Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 07:16 (GMT+3)


2003.02.14, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/14/2003 09:00


Annual highlights:
- Net profit EUR 119.8 million in 2002, annual growth 11%;
- Operating profit before provisions +12% yoy;
- Revenues +15% (excl. Hansa-LTB 8%);
- Expenses +16% (excl. Hansa-LTB 6%) (the amortisation of goodwill
from the Estonian Savings Bank acquisition was completed in July 2002,
decreasing expenses by EUR 1.1 million per month);
- EVA result EUR 60.5 million, +8% yoy;
- Net interest margin (NIM) 4.14%, -33bp yoy;
- Return on equity (ROE) 22.6%, return on assets (ROA) 2.5%,
earnings per share (EPS) EUR 1.5;
- Cost-income ratio 56.3%, excl. Hansa-LTB 48.9%;
- Sustained strong lending growth;
- Successful launch of the II Pillar pension reform in Estonia and
- Restructuring in Hansa-LTB completed;
- Leasing activities in Russia
- Rating upgrades to A1/P1 by Moody’s and A- by Fitch.

Falling interest rates set the tone for the year 2002. On the one hand
this favoured lending growth, but on the other hand decreased savings.
Hansabank Group’s loan portfolio increased by 29% to EUR 3.33 billion
during the year. The real-estate sector was the main growth driver.
38% of total growth was formed by retail lending, which mostly
consists of mortgages. Second was the real-estate development and
other business service sector, which formed 20% of total growth. In
geographic terms, almost half of the growth came from Estonia (EUR 336
million), with Lithuania contributing EUR 221 million and Latvia EUR
154 million.
Deposit growth, however, remained at a modest 9% in 2002. The growth
was mainly held back by low interest rates, but in Latvia and
Lithuania the volume of deposits was also negatively influenced by the
decrease in the USD/EUR exchange rate. The Group’s loans to deposits
ratio increased from 79% to 93% during the year.
Interest rates will continue to decrease also in 2003. Hansabank plans
to offset this through lending growth in Latvia and Lithuania.

One of the Group’s top priorities in 2002 was finalising the
integration of Hansa-LTB in Lithuania. The project that was completed
already in September focused on building a new organisation,
restructuring the distribution network, transferring customer data
into a common database and connecting the branch network into one on-
line system. A key goal in Lithuania was to improve access to bank
services. By the end of 2002 Hansa-LTB increased the number of ATMs
2.4 times to 275, the number of cards 5 times to 601,000 and the
number of customers 34 times to 173,000. At the same time
the number of branches was decreased by 60% to 150.

The other Group priority for 2002 was to successfully participate in
the pension reforms in Estonia and Latvia. In Estonia Hansabank
achieved a 50% market share with 104,700 customers. A similar reform
started in Latvia in October, 2002. During the first three months
42,600 customers, 63% of the market, joined Hansabanka’s pension

Q4 2002 results
The Group earned a net profit of EUR 31.5 million in the fourth
quarter of the year. Quarterly profit increased by 40% from last
year’s same period, but decreased by 14% compared to the previous
quarter. The Group’s return on equity was 22.3%, the cost-income ratio
was 56.4%. Cost-income ratio excluding Hansa-LTB was 51.8%.

The Group earnings per share (annualised) decreased from 1.85 euros in
Q3 2002 to 1.59 euros in Q4. The Group EVA result for the fourth
quarter of the year was EUR 13.6 million, which is 33% less than in
the previous quarter. The Group’s EUR 31.5 million net profit can be
divided between the three countries as follows: EUR 27.0 million from
Estonia (EUR 30.5 million in Q3 2002), EUR 5.9 million from Latvia
(EUR 6.5 million in Q3 2002), EUR 4.3 million from Lithuania (EUR 4.5
million in Q3 2002) and EUR -5.7 million (EUR -4.9 million in Q3 2002)
from support functions (group overhead).

The Group’s total revenues amounted to EUR 88.0 million in Q4 2002,
increasing by 4% qoq and 9% yoy. Revenue distribution was the
following: 60% net interest income, 28% net fee income, 9% financial
income, and 3% other income. Operating expenses totalled EUR 51.1
million during the quarter. The expenses increased by 11% qoq, but
decreased by 4% yoy. The quarterly growth was caused by an
exceptionally low cost level in the third quarter as well as a
seasonal increase in expenses during the fourth quarter. Both, salary
and marketing expenses rose by EUR 1.7 million from the previous
quarter. The Group also made a EUR 1.9 million provision to cover
future tax liabilities, which is recorded under other expenses. 44% of
total expenses was formed by personnel expense, 19% by administrative
expenses, 11% by depreciation, 19% by other expenses (incl. goodwill
amortisation) and 7% by IT expenses.

The Group’s net provisions totalled EUR 4.3 million in Q4 2002,
compared to EUR 0.3 million in Q3 2002 and EUR 4.7 million in Q4 2001.
Recoveries totalled EUR 3.6 million in Q4, including EUR 1.2 million
from Hansa-LTB. Of all recoveries received during 2002, 51% came from
Hansa-LTB. The Group’s net risk cost was at 0.2% in Q4 2002.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 5.24 billion at the end of
2002, increasing by 8% qoq and by 14% yoy. Interest-earning assets
totalled EUR 4.76 billion, 90.8% of total assets (90.0% at the end of
September 2002). Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 4.35
billion, forming 83.0% of total liabilities and shareholders’ equity
(82.7% at the end of September 2002).

The Group’s loan portfolio increased by EUR 286 million in the fourth
quarter of the year, exceeding the third quarter result by 33%. 35% of
the quarterly growth originated from Estonia, 35% from Lithuania and
24% from Latvia. Lending to private individuals formed 39% of the
growth, with real-estate management and other business services
contributing another 19%. Strong growth lifted the loans to assets
ratio from 55% at the beginning of the year to 63%.

Customer deposits increased by EUR 213 million during the quarter to
EUR 3.57 billion, which is 2.3 times more than the combined growth of
the first 9 months of the year. The Group’s deposit market shares at
the end of the year were 56% in Estonia, 16% in Latvia and 31% in

1 EUR = 15.64664 EEK

Consolidated Balance Sheets EEK EUR
(in millions, unaudited) 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01

Cash 2,436.5 2,404.3 155.7 153.7
Due from Central Bank 3,185.4 4,393.6 203.6 280.8
Due from other financial 6,067.0 7,466.9 387.8 477.2
Treasury securities 5,059.1 4,247.5 323.3 271.5
Trading securities 1,439.3 437.9 92.0 28.0
Investment securities 3,731.5 5,128.2 238.5 327.8
Securities purchased under 3,010.5 2,508.4 192.4 160.3
resale agreements
Loans 52,086.4 40,243.9 3,328.9 2,572.0
- Allowances for credit -754.7 -859.7 -48.2 -54.9
Net loans 51,331.7 39,384.2 3,280.7 2,517.1
Tangible assets 1,897.8 2,178.3 121.3 139.2
Intangible assets 406.5 621.8 26.0 39.7
Prepayments and accrued 2,556.4 2,562.8 163.4 163.8
Other assets 862.4 684.5 55.0 43.7
Total assets 81,984.1 72,018.4 5,239.7 4,602.8

Due to Central Bank and 139.5 109.3 8.9 7.0
Due to other financial 5,670.8 4,198.0 362.4 268.3
Deposits 55,821.4 51,063.4 3,567.6 3,263.6
Demand deposits 37,499.8 32,480.2 2,396.6 2,075.9
Time deposits 18,321.6 18,583.2 1,171.0 1,187.7
Securities sold under 86.1 0.1 5.5 -
repurchase agreements
Debt securities issued to the 5,656.4 3,815.3 361.5 243.8
Accrued liabilities 2,020.9 1,865.1 129.2 119.2
Appropriations 593.7 474.3 37.9 30.3
Deferred tax liability 26.6 14.2 1.7 0.9
Other liabilities 2,213.1 2,221.9 141.5 142.0
Total liabilities 72,228.5 63,761.6 4,616.2 4,075.1
Minority ownership 16.5 15.2 1.1 1.0

Subordinated liabilities 709.7 721.9 45.3 46.1
Shareholders' equity
Common stock 793.4 788.6 50.7 50.4
Share premium 2,824.7 2,762.1 180.5 176.5
Treasury stock -26.9 -37.5 -1.7 -2.4
Reserves 453.8 450.9 29.0 28.8
Other restricted equity 100.5 100.5 6.4 6.4
Currency translation reserve -38.7 88.2 -2.4 5.7
Retained earnings 4,922.6 3,366.9 314.6 215.2
Total shareholders' equity 9,029.4 7,519.7 577.1 480.6
Total liabilities and 81,984.1 72,018.4 5,239.7 4,602.8
shareholders' equity

Consolidated Income Statement EEK EUR
(in millions, unaudited) 2002 2001 2002 2001

Interest income 4,906.1 4,604.9 313.6 294.3
Interest expense -1,758.3 -1,943.3 -112.4 -124.2
Interest income, net 3,147.8 2,661.6 201.2 170.1

Fee and commission income 1,766.7 1,395.1 112.9 89.2
Fee and commission expense -420.4 -306.5 -26.9 -19.6
Fees and commissions, net 1,346.3 1,088.6 86.0 69.6

Net result from financial 463.7 571.7 29.7 36.5
Net income from insurance 29.8 45.6 1.9 2.9
Other income 186.5 150.9 11.9 9.6
Total income 5,174.1 4,518.4 330.7 288.7

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 1,427.7 1,163.7 91.2 74.4
Data network expenses 217.5 150.0 13.9 9.6
Administrative expenses 530.6 478.5 33.9 30.6
Other expenses 562.7 557.8 36.0 35.6
incl. goodwill amortisation 217.6 265.9 13.9 17.0
Depreciation 392.8 348.1 25.1 22.2
Total operating expenses 3,131.3 2,698.1 200.1 172.4
Operating profit before 2,042.8 1,820.3 130.6 116.3
Losses on loans and -313.6 -340.9 -20.0 -21.8
Recovered loans 265.3 262.5 16.9 16.8
Profit from associates under 5.9 8.8 0.3 0.6
the equity method
Operating profit 2,000.4 1,750.7 127.8 111.9
Extraordinary - - - -
Profit before income tax 2,000.4 1,750.7 127.8 111.9
Income tax -124.6 -57.5 -7.9 -3.7
Profit after income tax 1,875.8 1,693.2 119.9 108.2
Minority interest -1.9 - -0.1 -
Net profit 1,873.9 1,693.2 119.8 108.2

Consolidated Income Statement
(in millions of euros, Q4 2002 Q3 2002 Q2 2002 Q1 2002 Q4 2001

Interest income 80.8 78.5 78.0 76.3 77.5
Interest expense -28.1 -27.0 -28.4 -28.9 -30.5
Interest income, net 52.7 51.5 49.6 47.4 47.0

Fee and commission income 31.3 28.6 28.0 25.0 26.2
Fee and commission expense -7.0 -6.6 -7.3 -6.0 -6.4
Fees and commissions, net 24.3 22.0 20.7 19.0 19.8

Net result from financial 8.2 7.4 6.2 7.9 11.7
Net income from insurance 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 -
Other income 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.4 2.4
Total income 88.0 84.5 80.1 78.1 80.9

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 22.7 21.8 22.6 24.1 23.2
Data network expenses 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.1 3.2
Administrative expenses 9.5 8.0 8.0 8.4 9.6
Other expenses 9.6 6.3 10.1 10.0 11.4
incl. goodwill amortisation 1.6 2.6 4.8 4.9 5.0
Depreciation 5.5 6.6 6.6 6.4 5.9
Total operating expenses 51.1 46.3 50.7 52.0 53.3
Operating profit before 36.9 38.2 29.4 26.1 27.6
Losses on loans and -7.9 -3.6 -3.5 -5.0 -9.0
Recovered loans 3.6 3.3 5.3 4.7 4.3
Profit from associates under 0.2 0.1 - - 0.4
the equity method
Operating profit 32.8 38.0 31.2 25.8 23.3
Extraordinary - - - - -
Profit before income tax 32.8 38.0 31.2 25.8 23.3
Income tax -1.3 -1.4 -4.3 -0.9 -0.9
Profit after income tax 31.5 36.6 26.9 24.9 22.4
Minority interest - - -0.1 - -
Net profit 31.5 36.6 26.8 24.9 22.4

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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