lithuania (+78.7%) and in Latvia (+51.3%). Supported by strong
interest income growth, the Group’s total revenues increased to EUR
131.4 million in the first half of 2001. The revenue distribution was
the following: 59.1% net interest income, 23.4% net fee income, 12.3%
financial income, and 5.3% other income.
Operating expenses totalled EUR 71.3 million for the period,
increasing from previous year's same period by 15.8%. Of total
expenses 42.2% was formed by personnel expenses, 17.7% by
administrative expenses, 19.9% by other expenses (incl. goodwill
amortisation), 14.2% by depreciation, and 6.0% by IT expenses.
In the first half of 2001 the Group’s cost-income ratio (before
provisions) was 48.7% and the ratio of operating expenses to total
assets was 3.9%.

In the first half of 2001 the Group’s loan and guarantee losses
totalled EUR 7.7 million. In the second quarter Hansa Capital replaced
its general provisions with specific provisions, resulting in a EUR
4.0 million one-off gain. During the first half of the year the Group
wrote off loans worth EUR 9.5 million while recoveries totalled EUR
8.0 million. As a result, the Group’s net risk cost in the first half
of 2001 was 0.15%.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 4.42 billion at the end of
June, of which EUR 0.97 billion was formed by LTB’s assets. In the
first half of the year the Group’s assets increased by 15.8% (pro-
forma), growth was 6.4% in the first quarter and 12.1% in the second
quarter. The good result achieved in the second quarter resulted from
strong growth in customer deposits. Annual growth was 30.1%. Excluding
the effects of LTB’s acquisition, Hansabank Group’s assets grew by
32.7% during one year. Hansabank’s market share on the Baltic banking
market was 37% by deposits and 36% by loans at the end of June.

For a more detailed overview of the 2001 semi-annual financial results
please go to <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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