Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 17:02 (GMT+3)


2002.05.17, Eesti Telekom, TLN

Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 05/17/2002


1. Approval of 2001 reports and allocation of the profit.

1. To approve 2001 Annual Report consisting of financial
report, activity report, auditor’s report and proposal of
the allocation of the net profit.

2. To distribute the retained earnings totalling 1,847,790
thousand kroons, consisting of the net profit of AS Eesti
Telekom for the financial year of 2001 809,867 thousand
kroons and retained earnings from previous periods 1,037,923
thousand kroons as follows:

To distribute between shareholders and to pay to
shareholders as dividends 755,617 thousand kroons as

· Dividends payable to all holders (shareholders) of A
shares total 755,607 thousand kroons, i.e. 5.50 kroons per A
· Dividend payable to the holder (shareholder) of B share
totals 10,000 kroons, i.e. 10,000 kroons per B share.

To retain the rest of the accumulated net profit in the
amount of 1,092,173 thousand kroons undistributed.

The list of shareholders on the basis of which dividends
will be distributed shall be fixed according to the
provisions of the Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules at 8.00 on 5
June 2002. The dividends shall be paid out on 19 June 2002.

2. Buy-back option of AS Eesti Telekom shares.

To authorise AS Eesti Telekom to acquire within one year
from the adoption of this resolution (i.e. until 17 May
2003) AS Eesti Telekom shares of A-series so that the total
of nominal values of own shares held by AS Eesti Telekom
would not exceed the legal limits and the price payable per
share would not exceed the highest price paid for the A
share of AS Eesti Telekom on the Tallinn Stock Exchange on
the day of acquiring the shares. AS Eesti Telekom to pay for
the said shares from the company's assets in excess of its
share capital, reserve capital and share premium. The amount
of shares to be acquired each time shall be determined on
each occasion separately by a resolution of AS Eesti
Telekom's Supervisory Council.

3. Recalling and election of the members of the Council.

To recall the following members of the Supervisory Board:

Annika E.Christiansson
Brian Epp
Tapani Holopainen
Jaak Leimann
Mart Nurk
Veiko Tali
Aare Tark
Andrus Villem
Timo Virtanen
Madis Üürike

To consider the above persons recalled and the term of their
authorities as members of the Supervisory Board terminated
at 24.00 on 17.05.2002.

To elect as members of the Supervisory Board:

Brian Epp
Annika Christiansson
Lauri Tapani Holopainen
Jaak Leimann
Kennet Rådne
Aimo Eloholma
Veiko Tali
Aare Tark
Heido Vitsur
Raivo Vare

To consider the above persons elected and the term of their
authorities as members of the Supervisory Board commenced at
00.00 on 18.05.2002.

4. Remuneration of the members of the Council.

To assign the following remuneration for the members of the
Supervisory Council:

Chairman of the Supervisory Board EEK 18 000 per
Member of the Supervisory Board EEK 8 000 per

Members of the Supervisory Council will be compensated
expenses related to executing their duties (e.g.
accommodation, transport, communications).

5. Election and remuneration of the auditor.

To appoint Villu Vaino from Deloitte&Touche Audit AS to
audit Eesti Telekom in 2002.

Remuneration of the auditor will be based on a contract with
the auditing company.

Hille Võrk
Financial manager
6 272 460

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