Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 07:19 (GMT+3)


2002.03.01, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank INCOME STATEMENT 03/01/2002


31.12.01 31.12.00
1. Interest revenue 364 415 250 425
1a. Interest revenue from banking activities 280 768 205 294
1b. Interest revenue from leasing activities 83 647 45 131
1c. Other interest revenue 0 0
2. Interest expense 184 318 126 751
2a. Interest expense from banking activities 182 752 126 751
2b. Interest expense from leasing activities 1 566 0
2c. Other interest expense 0 0
3. Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 180 097 123 674
4. Income and expenses from insurance activities 0 0
4a. Insurance premiums 0 0
4b. Insurance compensations and change in reserves 0 0
5. Income from securities 2 908 - 1 536
6. Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 1 769 - 1 141
7. Fees and commissions income 64 127 53 841
7a. Fees and commissions revenue 86 309 74 693
7b. Fees and commissions expense 22 182 20 852
8. Net profit (loss) on financial operations (+/-) 44 789 51 451
9. General administrative expenses 170 527 131 274
9.a Salaries expense 70 707 55 634
9.b Social security expense 23 310 18 607
9.c Pension expenses (non-state) 0 0
9.d Other administrative expenses 76 510 57 033
10. Value adjustments in tangible and intangible assets - 26 320- 132 088
11. Value adjustments in loans and off-balance sheet items - 45 607 - 34 847
12. Value adjustments in long-term investments - 1 000 - 6 853
13. Other operating income - 7 089 1 819
13a. Other operating revenue 13 574 13 887
13b. Other operating expenses 20 663 12 068
14. Extraordinary income/expenses (+/-) 0 0
15. Profit/loss before taxation (+/-) 43 147 - 76 954
16. Income tax expenses 2 201 0
16a. Income tax for reporting period 2 201 0
16b. Change in deferred income tax liability (+/-) 0 0
17. Minority share of profits - 8 0
18. PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (+/-) 40 954 - 76 954

31.12.01 31.12.00
1. Interest revenue 23 290 16 005
1a. Interest revenue from banking activities 17 944 13 121
1b. Interest revenue from leasing activities 5 346 2 884
1c. Other interest revenue 0 0
2. Interest expense 11 780 8 101
2a. Interest expense from banking activities 11 680 8 101
2b. Interest expense from leasing activities 100 0
2c. Other interest expense 0 0
3. Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 11 510 7 904
4. Income and expenses from insurance activities 0 0
4a. Insurance premiums 0 0
4b. Insurance compensations and change in reserves 0 0
5. Income from securities 186 - 98
6. Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 113 - 73
7. Fees and commissions income 4 098 3 441
7a. Fees and commissions revenue 5 516 4 774
7b. Fees and commissions expense 1 418 1 333
8. Net profit (loss) on financial operations (+/-) 2 863 3 288
9. General administrative expenses 10 899 8 390
9.a Salaries expense 4 519 3 556
9.b Social security expense 1 490 1 189
9.c Pension expenses (non-state) 0 0
9.d Other administrative expenses 4 890 3 645
10. Value adjustments in tangible and intangible assets - 1 682 - 8 442
11. Value adjustments in loans and off-balance sheet items - 2 915 - 2 227
12. Value adjustments in long-term investments - 64 - 438
13. Other operating income - 453 116
13a. Other operating revenue 868 888
13b. Other operating expenses 1 321 771
14. Extraordinary income/expenses (+/-) 0 0
15. Profit/loss before taxation (+/-) 2 758 - 4 918
16. Income tax expenses 141 0
16a. Income tax for reporting period 141 0
16b. Change in deferred income tax liability (+/-) 0 0
17. Minority share of profits - 1 0
18. PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (+/-) 2 617 - 4 918

Anneli Rõuk
PR manager
+372 6302103

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