Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 19:07 (GMT+3)


2002.08.07, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/07/2002 08:00


Sales and revenues
The consolidated net sales of AS Harju Elekter for H1 2002 amounted to 125.2
MEEK (8.0 MEUR). Compared to the same period last year,the company's turnover
grew by 40.8%. Sales on the domestic market accounted for 52.2% of the
consolidated net sales and revenues (H1 2001: 59.4%). Export sales were 59.8
MEEK (3.8 MEUR) which is 65.8% more than for the same period last year.

The first 6 months of 2002 were successful for Electrical Equipment Factory.
The factory's total turnover was 52.1 MEEK (3.3 MEUR), having increased in
comparsion with the same period last year by 1.4 times, incl. 55.2% increase
in the sales of electrical equipment. Sales on the domestic market grew 1.3
and on export markets 2.5 times. The share of export in total turnover was
20.7% (2001: 12.2%). The amount of purchase orders from energy,
infrastructure, building and wholesale companies increased.

The turnover of Cable Harnesses Factory amounted to 38.9 MEEK (2001:24.0 MEEK
or 1.5 MEUR), i.e. 62.2% growth. Beginning from the current year, the cost of
materials used for the manufacturing of some products is reflected in the
factory's turnover which is the main reason for the turnover increase.

The Group's six-month operating profit was 6.5 MEEK or 415 TEUR (H1 2001: 5.8
MEEK or 368 TEUR), thus the return on sales was 5.2% (H1 2001: 6.5%). The low
profitability of Cable Harnesses Factory products and the shrinking share of
products for the electronic and telecom industries in the overall sales had a
decreasing effect on the Group's return on sales. Compared to the same period
last year, the parent company's operating profit grew by 37.7%, incl. 42.4%
in Q2,return on sales improved by 0.8 percentage points,incl. 1.3 percentage
points in Q2. Beginning from the second quarter, the results of Cable
Harnesses Factory are not reported within the parent company's performance

Income from financing activities was 4.0 MEEK or 259 TEUR (H1 2001: 7.4 MEEK
or 471 TEUR). During the accounting period no extraordinary share transfers
were conducted (in H1 2001 income from sale of shares had been 2.8 MEEK or
176 TEUR) and also dividend income from PKC was smaller.

In the consolidated income statement under profit from extraordinary items
726 TEEK (46 TEUR) is reported as the part of extraordinary income due from
the disposal of the subsidiary's assets, which was received in Q2.

In conclusion, the Group's net profit for the first six months of 2002 was
11.3 MEEK or 719 TEUR (H1 2001: 13.1 MEEK or 838 TEUR). Thus the net profit
margin achieved was 9.0% (H1 2001: 14.8%). EPS was 2.08 EEK or 0.13 EUR (H1
2001: 2.43 EEK or 0.16 EUR).

Cash flow, investments and capital employed
Cash flow from operating activities was 14.8 million EEK or 946 thousand EUR
(H1 2001: 11.7 MEEK or 748 TEUR), outflow due to investing and financing
activities 18.4 million EEK or 1 174 thousand EUR (H1 2001: 11.0 MEEK or 702

During the accounting period the Group invested 6.7 MEEK or 431 TEUR in
tangible and intangible fixed assets (H1 2001: 3.7 MEEK or 236 TEUR).
Investments in plant and technology were 3.7 MEEK or 239 TEUR,the bulk of
this amount was spent on the rehabilitation of the washing units of the
powder- coating line with the aim to ensure better product quality and
considerable reduction in environmental pollution. 2.0 MEEK or 128 TEUR was
spent on the reconstruction projects of buildings and installations.

In March Harju Elekter paid 6 MEEK (383 TEUR) as a monetary contribution
into the share capital of its 100% subsidiary AJT Harju Elekter to be founded
on the basis of the Cable Harnesses Factory.

Long-term loan and capital lease repayments during the accounting period
accounted for 4.4 MEEK or 278 TEUR (H1 2001: 4.9 MEEK or 319 TEUR).

In 2002 7.6 MEEK or 483 TEUR (2001; 6.5 MEEK or 414 TEUR) were distributed
as dividends to the shareholders, with no income tax liabilities arising for
Harju Elekter.

Balance sheet
The consolidated balance sheet volume as of end of June 2002 was 191.7 MEEK
(12.3 MEUR). The balance sheet volume increased by 15.1 MEEK (1.0 MEUR)
during the first six months of 2002. On one hand, current receivables grew
by 8.5 MEEK (544 TEUR) and inventories 7.6 MEEK (485 TEUR),on the other hand,
trade accounts payable by 14.0 MEEK (894 TEUR). The increase in inventories
was caused by stock on hand procured in the 1st quarter for the manufacturing
of wiring systems for the automotive and electronic industries that, in turn,
lead to an increase in trade accounts payable and in prepaid sales tax to the
customs. However, the 30.0% growth in total inventory was beaten by the 40.8%
growth rate of the turnover.

Important events
On the basis of former Cable Harnesses Factory, AS AJT Harju Elekter (AJT),
a 100% subsidiary, was formed on the 8th of March, with the share capital of
6 million kroons (383 TEUR). The company started its Independent economic
activities on April 1. On the 4th of June AS Harju Elekter and PKC Group Oyj
(PKC) signed a sales agreement according to which PKC acquired all shares of
AJT, a 100% Harju Elekter owned subsidiary. The transaction value was 2.07
MEUR (32.4 MEEK). The closing date was July 1, 2002.

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 6747 400

BALANCE SHEET, 30.06.2002
Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.06.02 31.12.01 30.06.02 31.12.01
Cash, bank 7 475 11 039 478 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 23 730 15 305 1 517 978
Other current receivables 2 505 3 343 160 214
Accrued income 14 35 1 2
Prepaid expenses 2 365 1 242 151 79
Total current receivables 28 614 19 925 1 829 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 28 205 21 557 1 803 1 378
Goods 4 661 3 730 298 238
Prepayments to suppliers 11 0 1 0
Total inventories 32 876 25 286 2 101 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 68 965 56 718 4 408 3 625
Stock and shares in ass.companies 22 876 22 580 1 462 1 443
Other shares 4 521 4 521 289 289
Other long-term receivables 482 473 31 30
Total financial investments 27 878 27 574 1 782 1 762
Plant and equipment 75 423 75 284 4 820 4 812
Other equipment and fixtures 44 695 43 845 2 857 2 802
Other inventory 3 993 3 757 255 240
Accumulated depreciation -32 257 -31 751 -2 062 -2 029
Construction-in-progress 2 634 716 168 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 5 0 0 0
Total tangible assets 94 493 91 851 6 039 5 870
Licences 468 309 30 20
Goodwill 64 112 4 7
Total intangible assets 532 421 34 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 122 904 119 845 7 855 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 191 869 176 563 12 263 11 284
Debt obligations 12 465 14 929 797 954
Customer prepayments 230 94 15 6
Supplier payables 26 434 12 433 1 689 795
Other short-term borrowings 1 201 499 77 32
Tax liabilities 4 270 4 931 273 315
Accrued expenses 5 917 6 010 378 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 50 517 38 896 3 229 2 486
TOTAL LIABILITIES 63 079 51 150 4 032 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 11 257 20 742 719 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 128 790 125 413 8 231 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 191 869 176 563 12 263 11 284

in thousand EEK EUR
Cash, bank 7 475 11 039 478 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 23 730 15 305 1 517 978
Other current receivables 2 505 3 343 160 214
Accrued income 14 35 1 2
Prepaid expenses 2 182 1 242 139 79
Total current receivables 28 430 19 925 1 817 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 28 205 21 557 1 803 1 378
Goods 4 661 3 730 298 238
Prepayments to suppliers 11 0 1 0
Total inventories 32 876 25 286 2 101 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 68 781 56 718 4 396 3 625
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 22 876 22 580 1 462 1 443
Stock and shares in ass.companies 4 521 4 521 289 289
Other shares 482 473 31 30
Other long-term receivables 27 879 27 574 1 782 1 762
Total financial investments 75 423 75 284 4 820 4 812
Plant and equipment 44 695 43 845 2 857 2 802
Other equipment and fixtures 3 993 3 757 255 240
Other inventory -32 257 -31 751 -2 062 -2 029
Accumulated depreciation 2 634 716 168 46
Construction-in-progress 5 0 0 0
Prepayments for fixed assets 94 493 91 851 6 039 5 870
Total tangible assets 468 309 30 20
Licences 64 112 4 7
Total intangible assets 532 421 34 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 122 904 119 845 7 855 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 191 686 176 563 12 251 11 284
Debt obligations 12 465 14 929 797 954
Customer prepayments 229 94 15 6
Supplier payables 26 434 12 433 1 689 795
Other short-term borrowings 1 201 499 77 32
Tax liabilities 4 087 4 931 261 315
Accrued expenses 5 917 6 010 378 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 50 333 38 896 3 217 2 486
TOTAL LIABILITIES 62 896 51 150 4 020 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 11 257 20 742 719 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 128 790 125 413 8 231 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 191 686 176 563 12 251 11 284


in thousand EEK EUR
Group H1 2002 H1 2001 H1 2002 H1 2001
NET SALES 125 172 88 897 8 000 5 682
Cost of goods sold 103 905 71 361 6 641 4 561

Gross profit 21 267 17 536 1 359 1 121

Operating expenses, incl. 14 679 11 556 938 739
Marketing expenses 5 645 4 025 361 257
Administrative expenses 9 033 7 531 577 481
Other revenue 239 204 15 13
Other expenses 339 431 22 28

Operating profit 6 488 5 753 415 368

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 2 357 2 053 151 131
Fin.income from other holdings 2 226 6 178 142 395
Other interest and fin.income 140 167 9 11
Total financial income 4 723 8 399 302 537
Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 624 987 40 63
Other financial expenses 56 52 4 3
Total financial expenses 680 1 039 43 66

Profit from normal operations 10 531 13 113 673 838
External income 726 46
Net profit for the year 11 257 13 113 719 838

Basic and dil.earnings per share 2,08 2,43 0,13 0,16

in thousand EEK EUR
Group Q2 2002 Q2 2001 Q2 2002 Q2 2001

NET SALES 72 991 44 499 4 665 2 844
Cost of goods sold 61 017 35 941 3 900 2 297

Gross profit 11 974 8 558 765 547

Operating expenses, incl. 8 158 5 952 521 380
Marketing expenses 3 059 2 122 196 136
Administrative expenses 5 099 3 830 326 245
Other revenue 43 96 3 6
Other expenses 155 314 10 20

Operating profit 3 704 2 388 237 153

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 1 577 1 392 101 89
Fin.income from other holdings 11 6 166 1 394
Other interest and fin.income 89 129 6 8
Total financial income 1 676 7 687 107 491

Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 290 479 19 31
Other financial expenses 10 17 1 1
Total financial expenses 300 496 19 32

Profit from normal operations 5 081 9 579 325 612
External income 726 0 46 0
Net profit for the year 5 807 9 579 371 612

Basic and dil.earnings per share 1,08 1,77 0,07 0,11

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company H1 2002 H1 2001 H1 2002 H1 2001

NET SALES 92 723 76 917 5 926 4 916
Cost of goods sold 75 573 63 381 4 830 4 051

Gross profit 17 151 13 536 1 096 865

Operating expenses, incl. 10 934 8 838 699 565
Marketing expenses 4 393 2 849 281 182
Administrative expenses 6 541 5 989 418 383
Other revenue 205 188 13 12
Other expenses 256 395 16 25

Operating profit 6 167 4 491 394 287

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from subsidiaries 222 831 14 53
Fin.income from ass.companies 2 357 2 053 151 131
Fin.income from other holdings 2 227 6 187 142 395
Other interest and fin.income 111 262 7 17
Total financial income 4 916 9 332 314 596
Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from subsidiaries 3 573 0 228 0
Interest expense 280 679 18 43
Other financial expenses 12 32 1 2
Total financial expenses 3 864 711 247 45

Profit from normal operations 7 218 13 113 461 838
External income 4 039 0 258 0
Net profit for the year 11 257 13 113 719 838

Basic and dil.earnings per share 2,08 2,43 0,13 0,16

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company Q2 2002 Q2 2001 Q2 2002 Q2 2001

NET SALES 48 401 40 191 3 093 2 569
Cost of goods sold 38 389 32 555 2 453 2 081

Gross profit 10 012 7 636 640 488

Operating expenses, incl. 5 849 4 509 374 288
Marketing expenses 2 527 1 451 162 93
Administrative expenses 3 322 3 058 212 195
Other revenue 45 84 3 5

Other expenses 73 306 5 20

Operating profit 4 135 2 904 264 186

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 1 577 1 392 100 89
Fin.income from other holdings 11 6 169 1 394
Other interest and fin.income 44 170 3 11
Total financial income 1 632 7 732 104 494
Financial expenses, incl.
Fin.expenses from subsidiaries 3 888 725 248 46
Interest expense 106 321 6 21
Other financial expenses 5 11 1 1
Total financial expenses 3 999 1 057 255 67

Profit from normal operations 1 768 9 579 113 612
External income 4 038 0 258 0
Net profit for the year 5 806 9 579 371 612

Basic and dil.earnings per share 1,08 1,77 0,07 0,11

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
+372 6747 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6712 761

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