Atnaujinta: 2024.11.30 01:24 (GMT+2)
Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 03/06/2003 10:00
The net profit of AS Eesti Telekom was 1,040,401 thousand
kroons (66,494 thousand EUR) in 2002. The company’s
distributable funds totalled 2,132,574 thousand kroons
(136,296 thousand EUR) (according to the Estonian
Accounting Law).
The Council has approved the Management Board’s proposal
that the distributable funds for 2002 of 2,132,574
thousand kroons (136,296 thousand EUR), according to EAL,
be allocated as follows:
1. To distribute between shareholders and to pay to
shareholders as dividends 515,197 thousand kroons (32,927
thousand EUR) as follows:
1.1. Dividends payable to all holders of A shares total
515,187 thousand kroons (32,926 thousand EUR), i.e. 3.75
kroons (0.24 EUR) per A share.
1.2. Dividend payable to the holder of B share totals
10,000 kroons (639 EUR).
2. To distribute between shareholders and to pay out to
shareholders as "extraordinary dividend" 309,112 thousand
kroons (19,756 thousand EUR) as follows:
2.1. Dividends payable to all holders of A shares total
309,112 thousand kroons (19,756 thousand EUR), i.e. 2.25
kroons (0.14 EUR) per A share.
To pay the total of 824,299 thousand kroons (52,682
thousand EUR), i.e. 6 kroons (0.38 EUR) per A share, as
dividends to the holders of A shares and the total of
10,000 kroons (639 EUR) to the holder of B share.
3. Left to be carried forward in the balance sheet is
1,308,265 thousand kroons (83,613 thousand EUR).
Hille Võrk
Financial Manager
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