Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 17:00 (GMT+3)


2002.05.15, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/15/2002



Sales and revenues
The consolidated net sales of AS Harju Elekter for Q1 2002 amounted to 52.2
MEEK (3.3 MEUR). Compared to the same period last year,the company's turnover
grew by 17.5% and sales on the domestic market by 12.1%, thus accounting for
53.0% (Q1 2001: 55.6%) of the consolidated net sales.Export sales amounted to
24.5 MEEK (1.6 MEUR) which is 24.3% more than for the same period last year.
Compared to the 1st quarter of the previous year, the sales volume of the
parent company increased by 20.7%.

The sale of electrical equipment increased 1.3 times in Q1 2002 in comparison
with the same period last year, incl.1.2 times on the domestic market and 2.2
times on the export markets. The share of export in total sales was 18% (Q1
2001: 11%). The increase on the domestic market was triggered by the growing
number of purchase orders for the energy sector products. The increase on the
foreign market is attributable primarily to the growing number of orders from
Latvia and Finland.

The turnover of the Cable Harnesses Factory grew by 17.7%. Beginning from the
current year the cost of material used in manufacturing of some products is
reflected in the turnover which is the main reason for the turnover increase.

The order volume for fibre-optic products more than doubled in comparison with
the previous quarter and accounted for 1.4 MEEK (96 TEUR) in the total sales
for the telecommunications sector.

The Group's operating profit was 2.8 million EEK or 178 thousand EUR(Q1 2001:
3.4 MEEK or 215 TEUR). The parent company's operating profit grew in
comparison with the same period of the previous year and the profit margin
improved by 0.3 points. The Group's return on sales settled at 5.3% (Q1 2001:
7.6%). The latter was caused by an extremely high return on sales of
telecommunication sector in the 1st quarter of 2001 when the entire stock of
the consignment warehouse was disposed of. The 9% profitability achieved in
the 1st quarter of 2002 is thus quite normal.

Prompted by the need to improve customer services and to create preconditions
for the entry into new markets, the number of salespeople was increased and
marketing intensified in Latvia and Estonia in the second half-year of 2001
that lead to a rise in marketing expenses and laid the foundation for further
sales growth on the domestic as well as foreign markets.

Financial income was 2 666 thousand EEK or 171 thousand EUR (Q1 2001: 169 TEEK
or 11 TEUR). PKC Group paid dividends for the year 2001 in the 1st quarter.
In 2001 the dividends were received in the 2nd quarter. Therefore the 2.1 MEEK
(132 TEUR) income from dividends affected the net profit and the net profit
margin for Q1 2002.

In total, the Group's net profit for the 1st quarter of 2002 was 5.5 million
EEK or 348 thousand EUR (Q1 2001: 3.5 MEEK or 226 TEUR). Net profit margin
settled at 10.4% (Q1 2001: 8.0%). EPS was 1.01 EEK or 0.06 EUR (Q1 2001: 0.65
EEK or 0.04 EUR).

Cash flow, investments and capital employed
Cash flow from operating activities was 6.5 million EEK or 409 thousand EUR
(Q1 2001: 3.6 MEEK or 231 TEUR), outflow due to investing and financing
activities 5.1 million EEK or 324 thousand EUR (Q1 2001: 3.7 MEEK or 236
TEUR). During the quarter cash balance on hand and in bank increased by 1.3
MEEK or 85 TEUR whereas in Q1 2001 it had decreased by 65 TEEK or 4 TEUR.

During the accounting period the Group invested 3.1 MEEK or 199 TEUR in
tangible and intangible fixed assets (Q1 2001: 1.5 MEEK or 94 TEUR).
Investments in plant and technology were 1.1 MEEK or 68 TEUR,the bulk of this
amount was spent on the rehabilitation of the washing units of the powder-
coating line with the aim to ensure better product quality and considerable
reduction in environmental pollution. 1.0 MEEK or 66 TEUR was spent on the
reconstruction projects of buildings and installations.

In March Harju Elekter paid 6 MEEK (383 TEUR) as a monetary contribution into
the share capital of its 100% subsidiary AJT Harju Elekter to be founded on
the basis of the Cable Harnesses Factory.

Long-term loan and capital lease repayments during the accounting period
accounted for 2.1 MEEK or 0.1 TEUR (Q1 2001: 2.2 MEEK or 136 TEUR).

Balance sheet
The consolidated balance sheet volume as of end of March 2002 was 189.5 MEEK
(12.1 MEUR).The balance sheet volume increased by 12.9 MEEK (0.8 MEUR) during
the 1ST quarter of 2002. On one hand, current receivables grew by 3.5 MEEK
(225 TEUR) and inventories 6.7 MEEK (426 TEUR), on the other hand, trade
accounts payable by 8.9 MEEK (566 TEUR). The increase in inventories was
caused by stock on hand procured in the 1st quarter for the manufacturing of
wiring systems for the automotive and electronic industries as well as growing
orders for electrical equipment that, in turn, lead to an increase in trade
accounts payable and in prepaid sales tax to the customs.

As of the balance sheet date, owners’ equity accounted for 69% (72% in 2001).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
Phone (372) 6 747 400

BALANCE SHEET, 31.03.2002
Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 31.03.0231.12.0131.03.0231.12.01
Cash, bank 12 372 11 039 791 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 18 695 15 305 1 195 978
Other current receivables 1 807 3 343 115 214
Accrued income 103 35 7 2
Prepaid expenses 2 832 1 242 181 79
Total current receivables 23 437 19 925 1 498 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 28 191 21 557 1 802 1 378
Goods 3 662 3 730 234 238
Prepayments to suppliers 97 0 6 0
Total inventories 31 950 25 286 2 042 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 67 759 56 718 4 331 3 625
Stock and shares in ass.comp. 23 360 22 580 1 493 1 443
Other shares 4 521 4 521 289 289
Other long-term receivables 513 473 33 30
Total financial investments 28 394 27 574 1 815 1 762
Plant and equipment 75 384 75 284 4 818 4 812
Other equipment and fixtures 43 787 43 845 2 798 2 802
Other inventory 3 803 3 757 243 240
Accumulated depreciation -33 304 -31 751 -2 129 -2 029
Construction-in-progress 1 660 716 106 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 1 431 0 91 0
Total tangible assets 92 761 91 851 5 929 5 870
Licences 468 309 30 20
Goodwill 88 112 6 7
Total intangible assets 557 421 36 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 121 711 119 845 7 779 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 189 470 176 563 12 109 11 284
Debt obligations 13 048 14 929 834 954
Customer prepayments 126 94 8 6
Supplier payables 21 287 12 433 1 361 795
Other sh.-term borrowings 864 499 55 32
Tax liabilities 4 079 4 931 261 315
Accrued expenses 6 949 6 010 444 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 46 353 38 896 2 962 2 486
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABIL. 12 254 12 254 783 783
TOTAL LIABILITIES 58 606 51 150 3 746 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 62 813 44 161 4 015 2 822
Net profit for the year 5 450 20 742 348 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 130 864 125 413 8 364 8 015
TOT.LIABIL.AND OWNERS' EQ. 189 470 176 563 12 109 11 284

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 31.03.0231.12.0131.03.0231.12.01.
Cash, bank 5 769 10 260 369 656
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 14 339 10 718 916 685
Other current receivables 3 824 5 422 244 347
Accrued income 103 35 7 2
Prepaid expenses 2 539 938 162 60
Total current receivables 20 804 17 113 1 330 1 094
Raw materials and inventories 20 056 14 275 1 282 912
Goods 3 612 3 679 231 235
Prepayments to suppliers 45 0 3 0
Total inventories 23 713 17 954 1 516 1 147
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 50 286 45 795 3 214 2 927
Stock and shares in subs. 15 138 8 602 967 550
Stock and shares in ass.comp. 23 360 22 580 1 493 1 443
Other shares 4 521 4 521 289 289
Other long-term receivables 513 473 33 30
Total financial investments 43 531 36 175 2 782 2 312
Plant and equipment 75 251 75 151 4 809 4 803
Other equipment and fixtures 25 607 25 665 1 637 1 640
Other inventory 2 710 2 693 173 172
Accumulated depreciation -28 468 -27 426 -1 819 -1 753
Construction-in-progress 1 660 716 106 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 1 431 0 91 0
Total tangible assets 78 190 76 799 4 997 4 908
Licences 468 309 30 20
Total intangible assets 468 309 30 20
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 122 190 113 283 7 809 7 240
TOTAL ASSETS 172 475 159 078 11 023 10 167
Debt obligations 6 145 7 299 393 466
Customer prepayments 74 11 5 1
Supplier payables 19 059 10 703 1 218 684
Other short-term borrowings 908 483 58 31
Tax liabilities 3 764 4 345 241 278
Accrued expenses 6 160 5 320 394 340
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 36 109 28 161 2 308 1 800
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABIL. 5 503 5 503 352 352
TOTAL LIABILITIES 41 612 33 664 2 659 2 152
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 62 813 44 161 4 015 2 822
Net profit for the year 5 450 20 742 348 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 130 864 125 413 8 364 8 015
TOT.LIABIL.AND OWNERS' EQ. 172 475 159 078 11 023 10 167


in thousand EEK EUR
Q1 2002 Q1 2001 Q1 2002 Q1 2001

NET SALES 52 181 44 398 3 335 2 838
Cost of goods sold 42 888 35 420 2 741 2 264

Gross profit 9 293 8 978 594 574

Operating expenses, incl. 6 521 5 604 417 358
Marketing expenses 2 586 1 904 165 122
Administrative expenses 3 935 3 701 251 237
Other revenue 196 108 13 7
Other expenses 184 117 12 7

Operating profit 2 784 3 365 178 215

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.comp. 780 660 50 42
Fin.income from other holdings 2 216 13 142 1
Other interest and fin.income 51 39 3 2
Total financial income 3 046 712 195 46
Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 334 508 21 32
Other financial expenses 46 36 3 2
Total financial expenses 380 544 24 35

Profit from normal operations 5 450 3 533 348 226

Net profit for the year 5 450 3 533 348 226

Basic and diluted earn.per shar 1,01 0,65 0,06 0,04

in thousand EEK EUR
Q1 2002 Q1 2001 Q1 2002 Q1 2001

NET SALES 44 322 36 726 2 833 2 347
Cost of goods sold 37 184 30 826 2 376 1 970

Gross profit 7 139 5 900 456 377

Operating expenses, incl. 5 085 4 329 379 342
Marketing expenses 1 866 1 398 137 123
Administrative expenses 3 219 2 931 242 219
Other revenue 160 104 4 3
Other expenses 183 88 9 14

Operating profit 2 032 1 587 168 160

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from subsidiaries 536 1 556 34 99
Fin.income from ass.comp. 780 660 50 42
Fin.income from other holdings 2 216 18 142 1
Other interest and fin.income 66 91 4 6
Total financial income 3 599 2 325 230 149
Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 174 357 11 23
Other financial expenses 6 22 0 1
Total financial expenses 180 379 12 24

Profit from normal operations 5 450 3 533 348 226

Net profit for the year 5 450 3 533 348 226

Basic and diluted earn.per shar 1,01 0,65 0,06 0,04

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
(372) 6 747 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
(372) 6 712 761

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