Atnaujinta: 2024.07.23 07:08 (GMT+3)


2003.02.18, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/18/2003 09:30


Financial highlights 31.12.02 Pro-forma Pro-forma
31.12.02* 31.12.02*

At period end (in millions of euros) 1 309,5 1 548,5 1 180,5
Total assets 1 172,2 1 390,0 1 028,8
Financial investments 943,8 1 100,6 806,9
Leasing 147,4 184,9 133,9
Factoring 29,2 47,9 48,3
Loans 4,6 5,1 6,5
Assignments 47,2 51,4 33,3
Small-scale financing -20,8 -24,0 -21,2
Allowance for doubtful receivables 896,8 1 111,7 955,6
Loan liabilities 98,9 98,9 55,0
Owners' equity
For the period (in millions of euros) 45,8 55,6 44,3
Net interest income 16,1 18,1 14,0
Net commission income 5,9 6,6 6,1
Net other operating income 67,8 80,2 64,4
Total revenue 43,8 47,0 46,3
Net profit 4,0% 4,1% 4,4%
NIM (net interest margin) 3,8% 3,4% 4,4%
ROA (return on assets) 36,3% 32,7% 36,0%
ROE (return on operating equity**) 8,4% 8,4% 9,9%
Interest yield on average assets 25,4% 26,4% 24,6%
Cost-income ratio before provisions 0,34% 0,46% 0,48%
Risk expense*** N/A 40,1 30,7
EVA (in millions of euros)**** 535 645 524
Number of employees 1 309,5 1 548,5 1 180,5
* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group from November 2001, but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital.
** Return on operating equity = net income / (average risk-weighted
assets x 11%) (15% in 2001)
*** Risk expense = (written-off receivables - recovered
receivables)/average portfolio of financial investments
**** The principles for calculation of EVA were changed in 2002, the
figure for 2001 was re-stated to make it comparable

Hansa Capital Group (hereinafter the HC Group) sustained its leading
position in leasing, factoring and consumer finance markets of all
Baltic countries. HC Group’s total assets increased by 368.0 million
euros (31.2%) to 1,548.5 million euros during 2002. The biggest
absolute growth in 2002 was in the lease portfolio (22.6%), while
consumer finance portfolio's growth rate was the fastest (54.4%).
In the geographical structure of financial investments Estonia has the
largest share (61.7%), followed by Lithuania (19.9%), Latvia (17.9%)
and other regions (0.5%). The Lithuanian investment portfolio recorded
the fastest growth in 2002 (55.9%), while Estonian portfolio grew by
36.4% and Latvian portfolio by 20.7%. Other regions experienced a
negative growth during 2002(-19.3%).

Real estate and private vehicle-finance continue to hold the largest
share among the financed assets with 32.1% (of which 41.9% are
residential mortgages and 58.1% commercial real estate) and 25.3%
respectively. Next is the acquisition of commercial vehicles (16.9%)
and industrial equipment (15.7%).

The year 2002 was very successful for HC Group. Of the record high net
income 73.7% was earned in Estonia, followed by Lithuania (14.6%),
Latvia (10.3%) and other regions (1.4%).

In November 2002 the Group and EBRD signed the establishment agreement
of Hansa Leasing Russia.
During the year, several new products were introduced to the market:
ship financing, stock financing (financing the storing of goods in
customs warehouse), vehicle leasing concept throughout the Baltic
states (packages X, XL and XXL) and a package "My Home" for financing
of housing. Ego consumer finance card was successfully introduced in
Lithuania. During the first five months already 10,000 new cards were
issued in Lithuania. In Estonia and Latvia the number of Ego cards
increased to 61,354 and 14,239 respectively. In 2002 a discount
programme was added to the card to increase its attractiveness.

In 2003 HC Group is going to concentrate on growth in Latvia and
Lithuania, providing professional asset-based finance services to the
Russian transit sector, developing financing packages, extending
product penetration over the Baltic countries and increasing

PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT, unaudited, in millions of euros
Pro-forma Pro-forma
2002 2002* 2001*

Interest income 96,4 114,8 99,0
Interest expenses 50,6 59,2 54,7
Net interest income 45,8 55,6 44,3

Commission income 17,9 20,3 15,7
Commission expenses 1,8 2,2 1,7
Net other operating income 5,9 6,6 6,1
Total revenue 67,8 80,2 64,4

Operating expenses 17,2 21,2 16,6
Profit before provisions and 50,6 59,0 47,9
financial income
Total provisions 6,0 9,1 2,2
Net financial income 0,0 -0,3 0,1
Operating profit 44,5 49,7 45,9
Income from equity investments 0,0 0,0 0,0
Extraordinary income (expense) 0,0 0,0 0,0
Profit before income tax 44,6 49,7 45,9
Income tax 0,8 2,7 1,6
Minority profit (loss) 0,0 0,0 -2,0
Net profit 43,8 47,0 46,3
* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group from November 2001, but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital.

Balance sheet, unaudited, in millions of euros
31.12.02 Pro-forma Pro-forma
31.12.02 * 31.12.02 *
Bank account 12,7 14,2 15,1
Due from customers 19,9 25,8 20,8
Financial investments 1 172,2 1 390,0 1 028,8
Leasing 943,8 1 100,6 806,9
Factoring 147,4 184,9 133,9
Loans 29,2 47,9 48,3
Assignments 4,6 5,1 6,5
Small-scale financing 47,2 51,4 33,3
Allowance for doubtful receivables -20,8 -24,0 -21,2
Net financial investments 1 151,4 1 366,0 1 007,6
Prepayments to suppliers 78,4 88,5 84,9
Stocks for resale 16,6 20,2 16,4
Long-term equity investments 0,0 0,0 1,1
Tangible fixed assets 16,8 17,3 19,8
Intangible assets 0,2 0,2 0,2
Accrued income and prepaid expenses 13,5 16,1 14,6
TOTAL ASSETS 1 309,5 1 548,5 1 180,5

Loans 896,8 1 111,7 955,6
Bonds 232,7 232,7 89,0
Bills of exchange 2,2 2,2 7,5
Liabilities to customers and 59,2 69,8 51,2
Accrued expenses and prepaid revenue 17,8 21,0 12,8
Other liabilities 0,9 0,9 0,6
Deferred tax liabilities 0,9 1,0 0,7
Negative goodwill 0,0 0,0 0,0
TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 210,5 1 439,1 1 117,5
Minority interest 0,1 10,4 8,0
Share capital 7,7 7,7 7,7
Reserves 1,4 1,4 1,4
Retained earnings 89,8 89,8 46,0
Unrealised exchange rate difference 0,1 0,0 -0,1
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 98,9 98,9 55,0
* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group from November 2001, but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital.

Additional information:
Tarmo Rooteman
Chief Credit Officer
Phone +372 613 1494

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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