Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 05:12 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: consolidated unaudited financial results, 2001

2002.02.14, Hansapank, TLN


- net profit growth 41%, operating profit (before provisions) growth
- successful start of the Lietuvos Taupomasis Bankas (LTB) integration
- loan growth 46%, 31% excluding LTB
- deposit growth 75%, 31% excluding LTB
- ROE 25.3%
- EPS 1.38 euros (21.6 kroons)
- improved recovery of loan write offs, net risk cost 0.21%
- largest internet bank in Estonia (318,000 customers) and in Latvia
(74,000 customers), in total 401,000 internet banking customers

All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR exchange
rate is 15.64664.

Hansabank Group completed the year 2001 with a net profit of EUR 108.2
million (EEK 1,693.2 million), representing a 41% increase on the 2000
result (43% excluding LTB). At the same time the Group operating
profit before provisions increased by 11%. The Group earnings per
share increased to 1.38 euros. Return on equity was 25.3% and return
on assets was 2.9%. The Group EVA result for the year was EUR 56.0
million (EEK 876.2 million). The Group’s assets totalled EUR 4.60
billion (EEK 72.02 billion) at the end of December 2001. The Group’s
results were influenced by low risk cost, growth in business volumes
and the acquisition of LTB.

The privatisation agreement signed between Hansabank and the
Lithuanian State Property fund became effective in May 2001. LTB is
the second largest bank in Lithuania. Its loan portfolio amounted to
EUR 266 million (EEK 4.16 billion) and deposits to EUR 813 million
(EEK 12.72 billion) at the end of the year. In June 2001 an 18-month
long integration project was started. The most important tasks of the
project include a restructuring of the bank’s distribution network and
the implementation of the Group’s IT system. By the end of the year
201 smaller branches had already been closed and the number of
employees in the branch network had been decreased by 17%. At the same
time, the bank increased its ATM network by 88% to 205 and the number
of bank cards by 55% to 237,000. The other important task is the
reorganisation of the lending and risk management organisation. This
includes restructuring both, the front as well as the back office -
remodelling the credit granting process and training the customer
relationship managers. At the end of 2001, the Group’s risk management
principles were already implemented. In December 2001 the legal merger
of Hansabankas and LTB was finalised, the new bank is called Hansa-
Hansapank Group’s EUR 108.2 million net profit can be divided between
the five business units as follows: Hansabank Estonia EUR 47.5
million, Hansabanka EUR 10.9 million, Hansa-LTB EUR –2.5 million,
Hansa Capital EUR 40.4 million, and Hansabank Markets EUR 20.1 million
and other (operations, which are not directly linked to any business
unit) EUR –8.2 million. These results are not comparable to the
results of the respective legal entities. Of the total result EUR 26.2
million was earned in the first quarter, EUR 32.2 million in the
second quarter, EUR 27.3 million in the third quarter and EUR 22.4

The Group’s revenues increased 27% (15% excluding LTB) to EUR 288.7
million (EEK 4.52 billion). As a result of good risk asset growth, net
interest income increased 35% during the year (23% excluding LTB). The
Group’s net interest margin decreased by 44bp to 4.47% at the end of
the year. Non-interest income growth was 18% (6% excluding LTB) in
2001. The main reasons behind the slow growth were a 9% decrease in
trading revenues and a 10% growth in net fee income (both, excluding
LTB). The revenue distribution was the following: 59% net interest
income, 24% net fee income, 12% financial income, and 5% other income.
Operating expenses totalled EUR 172.4 million (EEK 2.70 billion) for
the period, increasing from previous year by 42% (15% excluding LTB).
Of total expenses 43% was formed by personnel expenses, 18% by
administrative expenses, 21% by other expenses (incl. goodwill
amortisation), 13% by depreciation, and 5% by IT expenses.
The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) was 53.8% (48.1%
excluding LTB) and the ratio of operating expenses to total assets was
4.1% in 2001.

The Group’s loan and guarantee losses totalled EUR 21.8 million in
2001, a decrease of 31% from the previous year. During the year the
Group wrote off loans worth EUR 21.2 million while recoveries totalled
EUR 16.8 million (EUR 8.3 million during 2000). The Group’s net risk
cost was 0.21%.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 4.60 billion at the end of
2001. The Group’s loan portfolio increased 46% (31% excluding LTB) to
EUR 2.57 billion (EEK 40.24 billion). The quarterly growth volumes
were EUR 93 million in the first quarter, EUR 125 million in the
second, EUR 91 million in the third and EUR 259 million in the fourth
quarter (the LTB consolidation effect has been excluding from Q2). The
rapid growth in the fourth quarter originated from strong leasing
sales in Estonia, but also from US dollar appreciation, which
especially influenced the Lithuanian portfolio.
The Group’s deposits increased 75% (31% excluding LTB) to EUR 3.26
billion (EEK 51.06 billion) during 2001. EUR 258 million of the growth
originated from Estonia, EUR 265 million from Latvia, EUR 59 million
from Lithuania and EUR 813 million from LTB. The consolidation of LTB
increased the share of deposits in total assets and raised the share
of retail deposits in total deposits by 10% to 55%.

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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