Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 05:12 (GMT+3)


2002.03.01, TKM Grupp, TLN

Tallinna Kaubamaja FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/01/2002


The Group

The consolidated net sales for the year 2001 were 1,45 billion kroons; 92,7
million euros (including parent company 577 million kroons; 36,9 million
euros). The increase in net sales was 22% during the year, which is 2% higher
than the increase in Estonian retail market. The market share of Tallinna
Kaubamaja Group in the retail market increased by 2% up to 6,77% by the end of

The audited net profit of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group was 35,8 million Estonian
kroons; 2,29 million euros.

The total assets of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group were 698,7 million kroons; 44,66
million euros as at 31 December 2001, showing the increase of 14,9 million
kroons; 0,95 million euros. During the year 2001 the investments to tangible
fixed assets were 67,8 million kroons; 4,33 million euros (including land
31,1 million kroons; 1,99 million euros, investments related to opening of
Tondi Selver 19,1 million kroons; 1,22 million euros and investments into
information technology 9,8 million kroons; 0,63 million euros). Current
liabilities have been increased by 62,7 million kroons; 4 million euros and
non-current liabilities have been decreased by 60,9 million kroons; 3,89
million euros, amounting to 266,8 and 33 million kroons; 17,05 and 2,1 million
euros respectively. The owners’ equity was 398,9 million kroons; 25,49 million
euros as at 31 December 2001.

The average number of employees was 1 346 in 2001.

In order to improve the efficiency of the client service the flexibility of
employee working schedules was improved. Improving the quality of service as
one of the competitive advantages has remained a continuous priority of the
Tallinna Kaubamaja Group.

The number of loyal customers has increased by 58% during 2001, reaching 69
000 private persons by the end of the year. The strategy of retaining
customers has proved to be successful and therefore the Group plans to
concentrate on the maximization of profitability of clients through the client
satisfaction. Different special offers have been made to best customers.
Starting from 2002 the loyal customer brochure will be replaced by general
interest magazine Hooaeg (the Season).

Andres Järving who was previously the member of the supervisory board replaced
the previous chairman of supervisory board Jüri Käo starting 21 September
2001. Jüri Käo continues as a member of the supervisory board.

Tallinna Kaubamaja and Tartu Kaubamaja

Major changes have taken place in Tallinna Kaubamaja and Tartu Kaubamaja in
2001. Since the autumn season Tallinna and Tartu Kaubamaja have partially
redirected to cheaper supply chains and better conditions have been negotiated
with existing suppliers because of the tightened competitive situation and
customers’different purchasing behavior from management initial prognoses.
Above described improvements allow the same quality goods to be offered at
lower prices. As a result of these measures the assortment of goods has been
changed to meet more precisely the expectations of target clients.

The shop in shop principle in cooperation with AS Baltika has been introduced
from April 2001 in order to improve the stock management and minimize the
risks related to inventories. According to that principle AS Baltika is
responsible for the completion of collections offered to customers and bears
all risks related to stock.

AS Tallinna Kaubamaja acquired 216 000 shares of Tartu Kaubamaja in April 2001
and became 100% shareholder of AS Tartu Kaubamaja.

According to mutual cooperation agreement Tallinna Kaubamaja is sponsoring
Tallinn Zoo and Estonian Nukuteater.

Main plans of Tallinna Kaubamaja in 2002 are related to the possible expansion
to the shopping center at Viru Väljak. The major objective is also the
continuous improvement of stock management. Management is looking for new
opportunities in stock logistics area.

The main priority of Tartu Kaubamaja is to maintain its’ leading position in
Tartu retail market and continue the development activities in order to start
the retail activities in the new building in Hansakvartal.


More attention has been paid to the development of Selver due to the
increasing competition in Estonian retail market. The separate management team
was established, Urmo Vallner was elected as a chairman of board at 1st March.
Previously Urmo Vallner has worked as a finance director of Tallinna Kaubamaja

New Tondi Selver was opened at 17 May, the store space of A-Selver and
Tallinna Kaubamaja Group was enlarged by 1320 m².

A-Selver has agreed with Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara at 30 November to rent
1310 m² store space in the new shopping center with total space of 4700 m²
space in Tallinn at Paldiski street 56.

The main objectives of A-Selver in 2002 are the development of the existing
retail chain, expansion of the chain in Tallinn and other towns in Estonia,
implementation of structural changes for more effective labor resource use.
Two new shops are planned to be opened in 2002 – Merimetsa Selver in June and
Mai Selver in Pärnu in May. Mai Selver will be opened at the location of
previous Viiburi shopping center and is the first Selver outside of Tallinn.
The store space in Mai Selver will be 1470 m², the assortment of goods will
cover grocery and commodity goods, as well as the enlarged assortment of
consumer goods.

Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara

In 2001 two main investment projects were started. Real estate was acquired in
Tartu at Riia 1, Vanemuise 2 ja Küüni 14 (Hansakvartal) in order to start the
development of multifunctional center. The main operator will be AS Tartu
Kaubamaja. The archeological explorations were carried out in 2001.
As a second project, a development of Merimetsa Selver was started in Tallinn
at Paldiski street 56. For that purpose an additional land plot was acquired
next to the plot already owned at Paldiski street 58b. This was necessary for
better accessibility and parking conditions.Part of the real estate was sold
to AS Neste Eesti that will build an automated gas station next to Selver
building. In 2001 a detailed plan was agreed for that area block and
construction was started. The planned opening of Merimetsa Selver is in June

The privatization of the real estate in Tallinn at Veerenni street 65 was
concluded. The real estate was acquired using the preemptive right. As the
Tallinna Kaubamaja Group does not need the abovementioned real estate for it’s
development of the sales space, it was sold in February 2002.

Minor investments to the main building of Tallinna Kaubamaja at Gonsiori
street 2 and to the building of Punane Selver at Punane street 46 were made in
order to improve the stores’ space.

Main objectives of Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara are the completion of the
building for Merimetsa Selver and finding new projects for expansion of Selver
store chain. New property has been acquired in Tallinn at Vesivärava 37. The
development of Hansakvartal is continued in Tartu. Management is looking for
opportunities for enlargement of Pirita Selver and for improving the
efficiency of usage of Gonsiori 2 building.

The new chairman of the board of AS Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara is Peeter
Kütt since 9 November 2001.

Katrin Mühls
+372 6 673 200

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