Atnaujinta: 2024.11.28 01:24 (GMT+2)
Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK
01.04.01- 01.04.00- 01.01.01- 01.01.00-
30.06.01 30.06.00 30.06.01 30.06.00
Net sales 1,919 1,585 3,375 5,179
Other revenue 231 152 592 338
Total revenue 2,150 1,737 3,967 5,517
Materials, consumables,
supplies and services 237 426 383 2,938
Other operating expenses 1,416 995 3,031 2,333
Personnel expenses
incl. wages and salaries 1,610 557 3,150 1,100
social security taxes 462 183 925 348
incl. depreciation 361 104 733 204
value adjustments of current assets 2 2
Other expenses 15 127 86 878
Total expenses 4,103 2,392 8,310 7,801
OPERATING PROFIT -1,953 -655 -4,343 -2,284
Financial income 619 9 1,483 88
incl.Income from subsidiaries
Income from associated companies
Foreign exchange gain 9 28 67
Other financial income 610 9 1,455 21
Financial expenses 353 959 648 1,791
incl. financial expenses
related to subsidiaries
financial expenses related to
associated companies 196 196
Interest expense 128 387 314 984
Foreign exchange loss 73 94 92 315
Other financial expenses 152 125 242 156
Value adjustments to financial investments 170 140
PROFIT FROM NORMAL ACTIVITIES -1,687 -1,618 -3,508 -3,987
Minority interest -102
Income tax
NET PROFIT FOR THE GROUP -1,687 -1,618 -3,406 -3,987
Earnings per share -1.36 -1.99
Diluted earnings per share -1.36 -1.95
Arho Anttila
+372 650 7500